This paper presents a sampling-based method for optimal motion planning in non-holonomic systems in the absence of known cost functions. It uses the principle of learning through experience to deduce the cost-to-go of regions within the workspace. This cost information is used to bias an incremental graph-based search algorithm that produces solution trajectories. Iterative improvement of cost information and search biasing produces solutions that are proven to be asymptotically optimal. The proposed framework builds on incremental Rapidly-exploring Random Trees (RRT) for random sampling-based search and Reinforcement Learning (RL) to learn workspace costs. A series of experiments were performed to evaluate and demonstrate the performance of the proposed method.
We present Kinodynamic RRT*, an incremental sampling-based approach for asymptotically optimal motion planning for robots with linear differential constraints. Our approach extends RRT*, which was introduced for holonomic robots (Karaman et al. 2011), by using a fixed-final-state-free-final-time controller that exactly and optimally connects any pair of states, where the cost function is expressed as a trade-off between the duration of a trajectory and the expended control effort. Our approach generalizes earlier work on extending RRT* to kinodynamic systems, as it guarantees asymptotic optimality for any system with controllable linear dynamics, in state spaces of any dimension. Our approach can be applied to non-linear dynamics as well by using their first-order Taylor approximations. In addition, we show that for the rich subclass of systems with a nilpotent dynamics matrix, closed-form solutions for optimal trajectories can be derived, which keeps the computational overhead of our algorithm compared to traditional RRT* at a minimum. We demonstrate the potential of our approach by computing asymptotically optimal trajectories in three challenging motion planning scenarios: (i) a planar robot with a 4-D state space and double integrator dynamics, (ii) an aerial vehicle with a 10-D state space and linearized quadrotor dynamics, and (iii) a car-like robot with a 5-D state space and non-linear dynamics.
Reliable real-time planning for robots is essential in todays rapidly expanding automated ecosystem. In such environments, traditional methods that plan by relaxing constraints become unreliable or slow-down for kinematically constrained robots. This paper describes the algorithm Dynamic Motion Planning Networks (Dynamic MPNet), an extension to Motion Planning Networks, for non-holonomic robots that address the challenge of real-time motion planning using a neural planning approach. We propose modifications to the training and planning networks that make it possible for real-time planning while improving the data efficiency of training and trained models generalizability. We evaluate our model in simulation for planning tasks for a non-holonomic robot. We also demonstrate experimental results for an indoor navigation task using a Dubins car.
For a nonlinear system (e.g. a robot) with its continuous state space trajectories constrained by a linear temporal logic specification, the synthesis of a low-level controller for mission execution often results in a non-convex optimization problem. We devise a new algorithm to solve this type of non-convex problems by formulating a rapidly-exploring random tree of barrier pairs, with each barrier pair composed of a quadratic barrier function and a full state feedback controller. The proposed method employs a rapid-exploring random tree to deal with the non-convex constraints and uses barrier pairs to fulfill the local convex constraints. As such, the method solves control problems fulfilling the required transitions of an automaton in order to satisfy given linear temporal logic constraints. At the same time it synthesizes locally optimal controllers in order to transition between the regions corresponding to the alphabet of the automaton. We demonstrate this new algorithm on a simulation of a two linkage manipulator robot.
This work addresses the problem of kinematic trajectory planning for mobile manipulators with non-holonomic constraints, and holonomic operational-space tracking constraints. We obtain whole-body trajectories and time-varying kinematic feedback controllers by solving a Constrained Sequential Linear Quadratic Optimal Control problem. The employed algorithm features high efficiency through a continuous-time formulation that benefits from adaptive step-size integrators and through linear complexity in the number of integration steps. In a first application example, we solve kinematic trajectory planning problems for a 26 DoF wheeled robot. In a second example, we apply Constrained SLQ to a real-world mobile manipulator in a receding-horizon optimal control fashion, where we obtain optimal controllers and plans at rates up to 100 Hz.
This paper studies the problem of control strategy synthesis for dynamical systems with differential constraints to fulfill a given reachability goal while satisfying a set of safety rules. Particular attention is devoted to goals that become feasible only if a subset of the safety rules are violated. The proposed algorithm computes a control law, that minimizes the level of unsafety while the desired goal is guaranteed to be reached. This problem is motivated by an autonomous car navigating an urban environment while following rules of the road such as always travel in right lane and do not change lanes frequently. Ideas behind sampling based motion-planning algorithms, such as Probabilistic Road Maps (PRMs) and Rapidly-exploring Random Trees (RRTs), are employed to incrementally construct a finite concretization of the dynamics as a durational Kripke structure. In conjunction with this, a weighted finite automaton that captures the safety rules is used in order to find an optimal trajectory that minimizes the violation of safety rules. We prove that the proposed algorithm guarantees asymptotic optimality, i.e., almost-sure convergence to optimal solutions. We present results of simulation experiments and an implementation on an autonomous urban mobility-on-demand system.