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In this article, we investigate the formation and disruption of a coronal sigmoid from the active region (AR) NOAA 11909 on 07 December 2013, by analyzing multi-wavelength and multi-instrument observations. Our analysis suggests that the formation of `transient sigmoid initiated $approx$1 hour before its eruption through a coupling between two twisted coronal loop systems. A comparison between coronal and photospheric images suggests that the coronal sigmoid was formed over a simple $beta$-type AR which also possessed dispersed magnetic field structure in the photosphere. The line-of-sight photospheric magnetograms also reveal moving magnetic features, small-scale flux cancellation events near the PIL, and overall flux cancellation during the extended pre-eruption phase which suggest the role of tether-cutting reconnection toward the build-up of the flux rope. The disruption of the sigmoid proceeded with a two-ribbon eruptive M1.2 flare (SOL2013-12-07T07:29). In radio frequencies, we observe type III and type II bursts in meter wavelengths during the impulsive phase of the flare. The successful eruption of the flux rope leads to a fast coronal mass ejection (with a linear speed of $approx$1085 km s -1 ) in SOHO/LASCO field-of-view. During the evolution of the flare, we clearly observe typical sigmoid-to-arcade transformation. Prior to the onset of the impulsive phase of the flare, flux rope undergoes a slow rise ($approx$15 km s -1 ) which subsequently transitions into a fast eruption ($approx$110 km s -1 ). The two-phase evolution of the flux rope shows temporal associations with the soft X-ray precursor and impulsive phase emissions of the M-class flare, respectively, thus pointing toward a feedback relationship between magnetic reconnection and early CME dynamics.
The near-Sun kinematics of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) determine the severity and arrival time of associated geomagnetic storms. We investigate the relationship between the deprojected speed and kinetic energy of CMEs and magnetic measures of their solar sources, reconnection flux of associated eruptive events and intrinsic flux rope characteristics. Our data covers the period 2010-2014 in solar cycle 24. Using vector magnetograms of source active regions we estimate the size and nonpotentiality. We compute the total magnetic reconnection flux at the source regions of CMEs using the post-eruption arcade method. By forward modeling the CMEs we find their deprojected geometric parameters and constrain their kinematics and magnetic properties. Based on an analysis of this database we report that the correlation between CME speed and their source active region size and global nonpotentiality is weak, but not negligible. We find the near-Sun velocity and kinetic energy of CMEs to be well correlated with the associated magnetic reconnection flux. We establish a statistically significant empirical relationship between the CME speed and reconnection flux that may be utilized for prediction purposes. Furthermore, we find CME kinematics to be related with the axial magnetic field intensity and relative magnetic helicity of their intrinsic flux ropes. The amount of coronal magnetic helicity shed by CMEs is found to be well correlated with their near-Sun speeds. The kinetic energy of CMEs is well correlated with their intrinsic magnetic energy density. Our results constrain processes related to the origin and propagation of CMEs and may lead to better empirical forecasting of their arrival and geoeffectiveness.
We present a multiwavelength analysis of two homologous, short lived, impulsive flares of GOES class M1.4 and M7.3, that occurred from a very localized mini-sigmoid region within the active region NOAA 12673 on 2017 September 7. Both flares were associated with initial jet-like plasma ejection which for a brief amount of time moved toward east in a collimated manner before drastically changing direction toward southwest. Non-linear force-free field extrapolation reveals the presence of a compact double-decker flux rope configuration in the mini-sigmoid region prior to the flares. A set of open field lines originating near the active region which were most likely responsible for the anomalous dynamics of the erupted plasma, gave the earliest indication of an emerging coronal hole near the active region. The horizontal field distribution suggests a rapid decay of the field above the active region, implying high proneness of the flux rope system toward eruption. In view of the low coronal double-decker flux ropes and compact extreme ultra-violet (EUV) brightening beneath the filament along with associated photospheric magnetic field changes, our analysis supports the combination of initial tether-cutting reconnection and subsequent torus instability for driving the eruption.
We investigate the formation, activation and eruption of a flux rope from the sigmoid active region NOAA 11719 by analyzing E(UV), X-ray and radio measurements. During the pre-eruption period of ~7 hours, the AIA 94 A images reveal the emergence of a coronal sigmoid through the interaction between two J-shaped bundles of loops which proceeds with multiple episodes of coronal loop brightenings and significant variations in the magnetic flux through the photosphere. These observations imply that repetitive magnetic reconnections likely play a key role in the formation of the sigmoidal flux rope in the corona and also contribute toward sustaining the temperature of the flux rope higher than the ambient coronal structures. Notably, the formation of the sigmoid is associated with the fast morphological evolution of an S-shaped filament channel in the chromosphere. The sigmoid activates toward eruption with the ascend of a large flux rope in the corona which is preceded by the decrease of photospheric magnetic flux through the core flaring region suggesting tether-cutting reconnection as a possible triggering mechanism. The flux rope eruption results in a two-ribbon M6.5 flare with a prolonged rise phase of ~21 min. The flare exhibits significant deviation from the standard flare model in the early rise phase during which a pair of J-shaped flare ribbons form and apparently exhibit converging motions parallel to the polarity inversion line which is further confirmed by the motions of HXR footpoint sources. In the later stages, the flare follows the standard flare model and the source region undergoes a complete sigmoid-to-arcade transformation.
We present a multi-wavelength investigation of a C-class flaring activity that occurred in the active region NOAA 12734 on 8 March 2019. The investigation utilises data from AIA and HMI on board the SDO and the Udaipur-CALLISTO solar radio spectrograph of the Physical Research Laboratory. This low intensity C1.3 event is characterised by typical features of a long duration event (LDE), viz. extended flare arcade, large-scale two-ribbon structures and twin coronal dimmings. The eruptive event occurred in a coronal sigmoid and displayed two distinct stages of energy release, manifested in terms of temporal and spatial evolution. The formation of twin dimming regions are consistent with the eruption of a large flux rope with footpoints lying in the western and eastern edges of the coronal sigmoid. The metric radio observations obtained from Udaipur-CALLISTO reveals a broad-band ($approx$50-180 MHz), stationary plasma emission for $approx$7 min during the second stage of the flaring activity that resemble a type IV radio burst. A type III decametre-hectometre radio bursts with starting frequency of $approx$2.5 MHz precedes the stationary type IV burst observed by Udaipur-CALLISTO by $approx$5 min. The synthesis of multi-wavelength observations and Non-Linear Force Free Field (NLFFF) coronal modelling together with magnetic decay index analysis suggests that the sigmoid flux rope underwent a zipping-like uprooting from its western to eastern footpoints in response to the overlying asymmetric magnetic field confinement. The asymmetrical eruption of the flux rope also accounts for the observed large-scale structures viz. apparent eastward shift of flare ribbons and post flare loops along the polarity inversion line (PIL), and provides an evidence for lateral progression of magnetic reconnection site as the eruption proceeds.
Jets are defined as impulsive, well-collimated upflows, occurring in different layers of the solar atmosphere with different scales. Their relationship with coronal mass ejections (CMEs), another type of solar impulsive events, remains elusive. Using the high-quality imaging data of AIA/SDO, here we show a well-observed coronal jet event, in which part of the jets, with the embedding coronal loops, runs into a nearby coronal hole (CH) and gets bounced towards the opposite direction. This is evidenced by the flat-shape of the jet front during its interaction with the CH and the V-shaped feature in the time-slice plot of the interaction region. About a half-hour later, a CME initially with a narrow and jet-like front is observed by the LASCO C2 coronagraph, propagating along the direction of the post-collision jet. We also observe some 304 A dark material flowing from the jet-CH interaction region towards the CME. We thus suggest that the jet and the CME are physically connected, with the jet-CH collision and the large- scale magnetic topology of the CH being important to define the eventual propagating direction of this particular jet-CME eruption.