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Lorentz symmetry in ghost-free massive gravity

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 Added by Alan Kostelecky
 Publication date 2021
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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The role of Lorentz symmetry in ghost-free massive gravity is studied, emphasizing features emerging in approximately Minkowski spacetime. The static extrema and saddle points of the potential are determined and their Lorentz properties identified. Solutions preserving Lorentz invariance and ones breaking four of the six Lorentz generators are constructed. Locally, globally, and absolutely stable Lorentz-invariant extrema are found to exist for certain parameter ranges of the potential. Gravitational waves in the linearized theory are investigated. Deviations of the fiducial metric from the Minkowski metric are shown to lead to pentarefringence of the five wave polarizations, which can include superluminal modes and subluminal modes with negative energies in certain observer frames. The Newton limit of ghost-free massive gravity is explored. The propagator is constructed and used to obtain the gravitational potential energy between two point masses. The result extends the Fierz-Pauli limit to include corrections generically breaking both rotation and boost invariance.

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In this manuscript we will present the theoretical framework of the recently proposed infinite derivative theory of gravity with a non-symmetric connection. We will explicitly derive the field equations at the linear level and obtain new solutions with a non-trivial form of the torsion tensor in the presence of a fermionic source, and show that these solutions are both ghost and singularity-free.
The vacuum solution of Einsteins theory of general relativity provides a rotating metric with a ring singularity, which is covered by the inner and outer horizons, and an ergo region. In this paper, we will discuss how ghost-free, quadratic curvature, Infinite Derivative Gravity (IDG) may resolve the ring singularity. In IDG the non-locality of the gravitational interaction can smear out the delta-Dirac source distribution by making the metric potential finite everywhere including at $r=0$. We show that the same feature also holds for a rotating metric. We can resolve the ring singularity such that no horizons are formed in the linear regime by smearing out a delta-source distribution on a ring. We will also show that the Kerr-metric does not solve the full non-linear equations of motion of ghost-free quadratic curvature IDG.
It is shown that polynomial gravity theories with more than four derivatives in each scalar and tensor sectors have a regular weak-field limit, without curvature singularities. This is achieved by proving that in these models the effect of the higher derivatives can be regarded as a complete regularization of the delta-source. We also show how this result implies that a wide class of non-local ghost-free gravities have a regular Newtonian limit too, and discuss the applicability of this approach to the case of weakly non-local models.
In this paper we will construct a linearized metric solution for an electrically charged system in a {it ghost-free} infinite derivative theory of gravity which is valid in the entire region of spacetime. We will show that the gravitational potential for a point-charge with mass $m$ is non-singular, the Kretschmann scalar is finite, and the metric approaches conformal-flatness in the ultraviolet regime where the non-local gravitational interaction becomes important. We will show that the metric potentials are bounded below one as long as two conditions involving the mass and the electric charge are satisfied. Furthermore, we will argue that the cosmic censorship conjecture is not required in this case. Unlike in the case of Reissner-Nordstrom in general relativity, where $|Q|leq m/M_p$ has to be always satisfied, in {it ghost-free} infinite derivative gravity $|Q|>m/M_p$ is also allowed, such as for an electron.
144 - Ping Li , Xin-zhou Li , Ping Xi 2015
We present a detailed study of the spherically symmetric solutions in Lorentz breaking massive gravity. There is an undetermined function $mathcal{F}(X, w_1, w_2, w_3)$ in the action of St{u}ckelberg fields $S_{phi}=Lambda^4int{d^4xsqrt{-g}mathcal{F}}$, which should be resolved through physical means. In the general relativity, the spherically symmetric solution to the Einstein equation is a benchmark and its massive deformation also play a crucial role in Lorentz breaking massive gravity. $mathcal{F}$ will satisfy the constraint equation $T_0^1=0$ from the spherically symmetric Einstein tensor $G_0^1=0$, if we maintain that any reasonable physical theory should possess the spherically symmetric solutions. The St{u}ckelberg field $phi^i$ is taken as a hedgehog configuration $phi^i=phi(r)x^i/r$, whose stability is guaranteed by the topological one. Under this ans{a}tz, $T_0^1=0$ is reduced to $dmathcal{F}=0$. The functions $mathcal{F}$ for $dmathcal{F}=0$ form a commutative ring $R^{mathcal{F}}$. We obtain a general expression of solution to the functional differential equation with spherically symmetry if $mathcal{F}in R^{mathcal{F}}$. If $mathcal{F}in R^{mathcal{F}}$ and $partialmathcal{F}/partial X=0$, the functions $mathcal{F}$ form a subring $S^{mathcal{F}}subset R^{mathcal{F}}$. We show that the metric is Schwarzschild, AdS or dS if $mathcal{F}in S^{mathcal{F}}$. When $mathcal{F}in R^{mathcal{F}}$ but $mathcal{F} otin S^{mathcal{F}}$, we will obtain some new metric solutions. Using the general formula and the basic property of function ring $R^{mathcal{F}}$, we give some analytical examples and their phenomenological applications. Furthermore, we also discuss the stability of gravitational field by the analysis of Komar integral and the results of QNMs.
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