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Fast & rigorous predictions for $A=6$ nuclei with Bayesian posterior sampling

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 Publication date 2021
and research's language is English

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We make ab initio predictions for the A = 6 nuclear level scheme based on two- and three-nucleon interactions up to next-to-next-to-leading order in chiral effective field theory ($chi$EFT). We utilize eigenvector continuation and Bayesian methods to quantify uncertainties stemming from the many-body method, the $chi$EFT truncation, and the low-energy constants of the nuclear interaction. The construction and validation of emulators is made possible via the development of JupiterNCSM -- a new M-scheme no-core shell model code that uses on-the-fly Hamiltonian matrix construction for efficient, single-node computations up to $N_mathrm{max} = 10$ for ${}^{6}mathrm{Li}$. We find a slight underbinding of ${}^{6}mathrm{He}$ and ${}^{6}mathrm{Li}$, although consistent with experimental data given our theoretical error bars. As a result of incorporating a correlated $chi$EFT-truncation errors we find more precise predictions (smaller error bars) for separation energies: $S_d({}^{6}mathrm{Li}) = 0.89 pm 0.44$ MeV, $S_{2n}({}^{6}mathrm{He}) = 0.20 pm 0.60$ MeV, and for the beta decay Q-value: $Q_{beta^-}({}^{6}mathrm{He}) = 3.71 pm 0.65$ MeV. We conclude that our error bars can potentially be reduced further by extending the model space used by JupiterNCSM.

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We describe the Bayesian Analysis of Nuclear Dynamics (BAND) framework, a cyberinfrastructure that we are developing which will unify the treatment of nuclear models, experimental data, and associated uncertainties. We overview the statistical principles and nuclear-physics contexts underlying the BAND toolset, with an emphasis on Bayesian methodologys ability to leverage insight from multiple models. In order to facilitate understanding of these tools we provide a simple and accessible example of the BAND frameworks application. Four case studies are presented to highlight how elements of the framework will enable progress on complex, far-ranging problems in nuclear physics. By collecting notation and terminology, providing illustrative examples, and giving an overview of the associated techniques, this paper aims to open paths through which the nuclear physics and statistics communities can contribute to and build upon the BAND framework.
Bayesian inference applied to microseismic activity monitoring allows for principled estimation of the coordinates of microseismic events from recorded seismograms, and their associated uncertainties. However, forward modelling of these microseismic events, necessary to perform Bayesian source inversion, can be prohibitively expensive in terms of computational resources. A viable solution is to train a surrogate model based on machine learning techniques, to emulate the forward model and thus accelerate Bayesian inference. In this paper, we improve on previous work, which considered only sources with isotropic moment tensor. We train a machine learning algorithm on the power spectrum of the recorded pressure wave and show that the trained emulator allows for the complete and fast retrieval of the event coordinates for $textit{any}$ source mechanism. Moreover, we show that our approach is computationally inexpensive, as it can be run in less than 1 hour on a commercial laptop, while yielding accurate results using less than $10^4$ training seismograms. We additionally demonstrate how the trained emulators can be used to identify the source mechanism through the estimation of the Bayesian evidence. This work lays the foundations for the efficient localisation and characterisation of any recorded seismogram, thus helping to quantify human impact on seismic activity and mitigate seismic hazard.
In this proceeding, the deep Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are deployed to recognize the order of QCD phase transition and predict the dynamical parameters in Langevin processes. To overcome the intrinsic randomness existed in a stochastic process, we treat the final spectra as image-type inputs which preserve sufficient spatiotemporal correlations. As a practical example, we demonstrate this paradigm for the scalar condensation in QCD matter near the critical point, in which the order parameter of chiral phase transition can be characterized in a $1+1$-dimensional Langevin equation for $sigma$ field. The well-trained CNNs accurately classify the first-order phase transition and crossover from $sigma$ field configurations with fluctuations, in which the noise does not impair the performance of the recognition. In reconstructing the dynamics, we demonstrate it is robust to extract the damping coefficients $eta$ from the intricate field configurations.
168 - Ziming Liu , Zheng Zhang 2019
Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC) is an efficient Bayesian sampling method that can make distant proposals in the parameter space by simulating a Hamiltonian dynamical system. Despite its popularity in machine learning and data science, HMC is inefficient to sample from spiky and multimodal distributions. Motivated by the energy-time uncertainty relation from quantum mechanics, we propose a Quantum-Inspired Hamiltonian Monte Carlo algorithm (QHMC). This algorithm allows a particle to have a random mass matrix with a probability distribution rather than a fixed mass. We prove the convergence property of QHMC and further show why such a random mass can improve the performance when we sample a broad class of distributions. In order to handle the big training data sets in large-scale machine learning, we develop a stochastic gradient version of QHMC using Nos{e}-Hoover thermostat called QSGNHT, and we also provide theoretical justifications about its steady-state distributions. Finally in the experiments, we demonstrate the effectiveness of QHMC and QSGNHT on synthetic examples, bridge regression, image denoising and neural network pruning. The proposed QHMC and QSGNHT can indeed achieve much more stable and accurate sampling results on the test cases.
Pulse shape discriminating scintillator materials in many cases allow the user to identify two basic kinds of pulses arising from two kinds of particles: neutrons and gammas. An uncomplicated solution for building a classifier consists of a two-component mixture model learned from a collection of pulses from neutrons and gammas at a range of energies. Depending on the conditions of data gathered to be classified, multiple classes of events besides neutrons and gammas may occur, most notably pileup events. All these kinds of events are anomalous and, in cases where the class of the particle is in doubt, it is preferable to remove them from the analysis. This study compares the performance of several machine learning and analytical methods for using the scores from the two-component model to identify anomalous events and in particular to remove pileup events. A specific outcome of this study is to propose a novel anomaly score, denoted G, from an unsupervised two-component model that is conveniently distributed on the interval [-1,1].
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