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A Spatial-Temporal asymptotic preserving scheme for radiation magnetohydrodynamics in the equilibrium and non-equilibrium diffusion limit

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 Added by Xiaojiang Zhang
 Publication date 2021
and research's language is English

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The radiation magnetohydrodynamics (RMHD) system couples the ideal magnetohydrodynamics equations with a gray radiation transfer equation. The main challenge is that the radiation travels at the speed of light while the magnetohydrodynamics changes with the time scale of the fluid. The time scales of these two processes can vary dramatically. In order to use mesh sizes and time steps that are independent of the speed of light, asymptotic preserving (AP) schemes in both space and time are desired. In this paper, we develop an AP scheme in both space and time for the RMHD system. Two different scalings are considered. One results in an equilibrium diffusion limit system, while the other results in a non-equilibrium system. The main idea is to decompose the radiative intensity into three parts, each part is treated differently with suitable combinations of explicit and implicit discretizations guaranteeing the favorable stability conditionand computational efficiency. The performance of the AP method is presented, for both optically thin and thick regions, as well as for the radiative shock problem.

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We consider the simulation of barotropic flow of gas in long pipes and pipe networks. Based on a Hamiltonian reformulation of the governing system, a fully discrete approximation scheme is proposed using mixed finite elements in space and an implicit Euler method in time. Assuming the existence of a smooth subsonic solution bounded away from vacuum, a full convergence analysis is presented based on relative energy estimates. Particular attention is paid to establishing error bounds that are uniform in the friction parameter. As a consequence, the method and results also cover the parabolic problem arising in the asymptotic large friction limit. The error estimates are derived in detail for a single pipe, but using appropriate coupling conditions and the particular structure of the problem and its discretization, the main results directly generalize to pipe networks. Numerical tests are presented for illustration.
The design and analysis of a unified asymptotic preserving (AP) and well-balanced scheme for the Euler Equations with gravitational and frictional source terms is presented in this paper. The asymptotic behaviour of the Euler system in the limit of zero Mach and Froude numbers, and large friction is characterised by an additional scaling parameter. Depending on the values of this parameter, the Euler system relaxes towards a hyperbolic or a parabolic limit equation. Standard Implicit-Explicit Runge-Kutta schemes are incapable of switching between these asymptotic regimes. We propose a time semi-discretisation to obtain a unified scheme which is AP for the two different limits. A further reformulation of the semi-implicit scheme can be recast as a fully-explicit method in which the mass update contains both hyperbolic and parabolic fluxes. A space-time fully-discrete scheme is derived using a finite volume framework. A hydrostatic reconstruction strategy, an upwinding of the sources at the interfaces, and a careful choice of the central discretisation of the parabolic fluxes are used to achieve the well-balancing property for hydrostatic steady states. Results of several numerical case studies are presented to substantiate the theoretical claims and to verify the robustness of the scheme.
A moving mesh finite difference method based on the moving mesh partial differential equation is proposed for the numerical solution of the 2T model for multi-material, non-equilibrium radiation diffusion equations. The model involves nonlinear diffusion coefficients and its solutions stay positive for all time when they are positive initially. Nonlinear diffusion and preservation of solution positivity pose challenges in the numerical solution of the model. A coefficient-freezing predictor-corrector method is used for nonlinear diffusion while a cutoff strategy with a positive threshold is used to keep the solutions positive. Furthermore, a two-level moving mesh strategy and a sparse matrix solver are used to improve the efficiency of the computation. Numerical results for a selection of examples of multi-material non-equilibrium radiation diffusion show that the method is capable of capturing the profiles and local structures of Marshak waves with adequate mesh concentration. The obtained numerical solutions are in good agreement with those in the existing literature. Comparison studies are also made between uniform and adaptive moving meshes and between one-level and two-level moving meshes.
The paper proposes a second-order accurate direct Eulerian generalized Riemann problem (GRP) scheme for the radiation hydrodynamical equations (RHE) in the zero diffusion limit. The difficulty comes from no explicit expression of the flux in terms of the conservative vector. The characteristic fields and the relations between the left and right states across the elementary-waves are first studied, and then the solution of the one-dimensional Riemann problem is analyzed and given. Based on those, the direct Eulerian GRP scheme is derived by directly using the generalized Riemann invariants and the Runkine-Hugoniot jump conditions to analytically resolve the left and right nonlinear waves of the local GRP in the Eulerian formulation. Several numerical examples show that the GRP scheme can achieve second-order accuracy and high resolution of strong discontinuity.
We consider non-reversible perturbations of reversible diffusions that do not alter the invariant distribution and we ask whether there exists an optimal perturbation such that the rate of convergence to equilibrium is maximized. We solve this problem for the case of linear drift by proving the existence of such optimal perturbations and by providing an easily implementable algorithm for constructing them. We discuss in particular the role of the prefactor in the exponential convergence estimate. Our rigorous results are illustrated by numerical experiments.
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