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The analysis of regularities and randomness in the distribution of prime numbers remains at the research frontiers for many generations of mathematicians from different groups and topical fields. Recently D. Fridman et al. (Am. Math. Mon. 2019, 126:1, 70-73) have suggested the constant $f_1 = 2.9200509773...$ for generation of the complete sequence of primes with using of a recursive relation for $f_n$ such that the floor function $lfloor f_n rfloor = p_n$, where $p_n$ is the nth prime. Here I present the family of constants $h_n (h_1 = 1.2148208055...)$ such that the ceiling function $lceil h_n rceil = p_n$. The proposed recursive relation for $h_n$ generates the complete sequence of prime numbers. I also show that constants $h_n$ are irrational for all n.
There are two basic number sequences which play a major role in the prime number distribution. The first Number Sequence SQ1 contains all prime numbers of the form 6n+5 and the second Number Sequence SQ2 contains all prime numbers of the form 6n+1. All existing prime numbers seem to be contained in these two number sequences, except of the prime numbers 2 and 3. Riemanns Zeta Function also seems to indicate, that there is a logical connection between the mentioned number sequences and the distribution of prime numbers. This connection is indicated by lines in the diagram of the Zeta Function, which are formed by the points s where the Zeta Function is real. Another key role in the distribution of the prime numbers plays the number 5 and its periodic occurrence in the two number sequences SQ1 and SQ2. All non-prime numbers in SQ1 and SQ2 are caused by recurrences of these two number sequences with increasing wave-lengths in themselves, in a similar fashion as Overtones (harmonics) or Undertones derive from a fundamental frequency. On the contrary prime numbers represent spots in these two basic Number Sequences SQ1 and SQ2 where there is no interference caused by these recurring number sequences. The distribution of the non-prime numbers and prime numbers can be described in a graphical way with a -Wave Model- (or Interference Model) -- see Table 2.
This note investigates the prime values of the polynomial $f(t)=qt^2+a$ for any fixed pair of relatively prime integers $ ageq 1$ and $ qgeq 1$ of opposite parity. For a large number $xgeq1$, an asymptotic result of the form $sum_{nleq x^{1/2},, n text{ odd}}Lambda(qn^2+a)gg qx^{1/2}/2varphi(q)$ is achieved for $qll (log x)^b$, where $ bgeq 0 $ is a constant.
We present in this work a heuristic expression for the density of prime numbers. Our expression leads to results which possesses approximately the same precision of the Riemanns function in the domain that goes from 2 to 1010 at least. Instead of using a constant as was done by Legendre and others in the formula of Gauss, we try to adjust the data through a function. This function has the remarkable property: its points of discontinuity are the prime numbers.
Let $ xgeq 1 $ be a large number, let $ [x]=x-{x} $ be the largest integer function, and let $ varphi(n)$ be the Euler totient function. The result $ sum_{nleq x}varphi([x/n])=(6/pi^2)xlog x+Oleft ( x(log x)^{2/3}(loglog x)^{1/3}right ) $ was proved very recently. This note presents a short elementary proof, and sharpen the error term to $ sum_{nleq x}varphi([x/n])=(6/pi^2)xlog x+O(x) $. In addition, the first proofs of the asymptotics formulas for the finite sums $ sum_{nleq x}psi([x/n])=(15/pi^2)xlog x+O(xlog log x) $, and $ sum_{nleq x}sigma([x/n])=(pi^2/6)xlog x+O(x log log x) $ are also evaluated here.
Prime Numbers clearly accumulate on defined spiral graphs,which run through the Square Root Spiral. These spiral graphs can be assigned to different spiral-systems, in which all spiral-graphs have the same direction of rotation and the same -- second difference -- between the numbers, which lie on these spiral-graphs. A mathematical analysis shows, that these spiral graphs are caused exclusively by quadratic polynomials. For example the well known Euler Polynomial x2+x+41 appears on the Square Root Spiral in the form of three spiral-graphs, which are defined by three different quadratic polynomials. All natural numbers,divisible by a certain prime factor, also lie on defined spiral graphs on the Square Root Spiral (or Spiral of Theodorus, or Wurzelspirale). And the Square Numbers 4, 9, 16, 25, 36 even form a highly three-symmetrical system of three spiral graphs, which divides the square root spiral into three equal areas. Fibonacci number sequences also play a part in the structure of the Square Root Spiral. With the help of the Number-Spiral, described by Mr. Robert Sachs, a comparison can be drawn between the Square Root Spiral and the Ulam Spiral. The shown sections of his study of the number spiral contain diagrams, which are related to my analysis results, especially in regards to the distribution of prime numbers.