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A Model-Agnostic Algorithm for Bayes Error Determination in Binary Classification

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 Added by Umberto Michelucci
 Publication date 2021
and research's language is English

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This paper presents the intrinsic limit determination algorithm (ILD Algorithm), a novel technique to determine the best possible performance, measured in terms of the AUC (area under the ROC curve) and accuracy, that can be obtained from a specific dataset in a binary classification problem with categorical features {sl regardless} of the model used. This limit, namely the Bayes error, is completely independent of any model used and describes an intrinsic property of the dataset. The ILD algorithm thus provides important information regarding the prediction limits of any binary classification algorithm when applied to the considered dataset. In this paper the algorithm is described in detail, its entire mathematical framework is presented and the pseudocode is given to facilitate its implementation. Finally, an example with a real dataset is given.

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In recent years, post-hoc local instance-level and global dataset-level explainability of black-box models has received a lot of attention. Much less attention has been given to obtaining insights at intermediate or group levels, which is a need outlined in recent works that study the challenges in realizing the guidelines in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). In this paper, we propose a meta-method that, given a typical local explainability method, can build a multilevel explanation tree. The leaves of this tree correspond to the local explanations, the root corresponds to the global explanation, and intermediate levels correspond to explanations for groups of data points that it automatically clusters. The method can also leverage side information, where users can specify points for which they may want the explanations to be similar. We argue that such a multilevel structure can also be an effective form of communication, where one could obtain few explanations that characterize the entire dataset by considering an appropriate level in our explanation tree. Explanations for novel test points can be cost-efficiently obtained by associating them with the closest training points. When the local explainability technique is generalized additive (viz. LIME, GAMs), we develop a fast approximate algorithm for building the multilevel tree and study its convergence behavior. We validate the effectiveness of the proposed technique based on two human studies -- one with experts and the other with non-expert users -- on real world datasets, and show that we produce high fidelity sparse explanations on several other public datasets.
Meta-learning for few-shot learning entails acquiring a prior over previous tasks and experiences, such that new tasks be learned from small amounts of data. However, a critical challenge in few-shot learning is task ambiguity: even when a powerful prior can be meta-learned from a large number of prior tasks, a small dataset for a new task can simply be too ambiguous to acquire a single model (e.g., a classifier) for that task that is accurate. In this paper, we propose a probabilistic meta-learning algorithm that can sample models for a new task from a model distribution. Our approach extends model-agnostic meta-learning, which adapts to new tasks via gradient descent, to incorporate a parameter distribution that is trained via a variational lower bound. At meta-test time, our algorithm adapts via a simple procedure that injects noise into gradient descent, and at meta-training time, the model is trained such that this stochastic adaptation procedure produces samples from the approximate model posterior. Our experimental results show that our method can sample plausible classifiers and regressors in ambiguous few-shot learning problems. We also show how reasoning about ambiguity can also be used for downstream active learning problems.
This paper investigates how to correct Chinese text errors with types of mistaken, missing and redundant characters, which is common for Chinese native speakers. Most existing models based on detect-correct framework can correct mistaken characters errors, but they cannot deal with missing or redundant characters. The reason is that lengths of sentences before and after correction are not the same, leading to the inconsistence between model inputs and outputs. Although the Seq2Seq-based or sequence tagging methods provide solutions to the problem and achieved relatively good results on English context, but they do not perform well in Chinese context according to our experimental results. In our work, we propose a novel detect-correct framework which is alignment-agnostic, meaning that it can handle both text aligned and non-aligned occasions, and it can also serve as a cold start model when there are no annotated data provided. Experimental results on three datasets demonstrate that our method is effective and achieves the best performance among existing published models.
Model-agnostic meta-learners aim to acquire meta-learned parameters from similar tasks to adapt to novel tasks from the same distribution with few gradient updates. With the flexibility in the choice of models, those frameworks demonstrate appealing performance on a variety of domains such as few-shot image classification and reinforcement learning. However, one important limitation of such frameworks is that they seek a common initialization shared across the entire task distribution, substantially limiting the diversity of the task distributions that they are able to learn from. In this paper, we augment MAML with the capability to identify the mode of tasks sampled from a multimodal task distribution and adapt quickly through gradient updates. Specifically, we propose a multimodal MAML (MMAML) framework, which is able to modulate its meta-learned prior parameters according to the identified mode, allowing more efficient fast adaptation. We evaluate the proposed model on a diverse set of few-shot learning tasks, including regression, image classification, and reinforcement learning. The results not only demonstrate the effectiveness of our model in modulating the meta-learned prior in response to the characteristics of tasks but also show that training on a multimodal distribution can produce an improvement over unimodal training.
102 - Guillaume Vidot 2021
We propose the first general PAC-Bayesian generalization bounds for adversarial robustness, that estimate, at test time, how much a model will be invariant to imperceptible perturbations in the input. Instead of deriving a worst-case analysis of the risk of a hypothesis over all the possible perturbations, we leverage the PAC-Bayesian framework to bound the averaged risk on the perturbations for majority votes (over the whole class of hypotheses). Our theoretically founded analysis has the advantage to provide general bounds (i) independent from the type of perturbations (i.e., the adversarial attacks), (ii) that are tight thanks to the PAC-Bayesian framework, (iii) that can be directly minimized during the learning phase to obtain a robust model on different attacks at test time.

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