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In this work we propose an approach for estimating 3D human poses of multiple people from a set of calibrated cameras. Estimating 3D human poses from multiple views has several compelling properties: human poses are estimated within a global coordinate space and multiple cameras provide an extended field of view which helps in resolving ambiguities, occlusions and motion blur. Our approach builds upon a real-time 2D multi-person pose estimation system and greedily solves the association problem between multiple views. We utilize bipartite matching to track multiple people over multiple frames. This proofs to be especially efficient as problems associated with greedy matching such as occlusion can be easily resolved in 3D. Our approach achieves state-of-the-art results on popular benchmarks and may serve as a baseline for future work.
Recently, huge strides were made in monocular and multi-view pose estimation with known camera parameters, whereas pose estimation from multiple cameras with unknown positions and orientations received much less attention. In this paper, we show how to train a neural model that can perform accurate 3D pose and camera estimation, takes into account joint location uncertainty due occlusion from multiple views, and requires only 2D keypoint data for training. Our method outperforms both classical bundle adjustment and weakly-supervised monocular 3D baselines on the well-established Human3.6M dataset, as well as the more challenging in-the-wild Ski-Pose PTZ dataset with moving cameras. We provide an extensive ablation study separating the error due to the camera model, number of cameras, initialization, and image-space joint localization from the additional error introduced by our model.
This paper addresses the problem of 3D pose estimation for multiple people in a few calibrated camera views. The main challenge of this problem is to find the cross-view correspondences among noisy and incomplete 2D pose predictions. Most previous methods address this challenge by directly reasoning in 3D using a pictorial structure model, which is inefficient due to the huge state space. We propose a fast and robust approach to solve this problem. Our key idea is to use a multi-way matching algorithm to cluster the detected 2D poses in all views. Each resulting cluster encodes 2D poses of the same person across different views and consistent correspondences across the keypoints, from which the 3D pose of each person can be effectively inferred. The proposed convex optimization based multi-way matching algorithm is efficient and robust against missing and false detections, without knowing the number of people in the scene. Moreover, we propose to combine geometric and appearance cues for cross-view matching. The proposed approach achieves significant performance gains from the state-of-the-art (96.3% vs. 90.6% and 96.9% vs. 88% on the Campus and Shelf datasets, respectively), while being efficient for real-time applications.
We propose a simple yet reliable bottom-up approach with a good trade-off between accuracy and efficiency for the problem of multi-person pose estimation. Given an image, we employ an Hourglass Network to infer all the keypoints from different persons indiscriminately as well as the guiding offsets connecting the adjacent keypoints belonging to the same persons. Then, we greedily group the candidate keypoints into multiple human poses (if any), utilizing the predicted guiding offsets. And we refer to this process as greedy offset-guided keypoint grouping (GOG). Moreover, we revisit the encoding-decoding method for the multi-person keypoint coordinates and reveal some important facts affecting accuracy. Experiments have demonstrated the obvious performance improvements brought by the introduced components. Our approach is comparable to the state of the art on the challenging COCO dataset under fair conditions. The source code and our pre-trained model are publicly available online.
Estimating the 6D pose of objects from images is an important problem in various applications such as robot manipulation and virtual reality. While direct regression of images to object poses has limited accuracy, matching rendered images of an object against the observed image can produce accurate results. In this work, we propose a novel deep neural network for 6D pose matching named DeepIM. Given an initial pose estimation, our network is able to iteratively refine the pose by matching the rendered image against the observed image. The network is trained to predict a relative pose transformation using an untangled representation of 3D location and 3D orientation and an iterative training process. Experiments on two commonly used benchmarks for 6D pose estimation demonstrate that DeepIM achieves large improvements over state-of-the-art methods. We furthermore show that DeepIM is able to match previously unseen objects.
Estimating 3D poses of multiple humans in real-time is a classic but still challenging task in computer vision. Its major difficulty lies in the ambiguity in cross-view association of 2D poses and the huge state space when there are multiple people in multiple views. In this paper, we present a novel solution for multi-human 3D pose estimation from multiple calibrated camera views. It takes 2D poses in different camera coordinates as inputs and aims for the accurate 3D poses in the global coordinate. Unlike previous methods that associate 2D poses among all pairs of views from scratch at every frame, we exploit the temporal consistency in videos to match the 2D inputs with 3D poses directly in 3-space. More specifically, we propose to retain the 3D pose for each person and update them iteratively via the cross-view multi-human tracking. This novel formulation improves both accuracy and efficiency, as we demonstrated on widely-used public datasets. To further verify the scalability of our method, we propose a new large-scale multi-human dataset with 12 to 28 camera views. Without bells and whistles, our solution achieves 154 FPS on 12 cameras and 34 FPS on 28 cameras, indicating its ability to handle large-scale real-world applications. The proposed dataset is released at