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Accuracy of the recovered flux of extended sources obscured by bad pixels in the central EPIC FOV

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 Added by J. Nevalainen
 Publication date 2021
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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A fraction of the XMM-Newton/EPIC FOV is obscured by the dysfunctional (i.e. bad) pixels. The fraction varies between different EPIC instruments in a given observation. These complications affect the analysis of extended X-ray sources observed with XMM-Newton/EPIC and the consequent scientific interpretation of the results. For example, the accuracy of the widely used cosmological probe of the gas mass of clusters of galaxies depends on the accuracy of the procedure of removing the obscuration effect from the measured flux. The Science Analysis Software (SAS) includes an option for recovering the lost fraction of the flux measured by a primary instrument by utilising a supplementary image of the same source. The correction may be accurate if the supplementary image is minimally obscured at the locations of the bad pixels of the primary instrument. This can be achieved e.g. by using the observation-based MOS2 image for correcting the pn flux, or by using a synthetic model image. By utilising a sample of 27 galaxy cluster observations we evaluated the accuracy of the recovery method based on observed images, as implemented in SAS 18.0.0. We found that the accuracy of the recovered total flux in the 0.5-7.0 keV band in the full geometric area within the central r = 6 arcmin is better than 0.1% on average while in some individual cases the recovered flux may be uncertain by ~1%.

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ASTRONIRCAM is an infrared camera-spectrograph installed at the 2.5-meter telescope of the CMO SAI. The instrument is equipped with the HAWAII-2RG array. A bad pixels classification of the ASTRONIRCAM detector is proposed. The classification is based on histograms of the difference of consecutive non-destructive readouts of a flat field. Bad pixels are classified into 5 groups: hot (saturated on the first readout), warm (the signal accumulation rate is above the mean value by more than 5 standard deviations), cold (the rate is under the mean value by more than 5 standard deviations), dead (no signal accumulation), and inverse (having a negative signal accumulation in the first readouts). Normal pixels of the ASTRONIRCAM detector account for 99.6% of the total. We investigated the dependence between the amount of bad pixels and the number of cooldown cycles of the instrument. While hot pixels remain the same, the bad pixels of other types may migrate between groups. The number of pixels in each group stays roughly constant. We found that the mean and variance of the bad pixels amount in each group and the transitions between groups do not differ noticeably between normal or slow cooldowns.
348 - Y. D. Mayya 2012
We investigate the utility of the Tunable Filters (TFs) for obtaining flux calibrated emission line maps of extended objects such as galactic nebulae and nearby galaxies, using the OSIRIS instrument at the 10.4-m GTC. Despite a relatively large field of view of OSIRIS (8x8), the change in the wavelength across the field (~80 Ang) and the long-tail of Tunable Filter (TF) spectral response function, are hindrances for obtaining accurate flux calibrated emission-line maps of extended sources. The purpose of this article is to demonstrate that emission-line maps useful for diagnostics of nebula can be generated over the entire field of view of OSIRIS, if we make use of theoretically well-understood characteristics of TFs. We have successfully generated the flux-calibrated images of the nearby, large late-type spiral galaxy M101 in the emission lines of Halpha, [NII]6583, [SII]6716 and [SII]6731. We find that the present uncertainty in setting the central wavelength of TFs (~1 Ang), is the biggest source of error in the emission-line fluxes. By comparing the Halpha fluxes of HII regions in our images with the fluxes derived from Halpha images obtained using narrow-band filters, we estimate an error of ~11% in our fluxes. The flux calibration of the images was carried out by fitting the SDSS griz magnitudes of in-frame stars with the stellar spectra from the SDSS spectral database. This method resulted in an accuracy of 3% in flux calibration of any narrow-band image, which is as good as, if not better, to that is feasible using the observations of spectrophotometric standard stars. Thus time-consuming calibration images need not be taken. A user-friendly script under the IRAF environment was developed and is available on request.
67 - J. Nevalainen 2005
We use XMM-Newton blank-sky and closed-cover background data to explore the background subtraction methods for large extended sources filling the EPIC field of view, such as nearby galaxy clusters, for which local background estimation is difficult. We find that to keep the 0.8-7.0 keV band background modeling uncertainty tolerable, one has to use a much more restrictive filter than that commonly applied. In particular, because flares have highly variable spectra, not all of them are identified by filtering the E>10 keV light curve. We tried using the outer part of the EPIC FOV for monitoring the background in a softer band (1-5 keV). We find that one needs to discard the time periods when either the hard-band or the soft-band rate exceeds the nominal value by more than 20% in order to limit the 90% CL background uncertainty to between 5% at E=4-7 keV and 20% at E=0.8-1 keV, for both MOS and PN. This compares to a 10-30% respective PN uncertainty when only the hard-band light curve is used for filtering, and to a 15-45% PN uncertainty when applying the commonly used 2-3 sigma filtering method. We illustrate our method on a nearby cluster A1795. The above background uncertainties convert into the systematic temperature uncertainties between 1% at r=3-4 arcmin and 20--25% (~1 keV for A1795) at r=10-15 arcmin. For comparison, the commonly applied 2-3 sigma clipping of the hard-band light curve misses a significant amount of flares, rendering the temperatures beyond r=10 arcmin unconstrained. Thus, the background uncertainties do not prohibit the EPIC temperature profile analysis of low-brightness regions, like outer regions of galaxy clusters, provided a conservative flare filtering such as the double filtering method with 20% limits is used.
A diverse array of science goals require accurate flux calibration of observations with the Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter array (ALMA), however, this goal remains challenging due to the stochastic time-variability of the ``grid quasars ALMA uses for calibration. In this work, we use 343.5 GHz (Band 7) ALMA Atacama Compact Array observations of four bright and stable young stellar objects over 7 epochs to independently assess the accuracy of the ALMA flux calibration and to refine the relative calibration across epochs. The use of these four extra calibrators allow us to achieve an unprecedented relative ALMA calibration accuracy of $sim 3%$. On the other hand, when the observatory calibrator catalog is not up-to-date, the Band 7 data calibrated by the ALMA pipeline may have a flux calibration poorer than the nominal 10%, which can be exacerbated by weather-related phase decorrelation when self-calibration of the science target is either not possible or not attempted. We also uncover a relative flux calibration uncertainty between spectral windows of 0.8%, implying that measuring spectral indices within a single ALMA band is likely highly uncertain. We thus recommend various methods for science goals requiring high flux accuracy and robust calibration, in particular, the observation of additional calibrators combined with a relative calibration strategy, and observation of solar system objects for high absolute accuracy.
We aim to examine the relative cross-calibration accuracy of the on-axis effective areas of the XMM-Newton EPIC pn and MOS instruments. Spectra from a sample of 46 bright, high-count, non-piled-up isolated on-axis point sources are stacked together, and model residuals are examined to characterize the EPIC MOS-to-pn inter-calibration. The MOS1-to-pn and MOS2-to-pn results are broadly very similar. The cameras show the closest agreement below 1 keV, with MOS excesses over pn of 0-2% (MOS1/pn) and 0-3% (MOS2/pn). Above 3 keV, the MOS/pn ratio is consistent with energy-independent (or only mildly increasing) excesses of 7-8% (MOS1/pn) and 5-8% (MOS2/pn). In addition, between 1-2 keV there is a `silicon bump - an enhancement at a level of 2-4% (MOS1/pn) and 3-5% (MOS2/pn). Tests suggest that the methods employed here are stable and robust. The results presented here provide the most accurate cross-calibration of the effective areas of the XMM-Newton EPIC pn and MOS instruments to date. They suggest areas of further research where causes of the MOS-to-pn differences might be found, and allow the potential for corrections to and possible rectification of the EPIC cameras to be made in the future.
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