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Let $(f,P)$ be an incentive compatible mechanism where $f$ is the social choice function and $P$ is the payment function. In many important settings, $f$ uniquely determines $P$ (up to a constant) and therefore a common approach is to focus on the design of $f$ and neglect the role of the payment function. Fadel and Segal [JET, 2009] question this approach by taking the lenses of communication complexity: can it be that the communication complexity of an incentive compatible mechanism that implements $f$ (that is, computes both the output and the payments) is much larger than the communication complexity of computing the output? I.e., can it be that $cc_{IC}(f)>>cc(f)$? Fadel and Segal show that for every $f$, $cc_{IC}(f)leq exp(cc(f))$. They also show that fully computing the incentive compatible mechanism is strictly harder than computing only the output: there exists a social choice function $f$ such that $cc_{IC}(f)=cc(f)+1$. In a follow-up work, Babaioff, Blumrosen, Naor, and Schapira [EC08] provide a social choice function $f$ such that $cc_{IC}(f)=Theta(ncdot cc(f))$, where $n$ is the number of players. The question of whether the exponential upper bound of Fadel and Segal is tight remained wide open. In this paper we solve this question by explicitly providing an $f$ such that $cc_{IC}(f)= exp(cc(f))$. In fact, we establish this via two very different proofs. In contrast, we show that if the players are risk-neutral and we can compromise on a randomized truthful-in-expectation implementation (and not on deterministic ex-post implementation) gives that $cc_{TIE}(f)=poly(n,cc(f))$ for every function $f$, as long as the domain of $f$ is single parameter or a convex multi-parameter domain. We also provide efficient algorithms for deterministic computation of payments in several important domains.
We study the following communication variant of local search. There is some fixed, commonly known graph $G$. Alice holds $f_A$ and Bob holds $f_B$, both are functions that specify a value for each vertex. The goal is to find a local maximum of $f_A+f_B$ with respect to $G$, i.e., a vertex $v$ for which $(f_A+f_B)(v)geq (f_A+f_B)(u)$ for every neighbor $u$ of $v$. Our main result is that finding a local maximum requires polynomial (in the number of vertices) bits of communication. The result holds for the following families of graphs: three dimensional grids, hypercubes, odd graphs, and degree 4 graphs. Moreover, we provide an emph{optimal} communication bound of $Omega(sqrt{N})$ for the hypercube, and for a constant dimensional greed, where $N$ is the number of vertices in the graph. We provide applications of our main result in two domains, exact potential games and combinatorial auctions. First, we show that finding a pure Nash equilibrium in $2$-player $N$-action exact potential games requires polynomial (in $N$) communication. We also show that finding a pure Nash equilibrium in $n$-player $2$-action exact potential games requires exponential (in $n$) communication. The second domain that we consider is combinatorial auctions, in which we prove that finding a local maximum in combinatorial auctions requires exponential (in the number of items) communication even when the valuations are submodular. Each one of the results demonstrates an exponential separation between the non-deterministic communication complexity and the randomized communication complexity of a total search problem.
We explore the complexity of nucleolus computation in b-matching games on bipartite graphs. We show that computing the nucleolus of a simple b-matching game is NP-hard even on bipartite graphs of maximum degree 7. We complement this with partial positive results in the special case where b values are bounded by 2. In particular, we describe an efficient algorithm when a constant number of vertices satisfy b(v) = 2 as well as an efficient algorithm for computing the non-simple b-matching nucleolus when b = 2.
We provide the first separation in the approximation guarantee achievable by truthful and non-truthful combinatorial auctions with polynomial communication. Specifically, we prove that any truthful mechanism guaranteeing a $(frac{3}{4}-frac{1}{240}+varepsilon)$-approximation for two buyers with XOS valuations over $m$ items requires $exp(Omega(varepsilon^2 cdot m))$ communication, whereas a non-truthful algorithm by Dobzinski and Schapira [SODA 2006] and Feige [2009] is already known to achieve a $frac{3}{4}$-approximation in $poly(m)$ communication. We obtain our separation by proving that any {simultaneous} protocol ({not} necessarily truthful) which guarantees a $(frac{3}{4}-frac{1}{240}+varepsilon)$-approximation requires communication $exp(Omega(varepsilon^2 cdot m))$. The taxation complexity framework of Dobzinski [FOCS 2016] extends this lower bound to all truthful mechanisms (including interactive truthful mechanisms).
Payment channels were introduced to solve various eminent cryptocurrency scalability issues. Multiple payment channels build a network on top of a blockchain, the so-called layer 2. In this work, we analyze payment networks through the lens of network creation games. We identify betweenness and closeness centrality as central concepts regarding payment networks. We study the topologies that emerge when players act selfishly and determine the parameter space in which they constitute a Nash equilibrium. Moreover, we determine the social optima depending on the correlation of betweenness and closeness centrality. When possible, we bound the price of anarchy. We also briefly discuss the price of stability.
We investigate the problem of equilibrium computation for large $n$-player games. Large games have a Lipschitz-type property that no single players utility is greatly affected by any other individual players actions. In this paper, we mostly focus on the case where any change of strategy by a player causes other players payoffs to change by at most $frac{1}{n}$. We study algorithms having query access to the games payoff function, aiming to find $epsilon$-Nash equilibria. We seek algorithms that obtain $epsilon$ as small as possible, in time polynomial in $n$. Our main result is a randomised algorithm that achieves $epsilon$ approaching $frac{1}{8}$ for 2-strategy games in a {em completely uncoupled} setting, where each player observes her own payoff to a query, and adjusts her behaviour independently of other players payoffs/actions. $O(log n)$ rounds/queries are required. We also show how to obtain a slight improvement over $frac{1}{8}$, by introducing a small amount of communication between the players. Finally, we give extension of our results to large games with more than two strategies per player, and alternative largeness parameters.