Para-particles are fascinating because they are neither bosons nor fermions. While unlikely to be found in nature, they might represent accurate descriptions of physical phenomena like topological phases of matter. We report the quantum simulation of para-particle oscillators by tailoring the native couplings of two orthogonal motional modes of a trapped ion. Our system reproduces the dynamics of para-bosons and para-fermions of even order very accurately. These results represent the first experimental analogy of para-particle dynamics in any physical system and demonstrate full control of para-particle oscillators.
Recently, a novel mixed-synchronization phenomenon is observed in counter-rotating nonlinear coupled oscillators. In mixed-synchronization state: some variables are synchronized in-phase, while others are out-of-phase. We have experimentally verified the occurrence of mixed-synchronization states in coupled counter-rotating chaotic piecewise Rossler oscillator. Analytical discussion on approximate stability analysis and numerical confirmation on the experimentally observed behavior is also given.
In counterfactual QKD information is transfered, in a secure way, between Alice and Bob even when no particle carrying the information is in fact transmitted between them. In this letter we fully implement the scheme for counterfactual QKD proposed in [T. Noh, PRL textbf{103}, 230501 (2009)], demonstrating for the first time that information can be transmitted between two parties without the transmission of a carrier.
Nuclear magnetic resonance techniques are used to realize a quantum algorithm experimentally. The algorithm allows a simple NMR quantum computer to determine global properties of an unknown function requiring fewer function ``calls than is possible using a classical computer.
The optical implementation of the recently proposed unambiguous identification of coherent states is presented. Our system works as a programmable discriminator between two, in general non-orthogonal weak coherent states. The principle of operation lies in the interference of three light beams - two program states and one unknown coherent state which can be equal to whichever of the two program states. The experiment is based on fiber optics. Its results confirm theoretical predictions and the experimental setup can be straightforwardly extended for higher numbers of program states.
We report the experimental implementation of the Dicke model in the semiclassical approximation, which describes a large number of two-level atoms interacting with a single-mode electromagnetic field in a perfectly reflecting cavity. This is managed by making use of two non-linearly coupled active, synthetic LC circuits, implemented by means of analog electrical components. The simplicity and versatility of our platform allows us not only to experimentally explore the coexistence of regular and chaotic trajectories in the Dicke model but also to directly observe the so-called ground-state and excited-state ``quantum phase transitions. In this analysis, the trajectories in phase space, Lyapunov exponents and the recently introduced Out-of-Time-Order-Correlator (OTOC) are used to identify the different operating regimes of our electronic device. Exhaustive numerical simulations are performed to show the quantitative and qualitative agreement between theory and experiment.