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Balanced pairs and recollements in extriangulated categories with negative first extensions

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 Added by Panyue Zhou
 Publication date 2021
and research's language is English

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A notion of balanced pairs in an extriangulated category with a negative first extension is defined in this article. We prove that there exists a bijective correspondence between balanced pairs and proper classes $xi$ with enough $xi$-projectives and enough $xi$-injectives. It can be regarded as a simultaneous generalization of Fu-Hu-Zhang-Zhu and Wang-Li-Huang. Besides, we show that if $(mathcal A ,mathcal B,mathcal C)$ is a recollement of extriangulated categories, then balanced pairs in $mathcal B$ can induce balanced pairs in $mathcal A$ and $mathcal C$ under natural assumptions. As a application, this result gengralizes a result by Fu-Hu-Yao in abelian categories. Moreover, it highlights a new phenomena when it applied to triangulated categories.

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In this article, we prove that if $(mathcal A ,mathcal B,mathcal C)$ is a recollement of extriangulated categories, then torsion pairs in $mathcal A$ and $mathcal C$ can induce torsion pairs in $mathcal B$, and the converse holds under natural assumptions. Besides, we give mild conditions on a cluster tilting subcategory on the middle category of a recollement of extriangulated categories, for the corresponding abelian quotients to form a recollement of abelian categories.
72 - Weili Gu , Xin Ma , Lingling Tan 2021
In this paper, let $(mathcal{A},mathcal{B},mathcal{C})$ be a recollement of extriangulated categories. We introduce the global dimension and extension dimension of extriangulated categories, and give some upper bounds of global dimensions (resp. extension dimensions) of the categories involved in $(mathcal{A},mathcal{B},mathcal{C})$, which give a simultaneous generalization of some results in the recollement of abelian categories and triangulated categories.
135 - Qiong Huang , Panyue Zhou 2021
It was shown recently that the heart of a twin cotorsion pair on an extriangulated category is semi-abelian. In this article, we consider a special kind of hearts of twin cotorsion pairs induced by $d$-cluster tilting subcategories in extriangulated categories. We give a necessary and sufficient condition for such hearts to be abelian. In particular, we also can see that such hearts are hereditary. As an application, this generalizes the work by Liu in an exact case, thereby providing new insights in a triangulated case.
188 - Yu Liu , Panyue Zhou , Yu Zhou 2021
We introduce pre-silting and silting subcategories in extriangulated categories and generalize the silting theory in triangulated categories. We prove that the silting reduction $mathcal B/({rm thick}mathcal W)$ of an extriangulated category $mathcal B$ with respect to a pre-silting subcategory $mathcal W$ can be realized as a certain subfactor category of $mathcal B$. This generalizes the result by Iyama-Yang. In particular, for a Gorenstein algebra, we get the relative version of the description of the singularity category due to Happel and Chen-Zhang by this reduction.
104 - Yonggang Hu , Panyue Zhou 2021
We introduce a new concept of s-recollements of extriangulated categories, which generalizes recollements of abelian categories, recollements of triangulated categories, as well as recollements of extriangulated categories. Moreover, some basic properties of s-recollements are presented. We also discuss the behavior of the localization theory on the adjoint pair of exact functors. Finally, we provide a method to obtain a recollement of triangulated categories from s-recollements of extriangulated categories via the localization theory.
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