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We study decoherence effects in neutrino flavor oscillations in curved spacetime with particular emphasis on the lensing in a Schwarzschild geometry. Assuming Gaussian wave packets for neutrinos, we argue that the decoherence length derived from the exponential suppression of the flavor transition probability depends on the proper time of the geodesic connecting the events of the production and detection in general gravitational setting. In the weak gravity limit, the proper time between two events of given proper distance is smaller than that in the flat spacetime. Therefore, in presence of a Schwarzschild object, the neutrino wave packets have to travel relatively more physical distance in space to lapse the same amount of proper time before they decoher. For non-radial propagation applicable to the lensing phenomena, we show that the decoherence, in general, is sensitive to the absolute values of neutrino masses as well as the classical trajectories taken by neutrinos between the source and detector along with the spatial widths of neutrino wave packets. At distances beyond the decoherence length, the probability of neutrino flavor transition due to lensing attains a value which depends only on the leptonic mixing parameters. Hence, the observability of neutrino lensing significantly depends on these parameters and in-turn the lensing can provide useful information about the latter.
In flat spacetime, the vacuum neutrino flavour oscillations are known to be sensitive only to the difference between the squared masses, and not to the individual masses, of neutrinos. In this work, we show that the lensing of neutrinos induced by a gravitational source substantially modifies this standard picture and it gives rise to a novel contribution through which the oscillation probabilities also depend on the individual neutrino masses. A gravitating mass located between a source and a detector deflects the neutrinos in their journey, and at a detection point, neutrinos arriving through different paths can lead to the phenomenon of interference. The flavour transition probabilities computed in the presence of such interference depend on the individual masses of neutrinos whenever there is a non-zero path difference between the interfering neutrinos. We demonstrate this explicitly by considering an example of weak lensing induced by a Schwarzschild mass. Through the simplest two flavour case, we show that the oscillation probability in the presence of lensing is sensitive to the sign of $Delta m^2 = m_2^2 -m_1^2$, for non-maximal mixing between two neutrinos, unlike in the case of standard vacuum oscillation in flat spacetime. Further, the probability itself oscillates with respect to the path difference and the frequency of such oscillations depends on the absolute mass scale $m_1$ or $m_2$. We also give results for realistic three flavour case and discuss various implications of gravitationally modified neutrino oscillations and means of observing them.
We study neutrino flavor oscillations in a plane gravitational wave (GW) with circular polarization. For this purpose we use the solution of the Hamilton-Jacobi equation to get the contribution of GW to the effective Hamiltonian for the neutrino mass eigenstates. Then, considering stochastic GWs, we derive the equation for the density matrix for flavor neutrinos and analytically solve it in the two flavors approximation. The equation for the density matrix for the three neutrino flavors is also derived and solved numerically. In both cases of two and three neutrino flavors, we predict the ratios of fluxes of different flavors at a detector for cosmic neutrinos with relatively low energies owing to the interaction with such a GW background. The obtained results are compared with the recent observation of the flavor content of the astrophysical neutrino fluxes.
We explore the impact of strong gravitational fields on neutrino decoherence. To this aim, we employ the density matrix formalism to describe the propagation of neutrino wave packets in curved spacetime. By considering Gaussian wave packets, we determine the coherence proper time, neglecting the effect of matter outside the compact object. We show that strong gravitational fields nearby compact objects significantly influence neutrino coherence.
A new theoretical framework, based on the quantum field theory of open systems applied to neutrinos, has been developed to describe the neutrino evolution in external environments accounting for the effect of the neutrino quantum decoherence. The developed new approach enables one to obtain the explicit expressions of the decoherence and relaxation parameters that account for a particular process, in which the neutrino participates, and also for the characteristics of an external environment and of the neutrino itself, including the neutrino energy. We have used this approach to consider a new mechanism of the neutrino quantum decoherence engendered by the neutrino radiative decay to photons and dark photons in an astrophysical environment. The importance of the performed studies is highlighted by the prospects of the forthcoming new large volume neutrino detectors that will provide new frontier in high-statistics measurements of neutrino fluxes from supernovae.
We critically examine the evidence available of the early ideas on the bending of light due to a gravitational attraction, which led to the concept of gravitational lenses, and attempt to present an undistorted historical perspective. Contrary to a widespread but baseless claim, Newton was not the precursor to the idea, and the first Query in his {sl Opticks} is totally unrelated to this phenomenon. We briefly review the roles of Voltaire, Marat, Cavendish, Soldner and Einstein in their attempts to quantify the gravitational deflection of light. The first, but unpublished, calculations of the lensing effect produced by this deflection are found in Einsteins 1912 notebooks, where he derived the lensing equation and the formation of images in a gravitational lens. The brief 1924 paper by Chwolson which presents, without calculations, the formation of double images and rings by a gravitational lens passed mostly unnoticed. The unjustly forgotten and true pioneer of the subject is F. Link, who not only published the first detailed lensing calculations in 1936, nine months prior to Einsteins famous paper in {sl Science}, but also extended the theory to include the effects of finite-size sources and lenses, binary sources, and limb darkening that same year. Link correctly predicted that the microlensing effect would be easier to observe in crowded fields or in galaxies, as observations confirmed five decades later. The calculations made by Link are far more detailed than those by Tikhov and Bogorodsky. We discuss briefly some papers of the early 1960s which marked the renaissance of this theoretical subject prior to the first detection of a gravitational lens in 1979, and we conclude with the unpublished chapter of Petrous 1981 PhD thesis addressing the microlensing of stars in the Magellanic clouds by dark objects in the Galactic halo.