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Object-to-Scene: Learning to Transfer Object Knowledge to Indoor Scene Recognition

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 Added by Bo Miao
 Publication date 2021
and research's language is English

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Accurate perception of the surrounding scene is helpful for robots to make reasonable judgments and behaviours. Therefore, developing effective scene representation and recognition methods are of significant importance in robotics. Currently, a large body of research focuses on developing novel auxiliary features and networks to improve indoor scene recognition ability. However, few of them focus on directly constructing object features and relations for indoor scene recognition. In this paper, we analyze the weaknesses of current methods and propose an Object-to-Scene (OTS) method, which extracts object features and learns object relations to recognize indoor scenes. The proposed OTS first extracts object features based on the segmentation network and the proposed object feature aggregation module (OFAM). Afterwards, the object relations are calculated and the scene representation is constructed based on the proposed object attention module (OAM) and global relation aggregation module (GRAM). The final results in this work show that OTS successfully extracts object features and learns object relations from the segmentation network. Moreover, OTS outperforms the state-of-the-art methods by more than 2% on indoor scene recognition without using any additional streams. Code is publicly available at:

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Advancements in convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have made significant strides toward achieving high performance levels on multiple object recognition tasks. While some approaches utilize information from the entire scene to propose regions of interest, the task of interpreting a particular region or object is still performed independently of other objects and features in the image. Here we demonstrate that a scenes gist can significantly contribute to how well humans can recognize objects. These findings are consistent with the notion that humans foveate on an object and incorporate information from the periphery to aid in recognition. We use a biologically inspired two-part convolutional neural network (GistNet) that models the fovea and periphery to provide a proof-of-principle demonstration that computational object recognition can significantly benefit from the gist of the scene as contextual information. Our model yields accuracy improvements of up to 50% in certain object categories when incorporating contextual gist, while only increasing the original model size by 5%. This proposed model mirrors our intuition about how the human visual system recognizes objects, suggesting specific biologically plausible constraints to improve machine vision and building initial steps towards the challenge of scene understanding.
Scene recognition is a fundamental task in robotic perception. For human beings, scene recognition is reasonable because they have abundant object knowledge of the real world. The idea of transferring prior object knowledge from humans to scene recognition is significant but still less exploited. In this paper, we propose to utilize meaningful object representations for indoor scene representation. First, we utilize an improved object model (IOM) as a baseline that enriches the object knowledge by introducing a scene parsing algorithm pretrained on the ADE20K dataset with rich object categories related to the indoor scene. To analyze the object co-occurrences and pairwise object relations, we formulate the IOM from a Bayesian perspective as the Bayesian object relation model (BORM). Meanwhile, we incorporate the proposed BORM with the PlacesCNN model as the combined Bayesian object relation model (CBORM) for scene recognition and significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art methods on the reduced Places365 dataset, and SUN RGB-D dataset without retraining, showing the excellent generalization ability of the proposed method. Code can be found at
Indoor scene semantic parsing from RGB images is very challenging due to occlusions, object distortion, and viewpoint variations. Going beyond prior works that leverage geometry information, typically paired depth maps, we present a new approach, a 3D-to-2D distillation framework, that enables us to leverage 3D features extracted from large-scale 3D data repository (e.g., ScanNet-v2) to enhance 2D features extracted from RGB images. Our work has three novel contributions. First, we distill 3D knowledge from a pretrained 3D network to supervise a 2D network to learn simulated 3D features from 2D features during the training, so the 2D network can infer without requiring 3D data. Second, we design a two-stage dimension normalization scheme to calibrate the 2D and 3D features for better integration. Third, we design a semantic-aware adversarial training model to extend our framework for training with unpaired 3D data. Extensive experiments on various datasets, ScanNet-V2, S3DIS, and NYU-v2, demonstrate the superiority of our approach. Also, experimental results show that our 3D-to-2D distillation improves the model generalization.
Scene graphs are powerful representations that parse images into their abstract semantic elements, i.e., objects and their interactions, which facilitates visual comprehension and explainable reasoning. On the other hand, commonsense knowledge graphs are rich repositories that encode how the world is structured, and how general concepts interact. In this paper, we present a unified formulation of these two constructs, where a scene graph is seen as an image-conditioned instantiation of a commonsense knowledge graph. Based on this new perspective, we re-formulate scene graph generation as the inference of a bridge between the scene and commonsense graphs, where each entity or predicate instance in the scene graph has to be linked to its corresponding entity or predicate class in the commonsense graph. To this end, we propose a novel graph-based neural network that iteratively propagates information between the two graphs, as well as within each of them, while gradually refining their bridge in each iteration. Our Graph Bridging Network, GB-Net, successively infers edges and nodes, allowing to simultaneously exploit and refine the rich, heterogeneous structure of the interconnected scene and commonsense graphs. Through extensive experimentation, we showcase the superior accuracy of GB-Net compared to the most recent methods, resulting in a new state of the art. We publicly release the source code of our method.
We present a method for composing photorealistic scenes from captured images of objects. Our work builds upon neural radiance fields (NeRFs), which implicitly model the volumetric density and directionally-emitted radiance of a scene. While NeRFs synthesize realistic pictures, they only model static scenes and are closely tied to specific imaging conditions. This property makes NeRFs hard to generalize to new scenarios, including new lighting or new arrangements of objects. Instead of learning a scene radiance field as a NeRF does, we propose to learn object-centric neural scattering functions (OSFs), a representation that models per-object light transport implicitly using a lighting- and view-dependent neural network. This enables rendering scenes even when objects or lights move, without retraining. Combined with a volumetric path tracing procedure, our framework is capable of rendering both intra- and inter-object light transport effects including occlusions, specularities, shadows, and indirect illumination. We evaluate our approach on scene composition and show that it generalizes to novel illumination conditions, producing photorealistic, physically accurate renderings of multi-object scenes.
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