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Detection and Isolation of Small Faults in Lithium-Ion Batteries via the Asymptotic Local Approach

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 Added by Luis D. Couto
 Publication date 2021
and research's language is English

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This contribution presents a diagnosis scheme for batteries to detect and isolate internal faults in the form of small parameter changes. This scheme is based on an electrochemical reduced-order model of the battery, which allows the inclusion of physically meaningful faults that might affect the battery performance. The sensitivity properties of the model are analyzed. The model is then used to compute residuals based on an unscented Kalman filter. Primary residuals and a limiting covariance matrix are obtained thanks to the local approach, allowing for fault detection and isolation by chi-squared statistical tests. Results show that faults resulting in limited 0.15% capacity and 0.004% power fade can be effectively detected by the local approach. The algorithm is also able to correctly isolate faults related with sensitive parameters, whereas parameters with low sensitivity or linearly correlated are more difficult to precise.

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Mathematical modeling of lithium-ion batteries (LiBs) is a central challenge in advanced battery management. This paper presents a new approach to integrate a physics-based model with machine learning to achieve high-precision modeling for LiBs. This approach uniquely proposes to inform the machine learning model of the dynamic state of the physical model, enabling a deep integration between physics and machine learning. We propose two hybrid physics-machine learning models based on the approach, which blend a single particle model with thermal dynamics (SPMT) with a feedforward neural network (FNN) to perform physics-informed learning of a LiBs dynamic behavior. The proposed models are relatively parsimonious in structure and can provide considerable predictive accuracy even at high C-rates, as shown by extensive simulations.
Lithium-sulfur (Li-S) batteries have become one of the most attractive alternatives over conventional Li-ion batteries due to their high theoretical specific energy density (2500 Wh/kg for Li-S vs. $sim$250 Wh/kg for Li-ion). Accurate state estimation in Li-S batteries is urgently needed for safe and efficient operation. To the best of the authors knowledge, electrochemical model-based observers have not been reported for Li-S batteries, primarily due to the complex dynamics that make state observer design a challenging problem. In this work, we demonstrate a state estimation scheme based on a zero-dimensional electrochemical model for Li-S batteries. The nonlinear differential-algebraic equation (DAE) model is incorporated into an extend Kalman filter. This observer design estimates both differential and algebraic states that represent the dynamic behavior inside the cell, from voltage and current measurements only. The effectiveness of the proposed estimation algorithm is illustrated by numerical simulation results. Our study unlocks how an electrochemical model can be utilized for practical state estimation of Li-S batteries.
We present a porous electrode model for lithium-ion batteries using Butler--Volmer reaction kinetics. We model lithium concentration in both the solid and fluid phase along with solid and liquid electric potential. Through asymptotic reduction, we show that the electric potentials are spatially homogeneous which decouples the problem into a series of time-dependent problems. These problems can be solved on three distinguished time scales, an early time scale where capacitance effects in the electrode dominate, a mid-range time scale where a spatial concentration gradient forms in the electrolyte, and a long-time scale where each of the electrodes saturate and deplete with lithium respectively. The solid-phase concentration profiles are linear functions of time and the electrolyte potential is everywhere zero, which allows the model to be reduced to a system of two uncoupled ordinary differential equations. Analytic and numerical results are compared with full numerical simulations and experimental discharge curves demonstrating excellent agreement.
Fast charging of lithium-ion batteries is crucial to increase desirability for consumers and hence accelerate the adoption of electric vehicles. A major barrier to shorter charge times is the accelerated aging of the battery at higher charging rates, which can be driven by lithium plating, increased solid electrolyte interphase growth due to elevated temperatures, and particle cracking due to mechanical stress. Lithium plating depends on the overpotential of the negative electrode, and mechanical stress depends on the concentration gradient, both of which cannot be measured directly. Techniques based on physics-based models of the battery and optimal control algorithms have been developed to this end. While these methods show promise in reducing degradation, their optimization algorithms complexity can limit their implementation. In this paper, we present a method based on the constant current constant voltage (CC-CV) charging scheme, called CC-CV$eta sigma$T (VEST). The new approach is simpler to implement and can be used with any model to impose varying levels of constraints on variables pertinent to degradation, such as plating potential and mechanical stress. We demonstrate the new CC-CV$eta sigma$T charging using an electrochemical model with mechanical and thermal effects included. Furthermore, we discuss how uncertainties can be accounted for by considering safety margins for the plating and stress constraints.
The presence of constant power loads (CPLs) in dc shipboard microgrids may lead to unstable conditions. The present work investigates the stability properties of dc microgrids where CPLs are fed by fuel cells (FCs), and energy storage systems (ESSs) equipped with voltage droop control. With respect to the previous literature, the dynamics of the duty cycles of the dc-dc converters implementing the droop regulation are considered. A mathematical model has been derived, and tuned to best mimic the behavior of the electrical representation implemented in DIgSILENT. Then the model is used to find the sufficient conditions for stability with respect to the droop coefficient, the dc-bus capacitor, and the inductances of the dc-dc converters.
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