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A scalable transient detection pipeline for the Australian SKA Pathfinder VAST survey

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 Added by Sergio Pintaldi PhD
 Publication date 2021
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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The Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder (ASKAP) collects images of the sky at radio wavelengths with an unprecedented field of view, combined with a high angular resolution and sub-millijansky sensitivities. The large quantity of data produced is used by the ASKAP Variables and Slow Transients (VAST) survey science project to study the dynamic radio sky. Efficient pipelines are vital in such research, where searches often form a `needle in a haystack type of problem to solve. However, the existing pipelines developed among the radio-transient community are not suitable for the scale of ASKAP datasets. In this paper we provide a technical overview of the new VAST Pipeline: a modern and scalable Python-based data pipeline for transient searches, using up-to-date dependencies and methods. The pipeline allows source association to be performed at scale using the Pandas DataFrame interface and the well-known Astropy crossmatch functions. The Dask Python framework is used to parallelise operations as well as scale them both vertically and horizontally, by means of a cluster of workers. A modern web interface for data exploration and querying has also been developed using the latest Django web framework combined with Bootstrap.

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We present results from a circular polarisation survey for radio stars in the Rapid ASKAP Continuum Survey (RACS). RACS is a survey of the entire sky south of $delta=+41^circ$ being conducted with the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder telescope (ASKAP) over a 288 MHz wide band centred on 887.5 MHz. The data we analyse includes Stokes I and V polarisation products to an RMS sensitivity of 250 $mu$Jy PSF$^{-1}$. We searched RACS for sources with fractional circular polarisation above 6 per cent, and after excluding imaging artefacts, polarisation leakage, and known pulsars we identified radio emission coincident with 33 known stars. These range from M-dwarfs through to magnetic, chemically peculiar A- and B-type stars. Some of these are well known radio stars such as YZ CMi and CU Vir, but 23 have no previous radio detections. We report the flux density and derived brightness temperature of these detections and discuss the nature of the radio emission. We also discuss the implications of our results for the population statistics of radio stars in the context of future ASKAP and Square Kilometre Array surveys.
We report the discovery of a highly-polarized, highly-variable, steep-spectrum radio source, ASKAP J173608.2-321635, located $sim$4,deg from the Galactic center in the Galactic plane. The source was detected six times between 2020 January and 2020 September as part of the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder Variables and Slow Transients (ASKAP VAST) survey at 888,MHz. It exhibited a high degree ($sim 25$%) of circular polarization when it was visible. We monitored the source with the MeerKAT telescope from 2020 November to 2021 February on a 2--4 week cadence. The source was not detected with MeerKAT before 2021 February 07 when it appeared and reached a peak flux density of 5.6,mJy. The source was still highly circularly polarized, but also showed up to 80% linear polarization, and then faded rapidly with a timescale of one day. The rotation measure of the source varied significantly, from $-11.8pm0.8$,rad,m$^{-2}$ to $-64.0pm1.5$,rad,m$^{-2}$, over three days. No X-ray counterpart was found in follow-up textit{Swift} or textit{Chandra} observations about a week after the first MeerKAT detection, with upper limits of $sim 5.0times10^{31}$,erg,s$^{-1}$ (0.3--8,keV, assuming a distance $sim10$ kpc). No counterpart is seen in new or archival near-infrared observations down to $J=20.8$,mag. We discuss possible identifications for ASKAP J173608.2-321635 including a low-mass star/substellar object with extremely low infrared luminosity, a pulsar with scatter-broadened pulses, a transient magnetar, or a Galactic Center Radio Transient: none of these fully explains the observations, which suggests that ASKAP J173608.2-321635 may represent part of a new class of objects being discovered through radio imaging surveys.
We have conducted a search for bright repeating Fast Radio Bursts in our nearby Universe with the Australian Square Kilometer Array Pathfinder (ASKAP) in single-dish mode. We used eight ASKAP 12-m dishes, each equipped with a Chequerboard Phased Array Feed forming 36 beams on the sky, to survey $sim$30,000 deg$^{2}$ of the southern sky ($-90^{circ} < delta < +30^{circ}$) in 158 antenna days. The fluence limit of the survey is 22 Jyms. We report the detection of FRB 180515 in our survey. We found no repeating FRBs in a total mean observation of 3hrs per pointing divided into one-hour intervals, which were separated in time ranging between a day to a month. Using our non-detection, we exclude the presence of a repeating FRB similar to FRB 121102 closer than $z=0.004$ in the survey area --- a volume of at least $9.4 times 10^4$Mpc$^3$ --- at 95% confidence.
The Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder (ASKAP) presents a number of challenges in the area of source finding and cataloguing. The data rates and image sizes are very large, and require automated processing in a high-performance computing environment. This requires development of new tools, that are able to operate in such an environment and can reliably handle large datasets. These tools must also be able to accommodate the different types of observations ASKAP will make: continuum imaging, spectral-line imaging, transient imaging. The ASKAP project has developed a source-finder known as Selavy, built upon the Duchamp source-finder (Whiting 2012). Selavy incorporates a number of new features, which we describe here. Since distributed processing of large images and cubes will be essential, we describe the algorithms used to distribute the data, find an appropriate threshold and search to that threshold and form the final source catalogue. We describe the algorithm used to define a varying threshold that responds to the local, rather than global, noise conditions, and provide examples of its use. And we discuss the approach used to apply two-dimensional fits to detected sources, enabling more accurate parameterisation. These new features are compared for timing performance, where we show that their impact on the pipeline processing will be small, providing room for enhanced algorithms. We also discuss the development process for ASKAP source finding software. By the time of ASKAP operations, the ASKAP science community, through the Survey Science Projects, will have contributed important elements of the source finding pipeline, and the mechanisms in which this will be done are presented.
250 - E. Hadjiyska 2012
The Transient Optical Sky Survey (TOSS) is an automated, ground-based telescope system dedicated to searching for optical transient events. Small telescope tubes are mounted on a tracking, semi-equatorial frame with a single polar axis. Each fixed declination telescope records successive exposures which overlap in right ascension. Nightly observations produce time-series images of fixed fields within each declination band. We describe the TOSS data pipeline, including automated routines used for image calibration, object detection and identification, astrometry, and differential photometry. Time series of nightly observations are accumulated in a database for each declination band. Despite the modest cost of the mechanical system, results from the 2009-2010 observing campaign confirm the systems capability for producing light curves of satisfactory accuracy. Transients can be extracted from the individual time-series by identifying deviations from baseline variability.
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