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Complexes de modules equivariants sur lalg`ebre de Steenrod associes `a un $(mathbb{Z}/2)^{n}$-CW-complexe fini

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 Added by Jean Lannes
 Publication date 2021
and research's language is English
 Authors D. Bourguiba

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Let $V$ be an elementary abelian $2$-group and $X$ be a finite $V$-CW-complex. In this memoir we study two cochain complexes of modules over the mod2 Steenrod algebra $mathrm{A}$, equipped with an action of $mathrm{H}^{*}V$, the mod2 cohomology of $V$, both associated with $X$. The first, which we call the topological complex, is defined using the orbit filtration of $X$. The second, which we call the algebraic complex, is defined just in terms of the unstable $mathrm{A}$-module $mathrm{H}^*_V X$, the mod2 equivariant cohomology of $X$. Our study makes intensive use of the theory of unstable $mathrm{H}^{*}V$-$mathrm{A}$-modules which is a by-product of the researches on Sullivan conjecture. There is a noteworthy overlap between the topological part of our memoir and the paper Syzygies in equivariant cohomology in positive characteristic, by Allday, Franz and Puppe, which has just appeared; however our techniques are quite different from theirs (the name Steenrod does not show up in their article).

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171 - Loic Foissy 2007
Let G be a Coxeter group of type A_n, B_n, D_n or I_2(N), or a complex reflection group of type G(de,e,n). Let V be its standard representation and let k be an integer greater than 2. Then G acts on S(V)^{otimes k}. We show that the algebra of invariants (S(V)^{otimes k})^G is a free (S(V)^G)^{otimes k}-module of rank |G|^{k-1}, and that S(V)^{otimes k} is not a free (S(V)^{otimes k})^G-module.
We reformulate the problem of bounding the total rank of the homology of perfect chain complexes over the group ring $mathbb{F}_p[G]$ of an elementary abelian $p$-group $G$ in terms of commutative algebra. This extends results of Carlsson for $p=2$ to all primes. As an intermediate step, we construct an embedding of the derived category of perfect chain complexes over $mathbb{F}_p[G]$ into the derived category of $p$-DG modules over a polynomial ring.
78 - Jiang Dong Hua 2003
In 1983, C. McGibbon and J. Neisendorfer have given a proof for one conjecture in J.-P. Serres famous paper (1953). In 1985, another proof was given by J. Lannes and L. Schwartz. Since then, one considers a more general conjecture: if the reduced mod 2 cohomology of any 1-connected polyGEM is of finite type and is not trivial, then it contains at least one element of infinite height, i.e., non nilpotent. This conjecture has been verified in several special situations, more precisely, by Y. Felix, S. Halperin, J.-M. Lemaire and J.-C. Thomas in 1987, by J. Lannes and L. Schwartz in 1988, and by J. Grodal in 1996. In this note, we construct an example, for which this conjecture fails.
264 - Mauricio Garay 2013
Consider the ring of holomorphic function germs in $C^n$ and denote by $M$ the maximal ideal of this ring. For any a holomorphic function germ $f$ with an isolated critical point, the finite determinacy theorem (Mather-Tougeron) asserts that there exists some $k$, such that $f+g$ can be brought back to $f$, via a holomorphic change of variables, for any $g in M^k$. In this paper, a generalisation of this theorem for functions defined in a neighbourhood of a Stein compact subset and for an arbitrary ideal is given.
On the rank of Jacobians over function fields.} Let $f:mathcal{X}to C$ be a projective surface fibered over a curve and defined over a number field $k$. We give an interpretation of the rank of the Mordell-Weil group over $k(C)$ of the jacobian of the generic fibre (modulo the constant part) in terms of average of the traces of Frobenius on the fibers of $f$. The results also give a reinterpretation of the Tate conjecture for the surface $mathcal{X}$ and generalizes results of Nagao, Rosen-Silverman and Wazir.
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