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Locking multi-laser frequencies to a precision wavelength meter

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 Added by Moonjoo Lee
 Publication date 2021
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We report a simultaneous frequency stabilization of two 780-nm external cavity diode lasers using a precision wavelength meter (WLM). The laser lock performance is characterized by the Allan deviation measurement in which we find $sigma_{y}=10^{-12}$ at an averaging time of 1000 s. We also obtain spectral profiles through a heterodyne spectroscopy, identifying the contribution of white and flicker noises to the laser linewidth. The frequency drift of the WLM is measured to be about 2.0(4) MHz over 36 hours. Utilizing the two lasers as a cooling and repumping field, we demonstrate a magneto-optical trap of $^{87}$Rb atoms near a high-finesse optical cavity. Our laser stabilization technique operates at broad wavelength range without a radio frequency element.

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Monolithic integration of control technologies for atomic systems is a promising route to the development of quantum computers and portable quantum sensors. Trapped atomic ions form the basis of high-fidelity quantum information processors and high-accuracy optical clocks. However, current implementations rely on free-space optics for ion control, which limits their portability and scalability. Here we demonstrate a surface-electrode ion-trap chip using integrated waveguides and grating couplers, which delivers all the wavelengths of light required for ionization, cooling, coherent operations, and quantum-state preparation and detection of Sr+ qubits. Laser light from violet to infrared is coupled onto the chip via an optical-fiber array, creating an inherently stable optical path, which we use to demonstrate qubit coherence that is resilient to platform vibrations. This demonstration of CMOS-compatible integrated-photonic surface-trap fabrication, robust packaging, and enhanced qubit coherence is a key advance in the development of portable trapped-ion quantum sensors and clocks, providing a way toward the complete, individual control of larger numbers of ions in quantum information processing systems.
155 - Bruno Chanteau 2013
We present a new method for accurate mid-infrared frequency measurements and stabilization to a near-infrared ultra-stable frequency reference, transmitted with a long-distance fibre link and continuously monitored against state-of-the-art atomic fountain clocks. As a first application, we measure the frequency of an OsO4 rovibrational molecular line around 10 $mu$m with a state-of-the-art uncertainty of 8x10-13. We also demonstrate the frequency stabilization of a mid-infrared laser with fractional stability better than 4x10-14 at 1 s averaging time and a line-width below 17 Hz. This new stabilization scheme gives us the ability to transfer frequency stability in the range of 10-15 or even better, currently accessible in the near-infrared or in the visible, to mid-infrared lasers in a wide frequency range.
We experimentally demonstrate thermo-optic locking of a semiconductor laser to an integrated toroidal optical microresonator. The lock is maintained for time periods exceeding twelve hours, without requiring any electronic control systems. Fast control is achieved by optical feedback induced by scattering centers within the microresonator, with thermal locking due to optical heating maintaining constructive interference between the cavity and the laser. Furthermore, the optical feedback acts to narrow the laser linewidth, with ultra high quality microtoroid resonances offering the potential for ultralow linewidth on-chip lasers.
The precise determination of the position of point-like emitters and scatterers using far-field optical imaging techniques is of utmost importance for a wide range of applications in medicine, biology, astronomy, and physics. Although the optical wavelength sets a fundamental limit to the image resolution of unknown objects, the position of an individual emitter can in principle be estimated from the image with arbitrary precision. This is used, e.g., in stars position determination and in optical super-resolution microscopy. Furthermore, precise position determination is an experimental prerequisite for the manipulation and measurement of individual quantum systems, such as atoms, ions, and solid state-based quantum emitters. Here we demonstrate that spin-orbit coupling of light in the emission of elliptically polarized emitters can lead to systematic, wavelength-scale errors in the estimate of the emitters position. Imaging a single trapped atom as well as a single sub-wavelength-diameter gold nanoparticle, we demonstrate a shift between the emitters measured and actual positions which is comparable to the optical wavelength. Remarkably, for certain settings, the expected shift can become arbitrarily large. Beyond their relevance for optical imaging techniques, our findings apply to the localization of objects using any type of wave that carries orbital angular momentum relative to the emitters position with a component orthogonal to the direction of observation.
633 - T. Yang 2013
Injection locking is a well known and commonly used method for coherent light amplification. Usually injection locking is done with a single-frequency seeding beam. In this work we show that injection locking may also be achieved in the case of multi-frequency seeding beam when slave laser provides sufficient frequency filtering. One relevant parameter turns out to be the frequency detuning between the free running slave laser and each injected frequency component. Stable selective locking to a set of three components separated of $1.2,$GHz is obtained for (positive) detuning values between zero and $1.5,$GHz depending on seeding power (ranging from 10 to 150 microwatt). This result suggests that, using distinct slave lasers for each line, a set of mutually coherent narrow-linewidth high-power radiation modes can be obtained.
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