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The evolving radio jet from the neutron star X-ray binary 4U 1820$-$30

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 Added by Thomas Russell D
 Publication date 2021
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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The persistently bright ultra-compact neutron star low-mass X-ray binary 4U 1820$-$30 displays a $sim$170 d accretion cycle, evolving between phases of high and low X-ray modes, where the 3 -- 10 keV X-ray flux changes by a factor of up to $approx 8$. The source is generally in a soft X-ray spectral state, but may transition to a harder state in the low X-ray mode. Here, we present new and archival radio observations of 4U 1820$-$30 during its high and low X-ray modes. For radio observations taken within a low mode, we observed a flat radio spectrum consistent with 4U 1820$-$30 launching a compact radio jet. However, during the high X-ray modes the compact jet was quenched and the radio spectrum was steep, consistent with optically-thin synchrotron emission. The jet emission appeared to transition at an X-ray luminosity of $L_{rm X (3-10 keV)} sim 3.5 times 10^{37} (D/rm{7.6 kpc})^{2}$ erg s$^{-1}$. We also find that the low-state radio spectrum appeared consistent regardless of X-ray hardness, implying a connection between jet quenching and mass accretion rate in 4U 1820$-$30, possibly related to the properties of the inner accretion disk or boundary layer.

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The ultracompact low-mass X-ray binary 4U 1820-30 situated in the globular cluster NGC 6624 has an orbital period of only $approx$11.4 min which likely implies a white dwarf companion. The observed X-ray bursts demonstrate a photospheric radius expansion phase and therefore are believed to reach the Eddington luminosity allowing us to estimate the mass and the radius of the neutron star (NS) in this binary. Here we re-analyse all Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer observations of the system and confirm that almost all the bursts took place during the hard persistent state of the system. This allows us to use the recently developed direct cooling tail method to estimate the NS mass and radius. However, because of the very short, about a second, duration of the cooling tail phases that can be described by the theoretical atmosphere models, the obtained constraints on the NS radius are not very strict. Assuming a pure helium NS atmosphere we found that the NS radius is in the range 10-12 km, if the NS mass is below 1.7 $M_odot$, and in a wider range of 8-12 km for a higher 1.7-2.0 $M_odot$ NS mass. The method also constrains the distance to the system to be 6.5$pm$0.5 kpc, which is consistent with the distance to the cluster. For the solar composition atmosphere, the NS parameters are in strong contradiction with the generally accepted range of possible NS masses and radii.
We report on the first observations of neutron star low-mass X-ray binaries with the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) at $sim$300 GHz. Quasi-simultaneous observations of 4U 1728-34 and 4U 1820-30 were performed at radio (ATCA), infrared (VLT) and X-ray (Swift) frequencies, spanning more than eight decades in frequency coverage. Both sources are detected at high significance with ALMA. The spectral energy distribution of 4U 1728-34 is consistent with synchrotron emission from a jet with a break from optically thick to optically thin emission at 1.3-11.0$times$10$^{13}$ Hz. This is the third time a jet spectral break has been reported for a neutron star X-ray binary. The radio to mm spectral energy distribution of 4U 1820-30 has significant detections at 5 and 300~GHz. This confirms the presence of radio emission during a soft state for this neutron star and represents the first detection of mm emission during such a state, unambiguously pointing to the presence of a jet. We also report on three additional unrelated sources - showing mm emission - in the ALMA fields of view of 4U 1728-34 and 4U 1820-30.
406 - Zhongxiang Wang 2009
The X-ray source 4U1820-30 in the globular cluster NGC 6624 is known as the most compact binary among the identified X-ray binaries. Having an orbital period of 685.0 s, the source consists of a neutron star primary and likely 0.06--0.08 Msun white dwarf secondary. Here we report on far-ultraviolet (FUV) observations of this X-ray binary, made with the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph on board the Hubble Space Telescope. From our Fourier spectral analysis of the FUV timing data, we obtain a period of 693.5+/-1.3 s, which is significantly different from the orbital period. The light curve folded at this period can be described by a sinusoid, with a fractional semiamplitude of 6.3% and the phase zero (maximum of the sinusoid) at MJD 50886.015384+/-0.000043 (TDB). While the discovered FUV period may be consistent with a hierarchical triple system model that was previously considered for 4U 1820-30, we suggest that it could instead be the indication of superhump modulation, which arises from an eccentric accretion disk in the binary. The X-ray and FUV periods would be the orbital and superhump periods, respectively, indicating a 1% superhump excess and a white-dwarf/neutron-star mass ratio around 0.06. Considering 4U 1820-30 as a superhump source, we discuss the implications.
105 - Antonella Tarana 2006
The 4-200 keV spectral and temporal behaviour of the low mass X-ray binary 4U 1820-30 has been studied with INTEGRAL during 2003-2005. This source as been observed in both the soft (banana) and hard (island) spectral states. A high energy tail above 50 keV in the hard state has been revealed for the first time. This places the source in the category of X-ray bursters showing high-energy emission. The tail can be modeled as a soft power law component, with the photon index of ~ 2.4, on top of thermal Comptonization emission from a plasma with the electron temperature of kT_e ~ 6 keV and optical depth of $tau ~ 4. Alternatively, but at a lower goodness of the fit, the hard-state broad band spectrum can be accounted for by emission from a hybrid, thermal-nonthermal, plasma. During the observations, the source spent most of the time in the soft state, as previously reported and the $ge$4 keV spectra can be represented by thermal Comptonization with kT_e ~ 3 keV and $tau ~ 6-7.
647 - V. Tudose 2009
We study the accretion/ejection processes (i.e. disc/jet coupling) in the neutron star X-ray binary Aquila X-1 via a multi-wavelength approach. We use in the radio band the publicly available VLA archive containing observations of the object between 1986-2005, in the X-ray band the archival RXTE data (PCA and HEXTE) between 1997-2008, and in optical (R band) observations with the SMARTS recorded between 1998-2007. In the combined data set we find three outbursts for which quasi-simultaneous radio, optical (R band) and X-ray data exist and focus on them to some extent. We provide evidence that the disc/jet coupling in Aquila X-1 is similar to what has been observed in black hole X-ray binaries, at least from the point of view of the behaviour in the hardness-intensity diagrams (the hysteresis effect included), when the phenomenology of the jet is taken into account. Although based on a very small number of observations, a radio/X-ray correlation seems to exist for this system, with a slope of alpha=0.40 +/- 0.07 (F_{radio} propto F_{X}^{alpha}), which is different than the slope of alpha=1.40 +/- 0.25 found for another atoll source, 4U 1728-34, but interestingly enough is relatively close to the values obtained for several black hole X-ray binaries. No significant correlation is found between the radio and optical (R band) emissions. We also report a significant drop in the radio flux from Aql X-1 above an X-ray flux of ~ 5 X 10^{-9} erg cm^{-2} s^{-1}. This behaviour, also reported in the neutron star X-ray binary 4U 1728-34, may be analogous to the suppression of radio emission in black hole X-ray binaries in bright, soft X-ray states. It suggests that from this point of view neutron star X-ray binaries can mimic the behaviour of black hole X-ray binaries in suppressing the jet in soft/disc-dominated X-ray states.
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