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Prime Values of Quadratic Polynomials

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 Added by N. A. Carella
 Publication date 2020
and research's language is English
 Authors N.A. Carella

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This note investigates the prime values of the polynomial $f(t)=qt^2+a$ for any fixed pair of relatively prime integers $ ageq 1$ and $ qgeq 1$ of opposite parity. For a large number $xgeq1$, an asymptotic result of the form $sum_{nleq x^{1/2},, n text{ odd}}Lambda(qn^2+a)gg qx^{1/2}/2varphi(q)$ is achieved for $qll (log x)^b$, where $ bgeq 0 $ is a constant.

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A recent construction by Amarra, Devillers and Praeger of block designs with specific parameters depends on certain quadratic polynomials, with integer coefficients, taking prime power values. The Bunyakovsky Conjecture, if true, would imply that each of them takes infinitely many prime values, giving an infinite family of block designs with the required parameters. We have found large numbers of prime values of these polynomials, and the numbers found agree very closely with the estimates for them provided by Lis recent modification of the Bateman-Horn Conjecture. While this does not prove that these polynomials take infinitely many prime values, it provides strong evidence for this, and it also adds extra support for the validity of the Bunyakovsky and Bateman-Horn Conjectures.
Let $K/k$ be an extension of number fields, and let $P(t)$ be a quadratic polynomial over $k$. Let $X$ be the affine variety defined by $P(t) = N_{K/k}(mathbf{z})$. We study the Hasse principle and weak approximation for $X$ in three cases. For $[K:k]=4$ and $P(t)$ irreducible over $k$ and split in $K$, we prove the Hasse principle and weak approximation. For $k=mathbb{Q}$ with arbitrary $K$, we show that the Brauer-Manin obstruction to the Hasse principle and weak approximation is the only one. For $[K:k]=4$ and $P(t)$ irreducible over $k$, we determine the Brauer group of smooth proper models of $X$. In a case where it is non-trivial, we exhibit a counterexample to weak approximation.
74 - N. A. Carella 2020
Let $p$ be a large prime, and let $kll log p$. A new proof of the existence of any pattern of $k$ consecutive quadratic residues and quadratic nonresidues is introduced in this note. Further, an application to the least quadratic nonresidues $n_p$ modulo $p$ shows that $n_pll (log p)(log log p)$.
63 - N. A. Carella 2021
This note sharpens the standard upper bound of the least quadratic nonresidue from $n_pll p^{1/4sqrt{e}+varepsilon}$ to $n_pll p^{1/4e+varepsilon}$, where $varepsilon>0$, unconditionally.
158 - Harry K. Hahn 2008
There are two basic number sequences which play a major role in the prime number distribution. The first Number Sequence SQ1 contains all prime numbers of the form 6n+5 and the second Number Sequence SQ2 contains all prime numbers of the form 6n+1. All existing prime numbers seem to be contained in these two number sequences, except of the prime numbers 2 and 3. Riemanns Zeta Function also seems to indicate, that there is a logical connection between the mentioned number sequences and the distribution of prime numbers. This connection is indicated by lines in the diagram of the Zeta Function, which are formed by the points s where the Zeta Function is real. Another key role in the distribution of the prime numbers plays the number 5 and its periodic occurrence in the two number sequences SQ1 and SQ2. All non-prime numbers in SQ1 and SQ2 are caused by recurrences of these two number sequences with increasing wave-lengths in themselves, in a similar fashion as Overtones (harmonics) or Undertones derive from a fundamental frequency. On the contrary prime numbers represent spots in these two basic Number Sequences SQ1 and SQ2 where there is no interference caused by these recurring number sequences. The distribution of the non-prime numbers and prime numbers can be described in a graphical way with a -Wave Model- (or Interference Model) -- see Table 2.
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