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Group Testing under Superspreading Dynamics

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 Added by Stratis Tsirtsis
 Publication date 2021
and research's language is English

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Testing is recommended for all close contacts of confirmed COVID-19 patients. However, existing group testing methods are oblivious to the circumstances of contagion provided by contact tracing. Here, we build upon a well-known semi-adaptive pool testing method, Dorfmans method with imperfect tests, and derive a simple group testing method based on dynamic programming that is specifically designed to use the information provided by contact tracing. Experiments using a variety of reproduction numbers and dispersion levels, including those estimated in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, show that the pools found using our method result in a significantly lower number of tests than those found using standard Dorfmans method, especially when the number of contacts of an infected individual is small. Moreover, our results show that our method can be more beneficial when the secondary infections are highly overdispersed.

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This study presents a new risk-averse multi-stage stochastic epidemics-ventilator-logistics compartmental model to address the resource allocation challenges of mitigating COVID-19. This epidemiological logistics model involves the uncertainty of untested asymptomatic infections and incorporates short-term human migration. Disease transmission is also forecasted through a new formulation of transmission rates that evolve over space and time with respect to various non-pharmaceutical interventions, such as wearing masks, social distancing, and lockdown. The proposed multi-stage stochastic model overviews different scenarios on the number of asymptomatic individuals while optimizing the distribution of resources, such as ventilators, to minimize the total expected number of newly infected and deceased people. The Conditional Value at Risk (CVaR) is also incorporated into the multi-stage mean-risk model to allow for a trade-off between the weighted expected loss due to the outbreak and the expected risks associated with experiencing disastrous pandemic scenarios. We apply our multi-stage mean-risk epidemics-ventilator-logistics model to the case of controlling the COVID-19 in highly-impacted counties of New York and New Jersey. We calibrate, validate, and test our model using actual infection, population, and migration data. The results indicate that short-term migration influences the transmission of the disease significantly. The optimal number of ventilators allocated to each region depends on various factors, including the number of initial infections, disease transmission rates, initial ICU capacity, the population of a geographical location, and the availability of ventilator supply. Our data-driven modeling framework can be adapted to study the disease transmission dynamics and logistics of other similar epidemics and pandemics.
In the context of a pandemic like COVID-19, and until most people are vaccinated, proactive testing and interventions have been proved to be the only means to contain the disease spread. Recent academic work has offered significant evidence in this regard, but a critical question is still open: Can we accurately identify all new infections that happen every day, without this being forbiddingly expensive, i.e., using only a fraction of the tests needed to test everyone everyday (complete testing)? Group testing offers a powerful toolset for minimizing the number of tests, but it does not account for the time dynamics behind the infections. Moreover, it typically assumes that people are infected independently, while infections are governed by community spread. Epidemiology, on the other hand, does explore time dynamics and community correlations through the well-established continuous-time SIR stochastic network model, but the standard model does not incorporate discrete-time testing and interventions. In this paper, we introduce a discrete-time SIR stochastic block model that also allows for group testing and interventions on a daily basis. Our model can be regarded as a discrete version of the continuous-time SIR stochastic network model over a specific type of weighted graph that captures the underlying community structure. We analyze that model w.r.t. the minimum number of group tests needed everyday to identify all infections with vanishing error probability. We find that one can leverage the knowledge of the community and the model to inform nonadaptive group testing algorithms that are order-optimal, and therefore achieve the same performance as complete testing using a much smaller number of tests.
We describe the utility of point processes and failure rates and the most common point process for modeling failure rates, the Poisson point process. Next, we describe the uniformly most powerful test for comparing the rates of two Poisson point processes for a one-sided test (henceforth referred to as the rate test). A common argument against using this test is that real world data rarely follows the Poisson point process. We thus investigate what happens when the distributional assumptions of tests like these are violated and the test still applied. We find a non-pathological example (using the rate test on a Compound Poisson distribution with Binomial compounding) where violating the distributional assumptions of the rate test make it perform better (lower error rates). We also find that if we replace the distribution of the test statistic under the null hypothesis with any other arbitrary distribution, the performance of the test (described in terms of the false negative rate to false positive rate trade-off) remains exactly the same. Next, we compare the performance of the rate test to a version of the Wald test customized to the Negative Binomial point process and find it to perform very similarly while being much more general and versatile. Finally, we discuss the applications to Microsoft Azure. The code for all experiments performed is open source and linked in the introduction.
In order to identify the infected individuals of a population, their samples are divided in equally sized groups called pools and a single laboratory test is applied to each pool. Individuals whose samples belong to pools that test negative are declared healthy, while each pool that tests positive is divided into smaller, equally sized pools which are tested in the next stage. This scheme is called adaptive, because the composition of the pools at each stage depends on results from previous stages, and nested because each pool is a subset of a pool of the previous stage. Is the infection probability $p$ is not smaller than $1-3^{-1/3}$ it is best to test each sample (no pooling). If $p<1-3^{-1/3}$, we compute the mean $D_k(m,p)$ and the variance of the number of tests per individual as a function of the pool sizes $m=(m_1,dots,m_k)$ in the first $k$ stages; in the $(k+1)$-th stage all remaining samples are tested. The case $k=1$ was proposed by Dorfman in his seminal paper in 1943. The goal is to minimize $D_k(m,p)$, which is called the cost associated to~$m$. We show that for $pin (0, 1-3^{-1/3})$ the optimal choice is one of four possible schemes, which are explicitly described. For $p>2^{-51}$ we show overwhelming numerical evidence that the best choice is $(3^ktext{ or }3^{k-1}4,3^{k-1},dots,3^2,3 )$, with a precise description of the range of $p$s where each holds. We then focus on schemes of the type $(3^k,dots,3)$, and estimate that the cost of the best scheme of this type for $p$, determined by the choice of $k=k_3(p)$, is of order $Obig(plog(1/p)big)$. This is the same order as that of the cost of the optimal scheme, and the difference of these costs is explicitly bounded. As an example, for $p=0.02$ the optimal choice is $k=3$, $m=(27,9,3)$, with cost $0.20$; that is, the mean number of tests required to screen 100 individuals is 20.
Recent technological changes have increased connectivity between individuals around the world leading to higher frequency interactions between members of communities that would be otherwise distant and disconnected. This paper examines a model of opinion dynamics in interacting communities and studies how increasing interaction frequency affects the ability for communities to retain distinct identities versus falling into consensus or polarized states in which community identity is lost. We also study the effect (if any) of opinion noise related to a tendency for individuals to assert their individuality in homogenous populations. Our work builds on a model we developed previously [11] where the dynamics of opinion change is based on individual interactions that seek to minimize some energy potential based on the differences between opinions across the population.

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