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Quadrupole-octupole coupling and the onset of octupole deformation in actinides

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 Added by Kosuke Nomura
 Publication date 2021
and research's language is English

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The evolution of quadrupole and octupole collectivity and their coupling is investigated in a series of even-even isotopes of the actinide Ra, Th, U, Pu, Cm, and Cf with neutron number in the interval $130leqslant Nleqslant 150$. The Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov approximation, based on the parametrization D1M of the Gogny energy density functional, is employed to generate potential energy surfaces depending upon the axially-symmetric quadrupole and octupole shape degrees of freedom. The mean-field energy surface is then mapped onto the expectation value of the $sdf$ interacting-boson-model Hamiltonian in the boson condensate state as to determine the strength parameters of the boson Hamiltonian. Spectroscopic properties related to the octupole degree of freedom are produced by diagonalizing the mapped Hamiltonian. Calculated low-energy negative-parity spectra, $B(E3;3^{-}_{1}to 0^{+}_{1})$ reduced transition rates, and effective octupole deformation suggest that the transition from nearly spherical to stable octupole-deformed, and to octupole vibrational states occurs systematically in the actinide region.

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The dynamics of nuclear collective motion is investigated in the case of reflection-asymmetric shapes. The model is based on a new parameterization of the octupole and quadrupole degrees of freedom, valid for nuclei close to the axial symmetry. Amplitudes of oscillation in other degrees of freedom different from the axial ones are assumed to be small, but not frozen to zero. The case of nuclei which already possess a permanent quadrupole deformation is discussed in some more detail and a simple solution is obtained at the critical point of the phase transition between harmonic octupole oscillation and a permanent asymmetric shape. The results are compared with experimental data of the Thorium isotopic chain. The isotope Th-226 is found to be close to the critical point.
A parametrization of octupole plus quadrupole deformation, in terms of intrinsic variables defined in the rest frame of the overall tensor of inertia, is presented and discussed. The model is valid for situations close to the axial symmetry, but non axial deformation parameters are not frozen to zero. The properties of the octupole excitations in the deformed Thorium isotopes Th-226, Th-228 are interpreted in the frame of this model. A tentative interpretation of octupole oscillations in nuclei close to the X(5) symmetry, in terms of an exactly separable potential, is also discussed.
The model, introduced in a previous paper, for the description of the octupole and quadrupole degrees of freedom in conditions close to the axial symmetry, is applied to situations of shape phase transitions where the quadrupole amplitude can reach zero. The transitional nuclei 224,226Ra and 224Th are discussed in the frame of this model. Their level schemes can be reasonably accounted for assuming a square-well potential in two dimensions. Electromagnetic transition amplitudes are also evaluated and compared with existing experimental data.
A systematic analysis of low-lying quadrupole and octupole collective states is presented, based on the microscopic energy density functional framework. By mapping the deformation constrained self-consistent axially symmetric mean-field energy surfaces onto the equivalent Hamiltonian of the $sdf$ interacting boson model (IBM), that is, onto the energy expectation value in the boson condensate state, the Hamiltonian parameters are determined. The study is based on the global relativistic energy density functional DD-PC1. The resulting IBM Hamiltonian is used to calculate excitation spectra and transition rates for the positive- and negative-parity collective states in four isotopic chains characteristic for two regions of octupole deformation and collectivity: Th, Ra, Sm and Ba. Consistent with the empirical trend, the microscopic calculation based on the systematics of $beta_{2}$-$beta_{3}$ energy maps, the resulting low-lying negative-parity bands and transition rates show evidence of a shape transition between stable octupole deformation and octupole vibrations characteristic for $beta_{3}$-soft potentials.
``Beat patterns are shown to appear in the octupole bands of several actinides and rare earths, their appearance being independent from the formula used in order to isolate and demonstrate them. It is shown that the recent formalism, making use of discrete approximations to derivatives of the transition energies (or of the energy levels) gives results consistent with the traditional formulae. In both regions it is seen that the first vanishing of the staggering occurs at higher values of the angular momentum I in nuclei exhibiting higher staggering at low I. Since these nuclei happen to be good rotators, the observed slow decrease of the amplitude of the staggering with increasing I is in good agreement with the parameter independent predictions of the su(3) (rotational) limit of several algebraic models. In the actinides it has been found that within each series of isotopes the odd-even staggering exhibits minima at N=134 and N=146, while a local maximum is shown at N=142, these findings being in agreement with the recent suggestion of a secondary maximum of octupole deformation around N=146.
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