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Real-time measurement of full spectrum polarization states in dissipative soliton fiber lasers

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 Added by Lei Gao
 Publication date 2021
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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There has been tremendous progress in multi-parameter measurement of ultrafast laser, including optical spectrum and waveform. However, real-time measurement of full spectrum polarization state of ultrafast laser has not been reported. We simultaneously measure laser intensities of four channels by utilizing division-of-amplitude. Combining dispersive Fourier transform, dissipative soliton mode-locked by carbon nanotube can be easily detected by high-speed photodetector. By calibrating the system with tunable laser, we reconstruct the system matrix of each wavelength. According to intensity vector of dissipative soliton and the inverse matrix of the system, we get the full spectrum state of polarization in real time.

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169 - Han Zhang 2011
Solitons, as stable localized wave packets that can propagate long distance in dispersive media without changing their shapes, are ubiquitous in nonlinear physical systems. Since the first experimental realization of optical bright solitons in the anomalous dispersion single mode fibers (SMF) by Mollenauer et al. in 1980 and optical dark solitons in the normal dispersion SMFs by P. Emplit et al. in 1987, optical solitons in SMFs had been extensively investigated. In reality a SMF always supports two orthogonal polarization modes. Taking fiber birefringence into account, it was later theoretically predicted that various types of vector solitons, including the bright-bright vector solitons, dark-dark vector solitons and dark-bright vector solitons, could be formed in SMFs. However, except the bright-bright type of vector solitons, other types of vector solitons are so far lack of clear experimental evidence. Optical solitons have been observed not only in the SMFs but also in mode locked fiber lasers. It has been shown that the passively mode-locked erbium-doped fiber lasers offer a promising experimental platform for studying the scalar optical solitons. Vector solitons can also be formed in mode locked fiber lasers. In this dissertation, the author presents results of a series of theoretical and experimental investigations on the vector solitons in fiber lasers.
Real-time access to the internal ultrafast dynamics of complex dissipative optical systems opens new explorations of pulse-pulse interactions and dynamic patterns. We present the first direct experimental evidence of the internal motion of a dissipative optical soliton molecule generated in a passively modelocked erbium-doped fiber laser. We map the internal motions of a soliton pair molecule by using a dispersive Fourier-transform imaging technique, revealing different categories of internal pulsations, including vibration-like and phase drifting dynamics. Our experiments agree well with numerical predictions and bring insights to the analogy between self-organized states of lights and states of the matter.
Dissipative solitons are remarkable localized states of a physical system that arise from the dynamical balance between nonlinearity, dispersion and environmental energy exchange. They are the most universal form of soliton that can exist in nature, and are seen in far-from-equilibrium systems in many fields including chemistry, biology, and physics. There has been particular interest in studying their properties in mode-locked lasers producing ultrashort light pulses, but experiments have been limited by the lack of convenient measurement techniques able to track the soliton evolution in real-time. Here, we use dispersive Fourier transform and time lens measurements to simultaneously measure real-time spectral and temporal evolution of dissipative solitons in a fiber laser as the turn-on dynamics pass through a transient unstable regime with complex break-up and collision dynamics before stabilizing to a regular mode-locked pulse train. Our measurements enable reconstruction of the soliton amplitude and phase and calculation of the corresponding complex-valued eigenvalue spectrum to provide further physical insight. These findings are significant in showing how real-time measurements can provide new perspectives into the ultrafast transient dynamics of complex systems.
By means of the emerging Dispersive Fourier transformation technique, we captured the pulse-resolved spectral evolution dynamics of the double-soliton (DS) states in a single-walled carbon nanotube based Er-doped fiber laser from the initial fluctuations, monitoring the evolution process up to 10 seconds (corresponding to ~260 million roundtrips) discontinuously. Two distinctly different evolutionary types of DS states have been investigated in detail: splitting from one pulse and forming simultaneously. Relaxation oscillations, beating, transient bound state, spectral broadening and pulse interval dynamics have been observed in the evolution process of the DS operation. Our study will be helpful for the further research of mode-locking operation.
193 - B. Wetzel , A. Stefani , L. Larger 2012
The ability to measure real-time fluctuations of ultrashort pulses propagating in optical fiber has provided significant insights into fundamental dynamical effects such as modulation instability and the formation of frequency-shifting rogue wave solitons. We report here a detailed study of real-time fluctuations across the full bandwidth of a fiber supercontinuum which directly reveals the significant variation in measured noise statistics across the spectrum, and which allows us to study correlations between widely separated spectral components. For two different propagation distances corresponding to the onset phase of spectral broadening and the fully-developed supercontinuum, we measure real time noise across the supercontinuum bandwidth, and we quantify the supercontinuum noise using statistical higher-order moments and a frequency-dependent intensity correlation map. We identify correlated spectral regions within the supercontinuum associated with simultaneous sideband generation, as well as signatures of pump depletion and soliton-like pump dynamics. Experimental results are in excellent agreement with simulations.
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