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We present NNrepair, a constraint-based technique for repairing neural network classifiers. The technique aims to fix the logic of the network at an intermediate layer or at the last layer. NNrepair first uses fault localization to find potentially faulty network parameters (such as the weights) and then performs repair using constraint solving to apply small modifications to the parameters to remedy the defects. We present novel strategies to enable precise yet efficient repair such as inferring correctness specifications to act as oracles for intermediate layer repair, and generation of experts for each class. We demonstrate the technique in the context of three different scenarios: (1) Improving the overall accuracy of a model, (2) Fixing security vulnerabilities caused by poisoning of training data and (3) Improving the robustness of the network against adversarial attacks. Our evaluation on MNIST and CIFAR-10 models shows that NNrepair can improve the accuracy by 45.56 percentage points on poisoned data and 10.40 percentage points on adversarial data. NNrepair also provides small improvement in the overall accuracy of models, without requiring new data or re-training.
Safety is a critical concern for the next generation of autonomy that is likely to rely heavily on deep neural networks for perception and control. Formally verifying the safety and robustness of well-trained DNNs and learning-enabled systems under attacks, model uncertainties, and sensing errors is essential for safe autonomy. This research proposes a framework to repair unsafe DNNs in safety-critical systems with reachability analysis. The repair process is inspired by adversarial training which has demonstrated high effectiveness in improving the safety and robustness of DNNs. Different from traditional adversarial training approaches where adversarial examples are utilized from random attacks and may not be representative of all unsafe behaviors, our repair process uses reachability analysis to compute the exact unsafe regions and identify sufficiently representative examples to enhance the efficacy and efficiency of the adversarial training. The performance of our framework is evaluated on two types of benchmarks without safe models as references. One is a DNN controller for aircraft collision avoidance with access to training data. The other is a rocket lander where our framework can be seamlessly integrated with the well-known deep deterministic policy gradient (DDPG) reinforcement learning algorithm. The experimental results show that our framework can successfully repair all instances on multiple safety specifications with negligible performance degradation. In addition, to increase the computational and memory efficiency of the reachability analysis algorithm, we propose a depth-first-search algorithm that combines an existing exact analysis method with an over-approximation approach based on a new set representation. Experimental results show that our method achieves a five-fold improvement in runtime and a two-fold improvement in memory usage compared to exact analysis.
The advance in machine learning (ML)-driven natural language process (NLP) points a promising direction for automatic bug fixing for software programs, as fixing a buggy program can be transformed to a translation task. While software programs contain much richer information than one-dimensional natural language documents, pioneering work on using ML-driven NLP techniques for automatic program repair only considered a limited set of such information. We hypothesize that more comprehensive information of software programs, if appropriately utilized, can improve the effectiveness of ML-driven NLP approaches in repairing software programs. As the first step towards proving this hypothesis, we propose a unified representation to capture the syntax, data flow, and control flow aspects of software programs, and devise a method to use such a representation to guide the transformer model from NLP in better understanding and fixing buggy programs. Our preliminary experiment confirms that the more comprehensive information of software programs used, the better ML-driven NLP techniques can perform in fixing bugs in these programs.
To increase the trustworthiness of deep neural network (DNN) classifiers, an accurate prediction confidence that represents the true likelihood of correctness is crucial. Towards this end, many post-hoc calibration methods have been proposed to leverage a lightweight model to map the target DNNs output layer into a calibrated confidence. Nonetheless, on an out-of-distribution (OOD) dataset in practice, the target DNN can often mis-classify samples with a high confidence, creating significant challenges for the existing calibration methods to produce an accurate confidence. In this paper, we propose a new post-hoc confidence calibration method, called CCAC (Confidence Calibration with an Auxiliary Class), for DNN classifiers on OOD datasets. The key novelty of CCAC is an auxiliary class in the calibration model which separates mis-classified samples from correctly classified ones, thus effectively mitigating the target DNNs being confidently wrong. We also propose a simplified version of CCAC to reduce free parameters and facilitate transfer to a new unseen dataset. Our experiments on different DNN models, datasets and applications show that CCAC can consistently outperform the prior post-hoc calibration methods.
Although deep learning has demonstrated astonishing performance in many applications, there are still concerns about its dependability. One desirable property of deep learning applications with societal impact is fairness (i.e., non-discrimination). Unfortunately, discrimination might be intrinsically embedded into the models due to the discrimination in the training data. As a countermeasure, fairness testing systemically identifies discriminatory samples, which can be used to retrain the model and improve the models fairness. Existing fairness testing approaches however have two major limitations. Firstly, they only work well on traditional machine learning models and have poor performance (e.g., effectiveness and efficiency) on deep learning models. Secondly, they only work on simple structured (e.g., tabular) data and are not applicable for domains such as text. In this work, we bridge the gap by proposing a scalable and effective approach for systematically searching for discriminatory samples while extending existing fairness testing approaches to address a more challenging domain, i.e., text classification. Compared with state-of-the-art methods, our approach only employs lightweight procedures like gradient computation and clustering, which is significantly more scalable and effective. Experimental results show that on average, our approach explores the search space much more effectively (9.62 and 2.38 times more than the state-of-the-art methods respectively on tabular and text datasets) and generates much more discriminatory samples (24.95 and 2.68 times) within a same reasonable time. Moreover, the retrained models reduce discrimination by 57.2% and 60.2% respectively on average.
Deep neural networks (DNNs) show promise in breast cancer screening, but their robustness to input perturbations must be better understood before they can be clinically implemented. There exists extensive literature on this subject in the context of natural images that can potentially be built upon. However, it cannot be assumed that conclusions about robustness will transfer from natural images to mammogram images, due to significant differences between the two image modalities. In order to determine whether conclusions will transfer, we measure the sensitivity of a radiologist-level screening mammogram image classifier to four commonly studied input perturbations that natural image classifiers are sensitive to. We find that mammogram image classifiers are also sensitive to these perturbations, which suggests that we can build on the existing literature. We also perform a detailed analysis on the effects of low-pass filtering, and find that it degrades the visibility of clinically meaningful features called microcalcifications. Since low-pass filtering removes semantically meaningful information that is predictive of breast cancer, we argue that it is undesirable for mammogram image classifiers to be invariant to it. This is in contrast to natural images, where we do not want DNNs to be sensitive to low-pass filtering due to its tendency to remove information that is human-incomprehensible.