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Detecting piano pedalling techniques in polyphonic music remains a challenging task in music information retrieval. While other piano-related tasks, such as pitch estimation and onset detection, have seen improvement through applying deep learning methods, little work has been done to develop deep learning models to detect playing techniques. In this paper, we propose a transfer learning approach for the detection of sustain-pedal techniques, which are commonly used by pianists to enrich the sound. In the source task, a convolutional neural network (CNN) is trained for learning spectral and temporal contexts when the sustain pedal is pressed using a large dataset generated by a physical modelling virtual instrument. The CNN is designed and experimented through exploiting the knowledge of piano acoustics and physics. This can achieve an accuracy score of 0.98 in the validation results. In the target task, the knowledge learned from the synthesised data can be transferred to detect the sustain pedal in acoustic piano recordings. A concatenated feature vector using the activations of the trained convolutional layers is extracted from the recordings and classified into frame-wise pedal press or release. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method in acoustic piano recordings of Chopins music. From the cross-validation results, the proposed transfer learning method achieves an average F-measure of 0.89 and an overall performance of 0.84 obtained using the micro-averaged F-measure. These results outperform applying the pre-trained CNN model directly or the model with a fine-tuned last layer.
Automated audio captioning (AAC) aims at generating summarizing descriptions for audio clips. Multitudinous concepts are described in an audio caption, ranging from local information such as sound events to global information like acoustic scenery. Currently, the mainstream paradigm for AAC is the end-to-end encoder-decoder architecture, expecting the encoder to learn all levels of concepts embedded in the audio automatically. This paper first proposes a topic model for audio descriptions, comprehensively analyzing the hierarchical audio topics that are commonly covered. We then explore a transfer learning scheme to access local and global information. Two source tasks are identified to respectively represent local and global information, being Audio Tagging (AT) and Acoustic Scene Classification (ASC). Experiments are conducted on the AAC benchmark dataset Clotho and Audiocaps, amounting to a vast increase in all eight metrics with topic transfer learning. Further, it is discovered that local information and abstract representation learning are more crucial to AAC than global information and temporal relationship learning.
In recent years, the involvement of synthetic strongly labeled data,weakly labeled data and unlabeled data has drawn much research attentionin semi-supervised sound event detection (SSED). Self-training models carry out predictions without strong annotations and then take predictions with high probabilities as pseudo-labels for retraining. Such models have shown its effectiveness in SSED. However, probabilities are poorly calibrated confidence estimates, and samples with low probabilities are ignored. Hence, we introduce a method of learning confidence deliberately and retaining all data distinctly by applying confidence as weights. Additionally, linear pooling has been considered as a state-of-the-art aggregation function for SSED with weak labeling. In this paper, we propose a power pooling function whose coefficient can be trained automatically to achieve nonlinearity. A confidencebased semi-supervised sound event detection (C-SSED) framework is designed to combine confidence and power pooling. The experimental results demonstrate that confidence is proportional to the accuracy of the predictions. The power pooling function outperforms linear pooling at both error rate and F1 results. In addition, the C-SSED framework achieves a relative error rate reduction of 34% in contrast to the baseline model.
In this paper, we describe in detail our systems for DCASE 2020 Task 4. The systems are based on the 1st-place system of DCASE 2019 Task 4, which adopts weakly-supervised framework with an attention-based embedding-level pooling module and a semi-supervised learning approach named guided learning. This year, we incorporate multi-branch learning (MBL) into the original system to further improve its performance. MBL uses different branches with different pooling strategies (including instance-level and embedding-level strategies) and different pooling modules (including attention pooling, global max pooling or global average pooling modules), which share the same feature encoder of the model. Therefore, multiple branches pursuing different purposes and focusing on different characteristics of the data can help the feature encoder model the feature space better and avoid over-fitting. To better exploit the strongly-labeled synthetic data, inspired by multi-task learning, we also employ a sound event detection branch. To combine sound separation (SS) with sound event detection (SED), we fuse the results of SED systems with SS-SED systems which are trained using separated sound output by an SS system. The experimental results prove that MBL can improve the model performance and using SS has great potential to improve the performance of SED ensemble system.
In far-field speaker verification, the performance of speaker embeddings is susceptible to degradation when there is a mismatch between the conditions of enrollment and test speech. To solve this problem, we propose the feature-level and instance-level transfer learning in the teacher-student framework to learn a domain-invariant embedding space. For the feature-level knowledge transfer, we develop the contrastive loss to transfer knowledge from teacher model to student model, which can not only decrease the intra-class distance, but also enlarge the inter-class distance. Moreover, we propose the instance-level pairwise distance transfer method to force the student model to preserve pairwise instances distance from the well optimized embedding space of the teacher model. On FFSVC 2020 evaluation set, our EER on Full-eval trials is relatively reduced by 13.9% compared with the fusion system result on Partial-eval trials of Task2. On Task1, compared with the winners DenseNet result on Partial-eval trials, our minDCF on Full-eval trials is relatively reduced by 6.3%. On Task3, the EER and minDCF of our proposed method on Full-eval trials are very close to the result of the fusion system on Partial-eval trials. Our results also outperform other competitive domain adaptation methods.
In this paper, we provide a series of multi-tasking benchmarks for simultaneously detecting spoofing at the segmental and utterance levels in the PartialSpoof database. First, we propose the SELCNN network, which inserts squeeze-and-excitation (SE) blocks into a light convolutional neural network (LCNN) to enhance the capacity of hidden feature selection. Then, we implement multi-task learning (MTL) frameworks with SELCNN followed by bidirectional long short-term memory (Bi-LSTM) as the basic model. We discuss MTL in PartialSpoof in terms of architecture (uni-branch/multi-branch) and training strategies (from-scratch/warm-up) step-by-step. Experiments show that the multi-task model performs relatively better than single-task models. Also, in MTL, a binary-branch architecture more adequately utilizes information from two levels than a uni-branch model. For the binary-branch architecture, fine-tuning a warm-up model works better than training from scratch. Models can handle both segment-level and utterance-level predictions simultaneously overall under a binary-branch multi-task architecture. Furthermore, the multi-task model trained by fine-tuning a segmental warm-up model performs relatively better at both levels except on the evaluation set for segmental detection. Segmental detection should be explored further.