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This paper proposes methods for identification of large-scale networked systems with guarantees that the resulting model will be contracting -- a strong form of nonlinear stability -- and/or monotone, i.e. order relations between states are preserved. The main challenges that we address are: simultaneously searching for model parameters and a certificate of stability, and scalability to networks with hundreds or thousands of nodes. We propose a model set that admits convex constraints for stability and monotonicity, and has a separable structure that allows distributed identification via the alternating directions method of multipliers (ADMM). The performance and scalability of the approach is illustrated on a variety of linear and non-linear case studies, including a nonlinear traffic network with a 200-dimensional state space.
Automated driving applications require accurate vehicle specific models to precisely predict and control the motion dynamics. However, modern vehicles have a wide array of digital and mechatronic components that are difficult to model, manufactures do not disclose all details required for modelling and even existing models of subcomponents require coefficient estimation to match the specific characteristics of each vehicle and their change over time. Hence, it is attractive to use data-driven modelling to capture the relevant vehicle dynamics and synthesise model-based control solutions. In this paper, we address identification of the steering system of an autonomous car based on measured data. We show that the underlying dynamics are highly nonlinear and challenging to be captured, necessitating the use of data-driven methods that fuse the approximation capabilities of learning and the efficiency of dynamic system identification. We demonstrate that such a neural network based subspace-encoder method can successfully capture the underlying dynamics while other methods fall short to provide reliable results.
When designing large-scale distributed controllers, the information-sharing constraints between sub-controllers, as defined by a communication topology interconnecting them, are as important as the controller itself. Controllers implemented using dense topologies typically outperform those implemented using sparse topologies, but it is also desirable to minimize the cost of controller deployment. Motivated by the above, we introduce a compact but expressive graph recurrent neural network (GRNN) parameterization of distributed controllers that is well suited for distributed controller and communication topology co-design. Our proposed parameterization enjoys a local and distributed architecture, similar to previous Graph Neural Network (GNN)-based parameterizations, while further naturally allowing for joint optimization of the distributed controller and communication topology needed to implement it. We show that the distributed controller/communication topology co-design task can be posed as an $ell_1$-regularized empirical risk minimization problem that can be efficiently solved using stochastic gradient methods. We run extensive simulations to study the performance of GRNN-based distributed controllers and show that (a) they achieve performance comparable to GNN-based controllers while having fewer free parameters, and (b) our method allows for performance/communication density tradeoff curves to be efficiently approximated.
This paper proposes a novel end-to-end deep learning framework that simultaneously identifies demand baselines and the incentive-based agent demand response model, from the net demand measurements and incentive signals. This learning framework is modularized as two modules: 1) the decision making process of a demand response participant is represented as a differentiable optimization layer, which takes the incentive signal as input and predicts users response; 2) the baseline demand forecast is represented as a standard neural network model, which takes relevant features and predicts users baseline demand. These two intermediate predictions are integrated, to form the net demand forecast. We then propose a gradient-descent approach that backpropagates the net demand forecast errors to update the weights of the agent model and the weights of baseline demand forecast, jointly. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach through computation experiments with synthetic demand response traces and a large-scale real world demand response dataset. Our results show that the approach accurately identifies the demand response model, even without any prior knowledge about the baseline demand.
This paper proposes a sparse Bayesian treatment of deep neural networks (DNNs) for system identification. Although DNNs show impressive approximation ability in various fields, several challenges still exist for system identification problems. First, DNNs are known to be too complex that they can easily overfit the training data. Second, the selection of the input regressors for system identification is nontrivial. Third, uncertainty quantification of the model parameters and predictions are necessary. The proposed Bayesian approach offers a principled way to alleviate the above challenges by marginal likelihood/model evidence approximation and structured group sparsity-inducing priors construction. The identification algorithm is derived as an iterative regularized optimization procedure that can be solved as efficiently as training typical DNNs. Furthermore, a practical calculation approach based on the Monte-Carlo integration method is derived to quantify the uncertainty of the parameters and predictions. The effectiveness of the proposed Bayesian approach is demonstrated on several linear and nonlinear systems identification benchmarks with achieving good and competitive simulation accuracy.
This paper considers a distributed reinforcement learning problem for decentralized linear quadratic control with partial state observations and local costs. We propose a Zero-Order Distributed Policy Optimization algorithm (ZODPO) that learns linear local controllers in a distributed fashion, leveraging the ideas of policy gradient, zero-order optimization and consensus algorithms. In ZODPO, each agent estimates the global cost by consensus, and then conducts local policy gradient in parallel based on zero-order gradient estimation. ZODPO only requires limited communication and storage even in large-scale systems. Further, we investigate the nonasymptotic performance of ZODPO and show that the sample complexity to approach a stationary point is polynomial with the error tolerances inverse and the problem dimensions, demonstrating the scalability of ZODPO. We also show that the controllers generated throughout ZODPO are stabilizing controllers with high probability. Lastly, we numerically test ZODPO on multi-zone HVAC systems.