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Universal Fabrication of Two-Dimensional Electron Systems in Functional Oxides

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 Publication date 2021
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Two-dimensional electron systems (2DESs) in functional oxides are promising for applications, but their fabrication and use, essentially limited to SrTiO$_3$-based heterostructures, are hampered by the need of growing complex oxide over-layers thicker than 2~nm using evolved techniques. This work shows that thermal deposition of a monolayer of an elementary reducing agent suffices to create 2DESs in numerous oxides.

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It was recently discovered that a conductive, metallic state is formed on the surface of some insulating oxides. Firstly observed on SrTiO$_3$(001), it was then found in other compounds as diverse as anatase TiO$_2$, KTaO$_3$, BaTiO$_3$, ZnO, and also on different surfaces of SrTiO$_3$ (or other oxides) with different symmetries. The spatial extension of the wave function of this electronic state is of only a few atomic layers. Experiments indicate its existence is related to the presence of oxygen vacancies induced at or near the surface of the oxide. In this article we present a simplified model aimed at describing the effect of its small spatial extension on measurements of its 3D electronic structure by angular resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES). For the sake of clarity, we base our discussion on a simple tight binding scheme plus a confining potential that is assumed to be induced by the oxygen vacancies. Our model parameters are, nevertheless, obtained from density functional calculations. With this methodology we can explain from a very simple concept of selective interference the wobbling, i.e., the photoemission intensity modulation and/or apparent dispersion of the Fermi surface and spectra along the out-of-plane ($k_z$) direction, and the mixed 2D/3D characteristics observed in some experiments. We conclude that the critical model parameters for such an effect are the relative strength of the electronic hopping of each band and the height/width aspect ratio of the surface confining potential. By considering recent photoemission measurements under the light of our findings, we can get relevant information on the electronic wave functions and of the nature of the confining potential.
Three-particle complexes consisting of two holes in the completely filled zero electron Landau level and an excited electron in the unoccupied first Landau level are investigated in a quantum Hall insulator. The distinctive features of these three-particle complexes are an electron-hole mass symmetry and the small energy gap of the quantum Hall insulator itself. Theoretical calculations of the trion energy spectrum in a quantizing magnetic field predict that, besides the ground state, trions feature a hierarchy of excited bound states. In agreement with the theoretical simulations, we observe new photoluminescence lines related to the excited trion states. A relatively small energy gap allows the binding of three-particle complexes with magnetoplasma oscillations and formation of plasmarons. The plasmaron properties are investigated experimentally.
213 - M. Horio , C. E. Matt , K. Kramer 2018
Relativistic massless Dirac fermions can be probed with high-energy physics experiments, but appear also as low-energy quasi-particle excitations in electronic band structures. In condensed matter systems, their massless nature can be protected by crystal symmetries. Classification of such symmetry-protected relativistic band degeneracies has been fruitful, although many of the predicted quasi-particles still await their experimental discovery. Here we reveal, using angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, the existence of two-dimensional type-II Dirac fermions in the high-temperature superconductor La$_{1.77}$Sr$_{0.23}$CuO$_4$. The Dirac point, constituting the crossing of $d_{x^2-y^2}$ and $d_{z^2}$ bands, is found approximately one electronvolt below the Fermi level ($E_mathrm{F}$) and is protected by mirror symmetry. If spin-orbit coupling is considered, the Dirac point degeneracy is lifted and the bands acquire a topologically non-trivial character. In certain nickelate systems, band structure calculations suggest that the same type-II Dirac fermions can be realised near $E_mathrm{F}$.
In-plane magnetoresistance for organic massless Dirac electron system (OMDES) $alpha$-(BEDT-TTF)$_2$I$_3$ and $theta$-(BEDT-TTF)$_2$I$_3$ in addition to possible candidates of the OMDES $alpha$-(BETS)$_2$I$_3$ and $alpha$-(BEDT-STF)$_2$I$_3$, was investigated under hydrostatic pressure. We have found the universal behavior of the in-plane magnetoresistance under a low magnetic field perpendicular to two-dimensional plane. As for $alpha$-(BEDT-TTF)$_2$I$_3$, the universality was examined with the parameters of temperature, magnetic field and its direction. We suggest that the universal magnetoresistance behavior is found even for the gapped state of $alpha$-(BEDT-TTF)$_2$I$_3$ under intermediate pressure, when the thermal energy exceeds the gap.
We study the anisotropic effect of the Coulomb interaction on a 1/3-filling fractional quantum Hall system by using an exact diagonalization method on small systems in torus geometry. For weak anisotropy the system remains to be an incompressible quantum liquid, although anisotropy manifests itself in density correlation functions and excitation spectra. When the strength of anisotropy increases, we find the system develops a Hall-smectic-like phase with a one-dimensional charge density wave order and is unstable towards the one-dimensional crystal in the strong anisotropy limit. In all three phases of the Laughlin liquid, Hall-smectic-like, and crystal phases the ground state of the anisotropic Coulomb system can be well described by a family of model wave functions generated by an anisotropic projection Hamiltonian. We discuss the relevance of the results to the geometrical description of fractional quantum Hall states proposed by Haldane [ Phys. Rev. Lett. 107 116801 (2011)].
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