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Correlation spectra of Fe-pnictides obtained by using an extended Drude mode

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 Added by Jungseek Hwang
 Publication date 2021
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We introduce an analysis model, an extended Drude-Lorentz model, and apply it to Fe-pnictide systems to extract their electron-boson spectral density functions (or correlation spectra). The extended Drude-Lorentz model consists of an extended Drude mode for describing correlated charge carriers and Lorentz modes for interband transitions. The extended Drude mode can be obtained by a reverse process starting from the electron-boson spectral density function and extending to the optical self-energy, and eventually, to the optical conductivity. Using the extended Drude-Lorentz model, we obtained the electron-boson spectral density functions of K-doped BaFe$_2$As$_2$ (Ba-122) at four different doping levels. We discuss the doping-dependent properties of the electron-boson spectral density function of K-doped Ba-122. This new approach is very helpful for understanding and analyzing measured optical spectra of strongly correlation electron systems, including high-temperature superconductors (cuprates and Fe-pnictides).

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The electron-boson spectral density (or glue) function can be obtained from measured optical scattering rate by solving a generalized Allen formula, which relates the two quantities with an integral equation and is an inversion problem. Thus far, numerical approaches, such as the maximum entropy method (MEM) and the least squares fitting method, have been applied for solving the generalized Allen formula. Here, we developed a new method to obtain the glue functions from the optical scattering rate using a machine learning approach (MLA). We found that the MLA is more robust against random noise compared with the MEM. We applied the new developed MLA to experimentally measured optical scattering rates and obtained reliable glue functions in terms of their shapes including the amplitudes. We expect that the MLA can be a useful and rapid method for solving other inversion problems, which may contain random noise.
Renormalization of non-magnetic impurity potential by strong electron correlation is investigated in detail. We adopt the t-t-t-J model and consider mainly a delta-function impurity potential. The variational Monte Carlo method shows that impurity potential scattering matrix elements between Gutzwiller-projected quasi-particle excited states are as strongly renormalized as the hopping terms. Such renormalization is also seen by the Bogoliubov-de Gennes equation with an impurity, where the strong correlation is treated by a Gutzwiller mean-field theory with local Gutzwiller factors and local chemical potentials. Namely, the delta-function potential is effectively weakened and broadened. We emphasize the importance of including the local chemical potential, which is paid little attention to in the literature, by physical consideration of the doping dependence of a local hole density. We also investigate effect of smooth impurity potential variation; the strong correlation yields anticorrelation between the gap energy and the coherence peak height simultaneously with large gap distribution, which is consistent with the experiments.
In correlated metals derived from Mott insulators, the motion of an electron is impeded by Coulomb repulsion due to other electrons. This phenomenon causes a substantial reduction in the electrons kinetic energy leading to remarkable experimental manifestations in optical spectroscopy. The high-Tc superconducting cuprates are perhaps the most studied examples of such correlated metals. The occurrence of high-Tc superconductivity in the iron pnictides puts a spotlight on the relevance of correlation effects in these materials. Here we present an infrared and optical study on single crystals of the iron pnictide superconductor LaFePO. We find clear evidence of electronic correlations in metallic LaFePO with the kinetic energy of the electrons reduced to half of that predicted by band theory of nearly free electrons. Hallmarks of strong electronic many-body effects reported here are important because the iron pnictides expose a new pathway towards a correlated electron state that does not explicitly involve the Mott transition.
We employ the phenomenological theory of the quasiparticle relaxation based on the simplified two-band description and the spin-fluctuation induced interband coupling to analyze recent normal-state transport data in electron-doped iron pnictides, in particular the Ba(Fe_1-x Co_x)_2As_2 family. Temperature dependence of the resistivity, thermopower and the Hall constant are evaluated. It is shown that their anomalous behavior emerging from experiments can be consistently described within the same framework assuming also non-Fermi-liquid spin fluctuations.
We have performed an angle-resolved photoemission study of the iron pnictide superconductor KFe2As2 with Tc 4 K. Most of the observed Fermi surfaces show almost two-dimensional shapes, while one of the quasi-particle bands near the Fermi level has a strong dispersion along the kz direction, consistent with the result of a band-structure calculation. However, hole Fermi surfaces alpha and zeta are smaller than those predicted by the calculation while other Fermi surfaces are larger. These observations are consistent with the result of a de Haas-van Alphen study and a theoretical prediction on inter-band scattering, possibly indicating many body effects on the electronic structure.
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