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Refined operator inequalities for relative operator entropies

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 Added by Zhenhua Wang
 Publication date 2020
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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In this paper, we investigate the relative operator entropies in the more general settings of C*-algebras, real C*-algebras and JC-algebras. We show that all the operator inequalities on relative operator entropies still hold in these broader settings. In addition, we improve the lower and upper bounds of the relative operator $(alpha, beta)$-entropy established by Nikoufar which refined the bounds for the relative operator entropy obtained by Fujii and Kamei.

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373 - Shuzhou Wang , Zhenhua Wang 2020
We initiate the study of relative operator entropies and Tsallis relative operator entropies in the setting of JB-algebras. We establish their basic properties and extend the operator inequalities on relative operator entropies and Tsallis relative operator entropies to this setting. In addition, we improve the lower and upper bounds of the relative operator $(alpha, beta)$-entropy in the setting of JB-algebras that were established in Hilbert space operators setting by Nikoufar [18, 20]. Though we employ the same notation as in the classical setting of Hilbert space operators, the inequalities in the setting of JB-algebras have different connotations and their proofs requires techniques in JB-algebras.
126 - Maysam Maysami Sadr 2017
Motivated by noncommutative geometry and quantum physics, the concept of `metric operator field is introduced. Roughly speaking, a metric operator field is a vector field on a set with values in self tensor product of a bundle of C*-algebras, satisfying properties similar to an ordinary metric (distance function). It is proved that to any such object there naturally correspond a Banach *-algebra that we call Lipschitz algebra, a class of probabilistic metrics, and (under some conditions) a (nontrivial) continuous field of C*-algebras in the sense of Dixmier. It is proved that for metric operator fields with values in von Neumann algebras the associated Lipschitz algebras are dual Banach spaces, and under some conditions, they are not amenable Banach algebras. Some examples and constructions are considered. We also discuss very briefly a possible application to quantum gravity.
94 - G. K. Eleftherakis 2017
We define a relation < for dual operator algebras. We say that B < A if there exists a projection p in A such that B and pAp are Morita equivalent in our sense. We show that < is transitive, and we investigate the following question: If A < B and B < A, then is it true that A and B are stably isomorphic? We propose an analogous relation < for dual operator spaces, and we present some properties of < in this case.
We improve the existing Ando-Hiai inequalities for operator means and present new ones for operator perspectives in several ways. We also provide the operator perspective version of the Lie-Trotter formula and consider the extension problem of operator perspectives to non-invertible positive operators.
The present paper is about Bernstein-type estimates for Jacobi polynomials and their applications to various branches in mathematics. This is an old topic but we want to add a new wrinkle by establishing some intriguing connections with dispersive estimates for a certain class of Schrodinger equations whose Hamiltonian is given by the generalized Laguerre operator. More precisely, we show that dispersive estimates for the Schrodinger equation associated with the generalized Laguerre operator are connected with Bernstein-type inequalities for Jacobi polynomials. We use known uniform estimates for Jacobi polynomials to establish some new dispersive estimates. In turn, the optimal dispersive decay estimates lead to new Bernstein-type inequalities.
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