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Improving Diversity of Neural Text Generation via Inverse Probability Weighting

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 Added by Xinran Zhang
 Publication date 2021
and research's language is English

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The neural text generation suffers from the text degeneration issue such as repetition. Traditional stochastic sampling methods only focus on truncating the unreliable tail of the distribution, and do not address the head part, which we show might contain tedious or even repetitive candidates with high probability that lead to repetition loops. They also do not consider the issue that human text does not always favor high-probability words. Inspired by these, in this work we propose a heuristic sampling method. We propose to use interquartile range of the predicted distribution to determine the head part, then permutate and rescale the head with inverse probability. This aims at decreasing the probability for the tedious and possibly repetitive candidates with higher probability, and increasing the probability for the rational but more surprising candidates with lower probability. The proposed algorithm provides a reasonable permutation on the predicted distribution which enhances diversity without compromising rationality of the distribution. We use pre-trained language model to compare our algorithm with traditional methods. Results show that our algorithm can effectively increase the diversity of generated samples while achieving close resemblance to human text.

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While there have been several contributions exploring state of the art techniques for text normalization, the problem of inverse text normalization (ITN) remains relatively unexplored. The best known approaches leverage finite state transducer (FST) based models which rely on manually curated rules and are hence not scalable. We propose an efficient and robust neural solution for ITN leveraging transformer based seq2seq models and FST-based text normalization techniques for data preparation. We show that this can be easily extended to other languages without the need for a linguistic expert to manually curate them. We then present a hybrid framework for integrating Neural ITN with an FST to overcome common recoverable errors in production environments. Our empirical evaluations show that the proposed solution minimizes incorrect perturbations (insertions, deletions and substitutions) to ASR output and maintains high quality even on out of domain data. A transformer based model infused with pretraining consistently achieves a lower WER across several datasets and is able to outperform baselines on English, Spanish, German and Italian datasets.
108 - Xinwei Ma , Jingshen Wang 2018
Inverse Probability Weighting (IPW) is widely used in empirical work in economics and other disciplines. As Gaussian approximations perform poorly in the presence of small denominators, trimming is routinely employed as a regularization strategy. However, ad hoc trimming of the observations renders usual inference procedures invalid for the target estimand, even in large samples. In this paper, we first show that the IPW estimator can have different (Gaussian or non-Gaussian) asymptotic distributions, depending on how close to zero the probability weights are and on how large the trimming threshold is. As a remedy, we propose an inference procedure that is robust not only to small probability weights entering the IPW estimator but also to a wide range of trimming threshold choices, by adapting to these different asymptotic distributions. This robustness is achieved by employing resampling techniques and by correcting a non-negligible trimming bias. We also propose an easy-to-implement method for choosing the trimming threshold by minimizing an empirical analogue of the asymptotic mean squared error. In addition, we show that our inference procedure remains valid with the use of a data-driven trimming threshold. We illustrate our method by revisiting a dataset from the National Supported Work program.
Text encoders based on C-DSSM or transformers have demonstrated strong performance in many Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks. Low latency variants of these models have also been developed in recent years in order to apply them in the field of sponsored search which has strict computational constraints. However these models are not the panacea to solve all the Natural Language Understanding (NLU) challenges as the pure semantic information in the data is not sufficient to fully identify the user intents. We propose the TextGNN model that naturally extends the strong twin tower structured encoders with the complementary graph information from user historical behaviors, which serves as a natural guide to help us better understand the intents and hence generate better language representations. The model inherits all the benefits of twin tower models such as C-DSSM and TwinBERT so that it can still be used in the low latency environment while achieving a significant performance gain than the strong encoder-only counterpart baseline models in both offline evaluations and online production system. In offline experiments, the model achieves a 0.14% overall increase in ROC-AUC with a 1% increased accuracy for long-tail low-frequency Ads, and in the online A/B testing, the model shows a 2.03% increase in Revenue Per Mille with a 2.32% decrease in Ad defect rate.
We follow the step-by-step approach to neural data-to-text generation we proposed in Moryossef et al (2019), in which the generation process is divided into a text-planning stage followed by a plan-realization stage. We suggest four extensions to that framework: (1) we introduce a trainable neural planning component that can generate effective plans several orders of magnitude faster than the original planner; (2) we incorporate typing hints that improve the models ability to deal with unseen relations and entities; (3) we introduce a verification-by-reranking stage that substantially improves the faithfulness of the resulting texts; (4) we incorporate a simple but effective referring expression generation module. These extensions result in a generation process that is faster, more fluent, and more accurate.
NLP models are shown to suffer from robustness issues, i.e., a models prediction can be easily changed under small perturbations to the input. In this work, we present a Controlled Adversarial Text Generation (CAT-Gen) model that, given an input text, generates adversarial texts through controllable attributes that are known to be invariant to task labels. For example, in order to attack a model for sentiment classification over product reviews, we can use the product categories as the controllable attribute which would not change the sentiment of the reviews. Experiments on real-world NLP datasets demonstrate that our method can generate more diverse and fluent adversarial texts, compared to many existing adversarial text generation approaches. We further use our generated adversarial examples to improve models through adversarial training, and we demonstrate that our generated attacks are more robust against model re-training and different model architectures.
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