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People navigating in unfamiliar buildings take advantage of myriad visual, spatial and semantic cues to efficiently achieve their navigation goals. Towards equipping computational agents with similar capabilities, we introduce Pathdreamer, a visual world model for agents navigating in novel indoor environments. Given one or more previous visual observations, Pathdreamer generates plausible high-resolution 360 visual observations (RGB, semantic segmentation and depth) for viewpoints that have not been visited, in buildings not seen during training. In regions of high uncertainty (e.g. predicting around corners, imagining the contents of an unseen room), Pathdreamer can predict diverse scenes, allowing an agent to sample multiple realistic outcomes for a given trajectory. We demonstrate that Pathdreamer encodes useful and accessible visual, spatial and semantic knowledge about human environments by using it in the downstream task of Vision-and-Language Navigation (VLN). Specifically, we show that planning ahead with Pathdreamer brings about half the benefit of looking ahead at actual observations from unobserved parts of the environment. We hope that Pathdreamer will help unlock model-based approaches to challenging embodied navigation tasks such as navigating to specified objects and VLN.
ARIANNA stands for pAth Recognition for Indoor Assisted Navigation with Augmented perception. It is a flexible and low cost navigation system for vi- sually impaired people. Arianna permits to navigate colored paths painted or sticked on the floor revealing their directions through vibrational feedback on commercial smartphones.
Towards robust and convenient indoor shopping mall navigation, we propose a novel learning-based scheme to utilize the high-level visual information from the storefront images captured by personal devices of users. Specifically, we decompose the visual navigation problem into localization and map generation respectively. Given a storefront input image, a novel feature fusion scheme (denoted as FusionNet) is proposed by fusing the distinguishing DNN-based appearance feature and text feature for robust recognition of store brands, which serves for accurate localization. Regarding the map generation, we convert the user-captured indicator map of the shopping mall into a topological map by parsing the stores and their connectivity. Experimental results conducted on the real shopping malls demonstrate that the proposed system achieves robust localization and precise map generation, enabling accurate navigation.
Moving in dynamic pedestrian environments is one of the important requirements for autonomous mobile robots. We present a model-based reinforcement learning approach for robots to navigate through crowded environments. The navigation policy is trained with both real interaction data from multi-agent simulation and virtual data from a deep transition model that predicts the evolution of surrounding dynamics of mobile robots. The model takes laser scan sequence and robots own state as input and outputs steering control. The laser sequence is further transformed into stacked local obstacle maps disentangled from robots ego motion to separate the static and dynamic obstacles, simplifying the model training. We observe that our method can be trained with significantly less real interaction data in simulator but achieve similar level of success rate in social navigation task compared with other methods. Experiments were conducted in multiple social scenarios both in simulation and on real robots, the learned policy can guide the robots to the final targets successfully while avoiding pedestrians in a socially compliant manner. Code is available at
In this paper we propose a new framework - MoViLan (Modular Vision and Language) for execution of visually grounded natural language instructions for day to day indoor household tasks. While several data-driven, end-to-end learning frameworks have been proposed for targeted navigation tasks based on the vision and language modalities, performance on recent benchmark data sets revealed the gap in developing comprehensive techniques for long horizon, compositional tasks (involving manipulation and navigation) with diverse object categories, realistic instructions and visual scenarios with non-reversible state changes. We propose a modular approach to deal with the combined navigation and object interaction problem without the need for strictly aligned vision and language training data (e.g., in the form of expert demonstrated trajectories). Such an approach is a significant departure from the traditional end-to-end techniques in this space and allows for a more tractable training process with separate vision and language data sets. Specifically, we propose a novel geometry-aware mapping technique for cluttered indoor environments, and a language understanding model generalized for household instruction following. We demonstrate a significant increase in success rates for long-horizon, compositional tasks over the baseline on the recently released benchmark data set-ALFRED.
In this case study, we design, integrate and implement a cloud-enabled autonomous robotic navigation system. The system has the following features: map generation and robot coordination via cloud service and video streaming to allow online monitoring and control in case of emergency. The system has been tested to generate a map for a long corridor using two modes: manual and autonomous. The autonomous mode has shown more accurate map. In addition, the field experiments confirm the benefit of offloading the heavy computation to the cloud by significantly shortening the time required to build the map.