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We experimentally demonstrate the reconstruction of a photon number conditioned state without using a photon number discriminating detector. By using only phase randomized homodyne measurements, we reconstruct up to the three photon subtracted squeezed vacuum state. The reconstructed Wigner functions of these states show regions of pronounced negativity, signifying the non-classical nature of the reconstructed states. The techniques presented allow for complete characterization of the role of a conditional measurement on an ensemble of states, and might prove useful in systems where photon counting still proves technically challenging.
The certificate of success for a number of important quantum information processing protocols, such as entanglement distillation, is based on the difference in the entanglement content of the quantum states before and after the protocol. In such cases, effective bounds need to be placed on the entanglement of non-local states consistent with statistics obtained from local measurements. In this work, we study numerically the ability of a novel type of homodyne detector which combines phase sensitivity and photon-number resolution to set accurate bounds on the entanglement content of two-mode quadrature squeezed states without the need for full state tomography. We show that it is possible to set tight lower bounds on the entanglement of a family of two-mode degaussified states using only a few measurements. This presents a significant improvement over the resource requirements for the experimental demonstration of continuous-variable entanglement distillation, which traditionally relies on full quantum state tomography.
Quantum processes involving single-photon states are of broad interest in particular for quantum communication. Extending to continuous values a recent proposal by Yuan et al cite{YUAN16}, we show that single-photon quantum processes can be characterized using phase randomized coherent states (PRCS) as inputs. As a proof of principle, we present the experimental investigation of single-photon tomography using PRCS. The probability distribution of field quadratures measurements for single-photon states can be accurately derived from the PRCS data. As a consequence, the Wigner function and the density matrix of single-photon states are reconstructed with good precision. The sensitivity of the reconstruction to experimental errors and the number of PRCS used is addressed.
Variable measurement operators enable the optimization of strategies for testing quantum properties and the preparation of a range of quantum states. Here, we experimentally implement a weak-field homodyne detector that can continuously tune between measuring photon numbers and field quadratures. We combine a quantum signal with a coherent state on a balanced beam splitter and detect light at both output ports using photon-number-resolving transition edge sensors. We observe that the discrete difference statistics converge to the quadrature distribution of the signal as we increase the coherent state amplitude. Moreover, in a proof-of-principle demonstration of state engineering, we show the ability to control the photon-number distribution of a state that is heralded using our weak-field homodyne detector.
The large available Hilbert space and high coherence of cavity resonators makes these systems an interesting resource for storing encoded quantum bits. To perform a quantum gate on this encoded information, however, complex nonlinear operations must be applied to the many levels of the oscillator simultaneously. In this work, we introduce the Selective Number-dependent Arbitrary Phase (SNAP) gate, which imparts a different phase to each Fock state component using an off-resonantly coupled qubit. We show that the SNAP gate allows control over the quantum phases by correcting the unwanted phase evolution due to the Kerr effect. Furthermore, by combining the SNAP gate with oscillator displacements, we create a one-photon Fock state with high fidelity. Using just these two controls, one can construct arbitrary unitary operations, offering a scalable route to performing logical manipulations on oscillator-encoded qubits.
We experimentally map the transverse profile of diffraction-limited beams using photon-number-resolving detectors. We observe strong compression of diffracted beam profiles for high detected photon number. This effect leads to higher contrast than a conventional irradiance profile between two Airy disk-beams separated by the Rayleigh criterion.