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High-precision astrometric studies in direct imaging with SPHERE

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 Added by Anne-Lise Maire
 Publication date 2021
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Orbital monitoring of exoplanetary and stellar systems is fundamental for analysing their architecture, dynamical stability and evolution, and mechanisms of formation. Current high-contrast extreme-adaptive optics imagers like SPHERE, GPI, and SCExAO+CHARIS explore the population of giant exoplanets and brown dwarf and stellar companions beyond typically 10 au, covering generally a small fraction of the orbit (<20%) leading to degeneracies and biases in the orbital parameters. Precise and robust measurements over time of the position of the companions are critical, which require good knowledge of the instrumental limitations and dedicated observing strategies. The homogeneous dedicated calibration strategy for astrometry implemented for SPHERE has facilitated high-precision studies by its users since its start of operation in 2014. As the precision of exoplanet imaging instruments is now reaching milliarcseconds and is expected to improve with the upcoming facilities, we initiated a community effort, triggered by the SPHERE experience, to share lessons learned for high-precision astrometry in direct imaging. A homogeneous strategy would strongly benefit the VLT community, in synergy with VLTI instruments like GRAVITY/GRAVITY+, future instruments like ERIS and MAVIS, and in preparation for the exploitation of the ELTs first instruments MICADO, HARMONI, and METIS.

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The consortium of the Spectro-Polarimetric High-contrast Exoplanet REsearch installed at the Very Large Telescope (SPHERE/VLT) has been operating its guaranteed observation time (260 nights over five years) since February 2015. The main part of this time (200 nights) is dedicated to the detection and characterization of young and giant exoplanets on wide orbits. The large amount of data must be uniformly processed so that accurate and homogeneous measurements of photometry and astrometry can be obtained for any source in the field. To complement the European Southern Observatory pipeline, the SPHERE consortium developed a dedicated piece of software to process the data. First, the software corrects for instrumental artifacts. Then, it uses the speckle calibration tool (SpeCal) to minimize the stellar light halo that prevents us from detecting faint sources like exoplanets or circumstellar disks. SpeCal is meant to extract the astrometry and photometry of detected point-like sources (exoplanets, brown dwarfs, or background sources). SpeCal was intensively tested to ensure the consistency of all reduced images (cADI, Loci, TLoci, PCA, and others) for any SPHERE observing strategy (ADI, SDI, ASDI as well as the accuracy of the astrometry and photometry of detected point-like sources. SpeCal is robust, user friendly, and efficient at detecting and characterizing point-like sources in high contrast images. It is used to process all SPHERE data systematically, and its outputs have been used for most of the SPHERE consortium papers to date. SpeCal is also a useful framework to compare different algorithms using various sets of data (different observing modes and conditions). Finally, our tests show that the extracted astrometry and photometry are accurate and not biased.
Measuring the orbits of directly-imaged exoplanets requires precise astrometry at the milliarcsec level over long periods of time due to their wide separation to the stars ($gtrsim$10 au) and long orbital period ($gtrsim$20 yr). To reach this challenging goal, a specific strategy was implemented for the instrument Spectro-Polarimetric High-contrast Exoplanet REsearch (SPHERE), the first dedicated exoplanet imaging instrument at the Very Large Telescope of the European Southern Observatory (ESO). A key part of this strategy relies on the astrometric stability of the instrument over time. We monitored for five years the evolution of the optical distortion, pixel scale, and orientation to the True North of SPHERE images using the near-infrared instrument IRDIS. We show that the instrument calibration achieves a positional stability of $sim$1 mas over 2$$ field of views. We also discuss the SPHERE astrometric strategy, issues encountered in the course of the on-sky operations, and lessons learned for the next generation of exoplanet imaging instruments on the Extremely Large Telescope being built by ESO.
Presented here is list of 50 pairs quasi-evenly spaced over the northern sky, and that have Separations and Position Angles accurate at the milli-arcsec, and milli-degree level. These pairs are suggested as calibration pairs for lucky imaging observations. This paper is a follow-up to our previous paper regarding southern sky calibration pairs.
213 - R. Dodson , M. Rioja , Y. Asaki 2013
High precision astrometric Space Very Long Baseline Interferometry (S-VLBI) at the low end of the conventional frequency range, i.e. 20cm, is a requirement for a number of high priority science goals. These are headlined by obtaining trigonometric parallax distances to pulsars in Pulsar--Black Hole pairs and OH masers anywhere in the Milky Way Galaxy and the Magellanic Clouds. We propose a solution for the most difficult technical problems in S-VLBI by the MultiView approach where multiple sources, separated by several degrees on the sky, are observed simultaneously. We simulated a number of challenging S-VLBI configurations, with orbit errors up to 8m in size and with ionospheric atmospheres consistant with poor conditions. In these simulations we performed MultiView analysis to achieve the required science goals. This approach removes the need for beam switching requiring a Control Moment Gyro, and the space and ground infrastructure required for high quality orbit reconstruction of a space-based radio telescope. This will dramatically reduce the complexity of S-VLBI missions which implement the phase-referencing technique.
METIS is one of the three first-light instruments planned for the ELT, mainly dedicated to high contrast imaging in the mid-infrared. On the SPHERE high-contrast instrument currently installed at the VLT, we observe that one of the main contrast limitations is the wind driven halo, due to the limited AO running speed with respect to the atmospheric turbulence temporal evolution. From this observation, we extrapolate this signature to the ELT/METIS instrument, which is equipped with a single conjugated adaptive optics system and with several coronagraphic devices. By making use of an analytic AO simulator, we compare the amount of wind driven halo observed with SPHERE and with METIS, under the same turbulence conditions.
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