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Outage Probability Expressions for an IRS-Assisted System with and without Source-Destination Link for the Case of Quantized Phase Shifts in $kappa-mu$ fading

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 Added by Athira Subhash
 Publication date 2021
and research's language is English

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In this work, we study the outage probability (OP) at the destination of an intelligent reflecting surface (IRS) assisted communication system in a $kappa-mu$ fading environment. A practical system model that takes into account the presence of phase error due to quantization at the IRS when a) source-destination (SD) link is present and b) SD link is absent is considered. First, an exact expression is derived, and then we derive three simple approximations for the OP using the following approaches: (i) uni-variate dimension reduction, (ii) moment matching and, (iii) Kullback-Leibler divergence minimization. The resulting expressions for OP are simple to evaluate and quite tight even in the tail region. The validity of these approximations is demonstrated using extensive Monte Carlo simulations. We also study the impact of the number of bits available for quantization, the position of IRS with respect to the source and destination and the number of IRS elements on the OP for systems with and without an SD link.

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We study the physical-layer security of a multiple source-destination (SD) pairs coexisting wireless network in the face of an eavesdropper, where an eavesdropper intends to wiretap the signal transmitted by the SD pairs. In order to protect the wireless transmission against eavesdropping, we propose a cooperation framework relying on two stages. Specifically, an SD pair is selected to access the total allocated spectrum using an appropriately designed scheme at the beginning of the first stage. The other source nodes (SNs) simultaneously transmit their data to the SN of the above-mentioned SD pair relying on an orthogonal way during the first stage. Then, the SN of the chosen SD pair transmits the data packets containing its own messages and the other SNs messages to its dedicated destination node (DN) in the second stage, which in turn will forward all the other DNs data to the application center via the core network. We conceive a specific SD pair selection scheme, termed as the transmit antenna selection aided source-destination pair selection (TAS-SDPS). We derive the secrecy outage probability (SOP) expressions for the TAS-SDPS, as well as for the conventional round-robin source-destination pair selection (RSDPS) and non-cooperative (Non-coop) schemes for comparison purposes. Furthermore, we carry out the secrecy diversity gain analysis in the high main-to-eavesdropper ratio (MER) region, showing that the TAS-SDPS scheme is capable of achieving the maximum attainable secrecy diversity order.
Using tools from extreme value theory (EVT), it is proved that, when the user signal and the interferer signals undergo independent and non-identically distributed (i.n.i.d.) $kappa-mu$ shadowed fading, the limiting distribution of the maximum of $L$ independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) signal-to-interference ratio (SIR) random variables (RVs) is a Frechet distribution. It is observed that this limiting distribution is close to the true distribution of maximum, for maximum SIR evaluated over moderate $L$. Further, moments of the maximum RV is shown to converge to the moments of the Frechet RV. Also, the rate of convergence of the actual distribution of the maximum to the Frechet distribution is derived and is analyzed for different $kappa$ and $mu$ parameters. Finally, results from stochastic ordering are used to analyze the variation in the limiting distribution with respect to the variation in source fading parameters. These results are then used to derive upper bound for the rate in Full Array Selection (FAS) schemes for antenna selection and the asymptotic outage probability and the ergodic rate in maximum-sum-capacity (MSC) scheduling systems.
Approximate outage probability expressions are derived for systems employing maximum ratio combining, when both the desired signal and the interfering signals are subjected to $eta-mu$ fading, with the interferers having unequal power. The approximations are in terms of the Appell Function and Gauss hypergeometric function. A close match is observed between the outage probability result obtained through the derived analytical expression and the one obtained through Monte-Carlo simulations.
188 - Peng Wu , Nihar Jindal 2009
This paper studies the performance of hybrid-ARQ (automatic repeat request) in Rayleigh block fading channels. The long-term average transmitted rate is analyzed in a fast-fading scenario where the transmitter only has knowledge of channel statistics, and, consistent with contemporary wireless systems, rate adaptation is performed such that a target outage probability (after a maximum number of H-ARQ rounds) is maintained. H-ARQ allows for early termination once decoding is possible, and thus is a coarse, and implicit, mechanism for rate adaptation to the instantaneous channel quality. Although the rate with H-ARQ is not as large as the ergodic capacity, which is achievable with rate adaptation to the instantaneous channel conditions, even a few rounds of H-ARQ make the gap to ergodic capacity reasonably small for operating points of interest. Furthermore, the rate with H-ARQ provides a significant advantage compared to systems that do not use H-ARQ and only adapt rate based on the channel statistics.
97 - Binyu Lu , Rui Wang , Yiming Liu 2021
In this letter, we study the outage probability of intelligent reflecting surface (IRS) assisted full duplex two-way communication systems, which characterizes the performance of overcoming the transmitted data loss caused by long deep fades. To this end, we first derive the probability distribution of the cascaded end-to-end equivalent channel with an arbitrarily given IRS beamformer. Our analysis shows that deriving such probability distribution in the considered case is more challenging than the case with the phase-matched IRS beamformer. Then, with the derived probability distribution of the equivalent channel, we obtain the closed-form expression of the outage probability performance. It theoretically shows that the reflecting element number has a conspicuous effect on the improvement of the system reliability. Extensive numerical results verify the correctness of the derived results and confirm the superiority of the considered IRS assisted two-way communication system comparing to the one-way counterpart.
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