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Efficient Four-Component Dirac-Coulomb-Gaunt Hartree--Fock in Pauli Spinor Representation

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 Added by Xiaosong Li
 Publication date 2021
  fields Physics
and research's language is English
 Authors Shichao Sun

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Four-component Dirac Hartree--Fock is an accurate mean-field method for treating molecular systems where relativistic effects are important. However, the computational cost and complexity of the two-electron interaction makes this method less common, even though we can consider the Dirac Hartree--Fock Hamiltonian the ground truth of electronic structure, barring explicit quantum-electrodynamical effects. Being able to calculate these effects is then vital to the design of lower scaling methods for accurate predictions in computational spectroscopy and properties of heavy element complexes that must include relativistic effects for even qualitative accuracy. In this work, we present a Pauli quaternion formalism of maximal component- and spin-separation for computing the Dirac-Coulomb-Gaunt Hartree--Fock ground state, with a minimal floating-point-operation count algorithm. This approach also allows one to explicitly separate different spin physics from the two-body interactions, such as spin-free, spin-orbit, and the spin-spin contributions. Additionally, we use this formalism to examine relativistic trends in the periodic table, and analyze the basis set dependence of atomic gold and gold dimer systems.

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246 - I.I.Guseinov 2008
By the use of complete orthonormal sets of nonrelativistic scalar orbitals introduced by the author in previous papers the new complete orthonormal basis sets for two- and four-component spinor wave functions, and Slater spinor orbitals useful in the quantum-mechanical description of the spin- 1/2 particles by the quasirelativistic and Diracs relativistic equations are established in position, momentum and four-dimensional spaces. These function sets are expressed through the corresponding nonrelativistic orbitals. The analytical formulas for overlap integrals over four-component relativistic Slater spinor orbitals with the same screening constants in position space are also derived. The relations obtained in this study can be useful in the study of different problems arising in the quasirelativistic and relativistic quantum mechanics when the position, momentum and four dimensional spaces are employed.
Our all electron (DFBG) calculations show differences between relativistic and non-relativistic calculations for the structure of the isomers of Og(CO)6
105 - A. I. Panin 2007
Hamiltonian and Schrodinger evolution equations on finite-dimensional projective space are analyzed in detail. Hartree-Fock (HF) manifold is introduced as a submanifold of many electron projective space of states. Evolution equations, exact and linearized, on this manifold are studied. Comparison of matrices of linearized Schrodinger equations on many electron projective space and on the corresponding HF manifold reveals the appearance in the HF case a constraining matrix that involves matrix elements of many-electron Hamiltonian between HF state and double excited determinants. Character of dependence of transition energies on the matrix elements of constraining matrix is established by means of perturbation analysis. It is demonstrated that success of time-dependent HF theory in calculation of transition energies is mainly due to the wrong behavior of these energies as functions of matrix elements of constraining matrix as compared with the exact transition energies
The Hartree-Fock problem was recently recast as a semidefinite optimization over the space of rank-constrained two-body reduced-density matrices (RDMs) [Phys. Rev. A 89, 010502(R) (2014)]. This formulation of the problem transfers the non-convexity of the Hartree-Fock energy functional to the rank constraint on the two-body RDM. We consider an equivalent optimization over the space of positive semidefinite one-electron RDMs (1-RDMs) that retains the non-convexity of the Hartree-Fock energy expression. The optimized 1-RDM satisfies ensemble $N$-representability conditions, and ensemble spin-state conditions may be imposed as well. The spin-state conditions place additional linear and nonlinear constraints on the 1-RDM. We apply this RDM-based approach to several molecular systems and explore its spatial (point group) and spin ($S^2$ and $S_3$) symmetry breaking properties. When imposing $S^2$ and $S_3$ symmetry but relaxing point group symmetry, the procedure often locates spatial-symmetry-broken solutions that are difficult to identify using standard algorithms. For example, the RDM-based approach yields a smooth, spatial-symmetry-broken potential energy curve for the well-known Be--H$_2$ insertion pathway. We also demonstrate numerically that, upon relaxation of $S^2$ and $S_3$ symmetry constraints, the RDM-based approach is equivalent to real-valued generalized Hartree-Fock theory.
170 - Yaolong Zhang , Ce Hu , Bin Jiang 2019
We propose a simple, but efficient and accurate machine learning (ML) model for developing high-dimensional potential energy surface. This so-called embedded atom neural network (EANN) approach is inspired by the well-known empirical embedded atom method (EAM) model used in condensed phase. It simply replaces the scalar embedded atom density in EAM with a Gaussian-type orbital based density vector, and represents the complex relationship between the embedded density vector and atomic energy by neural networks. We demonstrate that the EANN approach is equally accurate as several established ML models in representing both big molecular and extended periodic systems, yet with much fewer parameters and configurations. It is highly efficient as it implicitly contains the three-body information without an explicit sum of the conventional costly angular descriptors. With high accuracy and efficiency, EANN potentials can vastly accelerate molecular dynamics and spectroscopic simulations in complex systems at ab initio level.
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