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Highly-robust reentrant superconductivity in CsV3Sb5 under pressure

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 Added by Jian-Gang Guo
 Publication date 2021
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Here we present the superconducting property and structural stability of kagome CsV3Sb5 under in-situ high pressures. For the initial SC-I phase, its Tc is quickly enhanced from 3.5 K to 7.6 K and then totally suppressed at P~10 GPa. Further increasing the applied pressures, an SC-II phase emerges at P~15 GPa and persists up to 100 GPa. The Tc rapidly increases to the maximal value of 5.2 K at P=53.6 GPa and rather slowly decreases to 4.7 K at P=100 GPa. A two-dome-like variation of Tc in CsV3Sb5 is concluded here. The Raman measurements demonstrate that weakening of E2g model and strengthening of A1g model occur without phase transition as entering the SC-II phase, which is supported by the results of phonon spectra calculations. Electronic structure calculations reveal that exertion of pressure may bridge the gap of topological surface nontrivial states near EF, i. e. Z2 invariant. Meanwhile, it enlarges Fermi surface significantly, consistent with the increased carrier density. The findings here point out the change of electronic structure and strengthened electron-phonon coupling should be responsible for the pressure-induced reentrant SC.

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115 - Qi Wang , Pengfei Kong , Wujun Shi 2021
Superconductivity in topological kagome metals has recently received great research interests. Here, charge density wave (CDW) orders and the evolution of superconductivity under various pressures in CsV3Sb5 single crystal with V kagome lattice are investigated. By using high-resolution scanning tunnelling microscopy /spectroscopy (STM/STS), two CDW orders in CsV3Sb5 are observed which correspond to 4a*1a and 2a*2a superlattices. By applying pressure, the superconducting transition temperature Tc is significantly enhanced and reaches a maximum value of 8.2 K at around 1 GPa. Accordingly, CDW state is gradually declined as increasing the pressure, which indicates the competing interplay between CDW and superconducting state in this material. The broad superconducting transitions around 0.4 - 0.8 GPa can be related to the strong competition relation among two CDW states and superconductivity. These results demonstrate that CsV3Sb5 is a new platform for exploring the interplay between superconductivity and CDW in topological kagome metals.
Quasi-two-dimensional kagome metals AV3Sb5 (A = K, Rb, and Cs) have attracted much recent interest due to exotic quantum phenomena such as unconventional superconductivity, topological charge order and giant anomalous Hall effect. Here we report pressure-induced reemergent superconductivity in CsV3Sb5 by electrical transport measurements under high pressures up to 47.9 GPa. We show that the superconducting critical temperature Tc is first enhanced by pressure and reaches its first maximum ~ 8.9 K at 0.8 GPa, then the Tc is suppressed by pressure and cannot be detected above 7.5 GPa, forming a dome-shaped superconducting phase diagram. Remarkably, upon further compression above 16.5 GPa, a new superconducting state arises, of which Tc is enhanced by pressure to a second maximum ~ 5.0 K and the reemergent superconductivity keeps robust up to 47.9 GPa. Combined with high-pressure synchrotron x-ray diffraction measurements that demonstrate the stability of the pristine hexagonal phase up to 43.1 GPa, we suggest that the reemergence of superconductivity in the V-based superconductor could be attributed to a pressure-induced Lifshitz transition.
159 - H. Okada , K. Igawa , H. Takahashi 2008
Electrical resistivity measurements under high pressures up to 29 GPa were performed for oxypnictide compound LaFeAsO. We found a pressure-induced superconductivity in LaFeAsO. The maximum value of Tc is 21 K at ~12 GPa. The pressure dependence of the Tc is similar to those of LaFeAsO1-xFx series reported previously.
We studied the temperature-pressure phase diagram of EuFe2As2 by measurements of the electrical resistivity. The antiferromagnetic spin-density-wave transition at T_0 associated with the FeAs-layers is continuously suppressed with increasing pressure, while the antiferromagnetic ordering temperature of the Eu 2+ moments seems to be nearly pressure independent up to 2.6 GPa. Above 2 GPa a sharp drop of the resistivity, rho(T), indicates the onset of superconductivity at T_c approx 29.5 K. Surprisingly, on further reducing the temperature rho(T) is increasing again and exhibiting a maximum caused by the ordering of the Eu 2+ moments, a behavior which is reminiscent of re-entrant superconductivity as it is observed in the ternary Chevrel phases or in the rare-earth nickel borocarbides.
90 - H. Leng , A. Ohmura , L.N. Anh 2019
The Dirac semimetal PdTe$_2$ was recently reported to be a type-I superconductor ($T_c = $1.64 K, $mu_0 H_c (0) = 13.6$ mT) with unusual superconductivity of the surface sheath. We here report a high-pressure study, $p leq 2.5$ GPa, of the superconducting phase diagram extracted from ac-susceptibility and transport measurements on single crystalline samples. $T_c (p)$ shows a pronounced non-monotonous variation with a maximum $T_c = $1.91 K around 0.91 GPa, followed by a gradual decrease to 1.27 K at 2.5 GPa. The critical field of bulk superconductivity in the limit $T rightarrow 0$, $H_c(0,p)$, follows a similar trend and consequently the $H_c(T,p)$-curves under pressure collapse on a single curve: $H_c(T,p)=H_c(0,p)[1-(T/T_c(p))^2]$. Surface superconductivity is robust under pressure as demonstrated by the large superconducting screening signal that persists for applied dc-fields $H_a > H_c$. Surprisingly, for $p geq 1.41$ GPa the superconducting transition temperature at the surface $T_c^S$ is larger than $T_c$ of the bulk. Therefore surface superconductivity may possibly have a non-trivial nature and is connected to the topological surface states detected by ARPES. We compare the measured pressure variation of $T_c$ with recent results from band structure calculations and discuss the importance of a Van Hove singularity.
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