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Compiling Arbitrary Single-Qubit Gates Via the Phase-Shifts of Microwave Pulses

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 Added by Dawei Ding
 Publication date 2021
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Realizing an arbitrary single-qubit gate is a precursor for many quantum computational tasks, including the conventional approach to universal quantum computing. For superconducting qubits, single-qubit gates are usually realized by microwave pulses along drive or flux lines. These pulses are calibrated to realize a particular single-qubit gate. However, it is clearly impractical to calibrate a pulse for every possible single-qubit gate in $SU(2)$. On the other hand, compiling arbitrary gates using a finite universal gate set will lead to unacceptably low fidelities. Here, we provide a compilation scheme for arbitrary single-qubit gates for which the three real parameters of the gate directly correspond to the phase shifts of microwave pulses, which can be made extremely accurate experimentally, that is also compatible with any two-qubit gate. Furthermore, we only require the calibration of the $X_pi$ and $X_{frac pi 2}$ pulses, gates that are already necessary for tasks such as Clifford-based randomized benchmarking as well as measuring the $T_1$ and $T_2$ decoherence parameters.

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Quantum algorithms require a universal set of gates that can be implemented in a physical system. For these, an optimal decomposition into a sequence of available operations is desired. Here, we present a method to find such sequences for a small-scale ion trap quantum information processor. We further adapt the method to state preparation and quantum algorithms with in-sequence measurements.
We experimentally demonstrate the underlying physical mechanism of the recently proposed protocol for superreplication of quantum phase gates [W. Dur, P. Sekatski, and M. Skotiniotis, Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 120503 (2015)], which allows to produce up to $N^2$ high-fidelity replicas from N input copies in the limit of large N. Our implementation of 1->2 replication of the single-qubit phase gates is based on linear optics and qubits encoded into states of single photons. We employ the quantum Toffoli gate to imprint information about the structure of an input two-qubit state onto an auxiliary qubit, apply the replicated operation to the auxiliary qubit, and then disentangle the auxiliary qubit from the other qubits by a suitable quantum measurement. We characterize the replication protocol by full quantum process tomography and observe good agreement of the experimental results with theory.
115 - H. S. Ku , J. L. Long , X. Wu 2017
It has been known since the early days of quantum mechanics that hyperbolic secant pulses possess the unique property that they can perform cyclic evolution on two-level quantum systems independently of the pulse detuning. More recently, it was realized that they induce detuning- controlled phases without changing state populations. Here, we experimentally demonstrate the properties of hyperbolic secant pulses on superconducting transmon qubits and contrast them with the more commonly used Gaussian and square waves. We further show that these properties can be exploited to implement phase gates, nominally without exiting the computational subspace. This enables us to demonstrate the first microwave-driven Z-gates with a single control parameter, the detuning.
Composite pulses are an efficient tool for robust quantum control. In this work, we derive the form of the composite pulse sequence to implement robust single-qubit gates in a three-level system, where two low-energy levels act as a qubit. The composite pulses can efficiently cancel the systematic errors up to a certain order. We find that the three-pulse sequence cannot completely eliminate the first order of systematic errors, but still availably makes the fidelity resistant to variations in a specific direction. When employing more pulses in the sequence ($N>3$), the fidelity can be insensitive to the variations in all directions and the robustness region becomes much wider. Finally we demonstrate the applications of composite pulses in quantum information processing, e.g., robust quantum information transfer between two qubits.
In the current era of Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum (NISQ) technology, the practical use of quantum computers remains inhibited by our inability to aptly decouple qubits from their environment to mitigate computational errors. In this work, we introduce an approach by which knowledge of a qubits initial quantum state and the standard parameters describing its decoherence can be leveraged to mitigate the noise present during the execution of a single-qubit gate. We benchmark our protocol using cloud-based access to IBM quantum processors. On ibmq_rome, we demonstrate a reduction of the single-qubit error rate by $38%$, from $1.6 times 10 ^{-3}$ to $1.0 times 10 ^{-3}$, provided the initial state of the input qubit is known. On ibmq_bogota, we prove that our protocol will never decrease gate fidelity, provided the systems $T_1$ and $T_2$ times have not drifted above $100$ times their assumed values. The protocol can be used to reduce quantum state preparation errors, as well as to improve the fidelity of quantum circuits for which some knowledge of the qubits intermediate states can be inferred. This work presents a pathway to using information about noise levels and quantum state distributions to significantly reduce error rates associated with quantum gates via optimized decomposition into native gates.
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