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Including monopoles to a fully desingularized boundary element method for acoustics

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 Added by Qiang Sun
 Publication date 2021
and research's language is English

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The inclusion of domain (point) sources into a three dimensional boundary element method while solving the Helmholtz equation is described. The method is fully desingularized which allows for the use of higher order quadratic elements on the surfaces of the problem with ease. The effect of the monopole sources ends up on the right hand side of the resulting matrix system. Several carefully chosen examples are shown, such as sources near and within a concentric spherical core-shell scatterer as a verification case, a curved focusing surface and a multi-scale acoustic lens.

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This paper presents a steady-state and transient heat conduction analysis framework using the polygonal scaled boundary finite element method (PSBFEM) with polygon/quadtree meshes. The PSBFEM is implemented with commercial finite element code Abaqus by the User Element Sub-routine (UEL) feature. The detailed implementation of the framework, defining the UEL element, and solving the stiffness/mass matrix by the eigenvalue decomposition are presented. Several benchmark problems from heat conduction are solved to validate the proposed implementation. Results show that the PSBFEM is reliable and accurate for solving heat conduction problems. Not only can the proposed implementation help engineering practitioners analyze the heat conduction problem using polygonal mesh in Abaqus, but it also provides a reference for developing the UEL to solve other problems using the scaled boundary finite element method.
This article investigates residual a posteriori error estimates and adaptive mesh refinements for time-dependent boundary element methods for the wave equation. We obtain reliable estimates for Dirichlet and acoustic boundary conditions which hold for a large class of discretizations. Efficiency of the error estimate is shown for a natural discretization of low order. Numerical examples confirm the theoretical results. The resulting adaptive mesh refinement procedures in 3d recover the adaptive convergence rates known for elliptic problems.
92 - Junshan Lin 2021
In this work we present an adaptive boundary element method for computing the electromagnetic response of wave interactions in hyperbolic metamaterials. One unique feature of hyperbolic metamaterial is the strongly directional wave in its propagating cone, which induces sharp transition for the solution of the integral equation across the cone boundary when wave starts to decay or grow exponentially. In order to avoid a global refined mesh over the whole boundary, we employ a two-level a posteriori error estimator and an adaptive mesh refinement procedure to resolve the singularity locally for the solution of the integral equation. Such an adaptive procedure allows for the reduction of the degree of freedom significantly for the integral equation solver while achieving desired accuracy for the solution. In addition, to resolve the fast transition of the fundamental solution and its derivatives accurately across the propagation cone boundary, adaptive numerical quadrature rules are applied to evaluate the integrals for the stiff matrices. Finally, in order to formulate the integral equations over the boundary, we also derive the limits of layer potentials and their derivatives in the hyperbolic media when the target points approach the boundary.
82 - Haoran Liu , Michael Neilan , 2021
This paper constructs and analyzes a boundary correction finite element method for the Stokes problem based on the Scott-Vogelius pair on Clough-Tocher splits. The velocity space consists of continuous piecewise quadratic polynomials, and the pressure space consists of piecewise linear polynomials without continuity constraints. A Lagrange multiplier space that consists of continuous piecewise quadratic polynomials with respect to boundary partition is introduced to enforce boundary conditions as well as to mitigate the lack of pressure-robustness. We prove several inf-sup conditions, leading to the well-posedness of the method. In addition, we show that the method converges with optimal order and the velocity approximation is divergence free.
In this paper, we examine the effectiveness of classic multiscale finite element method (MsFEM) (Hou and Wu, 1997; Hou et al., 1999) for mixed Dirichlet-Neumann, Robin and hemivariational inequality boundary problems. Constructing so-called boundary correctors is a common technique in existing methods to prove the convergence rate of MsFEM, while we think not reflects the essence of those problems. Instead, we focus on the first-order expansion structure. Through recently developed estimations in homogenization theory, our convergence rate is provided with milder assumptions and in neat forms.
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