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GN-z11-flash in the context of Gamma-Ray Burst Afterglows

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 Publication date 2020
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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The recently discovered rapid transient GN-z11-flash has been suggested to be the prompt-emission ultraviolet flash associated with a gamma-ray burst serendipitously exploding in the ultra-high-$z$ galaxy GN-z11. We here place the flash into the context of the early ultraviolet emission of gamma-ray bursts, and find it is in agreement with the luminosity distribution of these events.

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177 - D. A. Badjin 2013
We study thermal emission from circumstellar structures heated by gamma-ray burst (GRB) radiation and ejecta and calculate its contribution to GRB optical and X-ray afterglows using the modified radiation hydro-code small STELLA. It is shown that thermal emission originating in heated dense shells around the GRB progenitor star can reproduce X-ray plateaus (like observed in GRB 050904, 070110) as well as deviations from a power law fading observed in optical afterglows of some GRBs (e.g. 020124, 030328, 030429X, 050904). Thermal radiation pressure in the heated circumburst shell dominates the gas pressure, producing rapid expansion of matter similar to supenova-like explosions close to opacity or radiation flux density jumps in the circumburst medium. This phenomenon can be responsible for so-called supernova bumps in optical afterglows of several GRBs. Such a `quasi-supernova suggests interpretation of the GRB-SN connection which does not directly involve the explosion of the GRB progenitor star.
The afterglow emission from gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) is believed to originate from a relativistic blast wave driven into the circumburst medium. Although the afterglow emission from radio up to X-ray frequencies is thought to originate from synchrotron radiation emitted by relativistic, non-thermal electrons accelerated by the blast wave, the origin of the emission at high energies (HE; $gtrsim$~GeV) remains uncertain. The recent detection of sub-TeV emission from GRB~190114C by MAGIC raises further debate on what powers the very high-energy (VHE; $gtrsim 300$GeV) emission. Here, we explore the inverse Compton scenario as a candidate for the HE and VHE emissions, considering two sources of seed photons for scattering: synchrotron photons from the blast wave (synchrotron self-Compton or SSC) and isotropic photon fields external to the blast wave (external Compton). For each case, we compute the multi-wavelength afterglow spectra and light curves. We find that SSC will dominate particle cooling and the GeV emission, unless a dense ambient infrared photon field, typical of star-forming regions, is present. Additionally, considering the extragalactic background light attenuation, we discuss the detectability of VHE afterglows by existing and future gamma-ray instruments for a wide range of model parameters. Studying GRB~190114C, we find that its afterglow emission in the fermi-LAT band is synchrotron-dominated.The late-time fermi-LAT measurement (i.e., $tsim 10^4$~s), and the MAGIC observation also set an upper limit on the energy density of a putative external infrared photon field (i.e. $lesssim 3times 10^{-9},{rm erg,cm^{-3}}$), making the inverse Compton dominant in the sub-TeV energies.
We discuss the possible interpretation of the recently observed transient, GN-z11-flash as originating from a shock-breakout in a Population III supernova occurring in the GN-z11 galaxy at $z sim 11$. We find that the parameters of the explosion are fully consistent with those expected from the shock breakout associated with a Type II supernova of a progenitor star of $sim 300$ solar masses in this galaxy, with of order unity such events expected over an observing timescale of a few years. We forecast the expected number of such transients from $z > 10$ galaxies as a function of their host stellar mass and star formation rate.
Since its launch in 2004, the Swift satellite has monitored the X-ray afterglows of several hundred Gamma-Ray Bursts, and revealed that their X-ray light-curves are more complex than previously thought, exhibiting up to three power-law segments. Energy injection into the relativistic blast-wave energizing the burst ambient medium has been proposed most often to be the reason for the X-ray afterglow complexity. We examine 117 light-curve breaks of 98 Swift X-ray afterglows, selected for their high-quality monitoring and well-constrained flux decay rates. Thirty percent of afterglows have a break that can be an adiabatic jet-break, in the sense that there is one variant of the forward-shock emission from a collimated outflow model that can account for both the pre- and post-break flux power-law decay indices, given the measured X-ray spectral slope. If allowance is made for a steady energy injection into the forward-shock, then another 56 percent of X-ray afterglows have a light-curve break that can be explained with a jet-break. The remaining 12 percent that are not jet-breaks, as well as the existence of two breaks in 19 afterglows (out of which only one can be a jet-break), suggest that some X-ray breaks arise from a sudden change in the rate at which energy is added to the blast-wave, and it may well be that a larger fraction of X-ray light-curve breaks are generated by that mechanism. To test the above two mechanisms for afterglow light-curve breaks, we derive comprehensive analytical results for the dynamics of outflows undergoing energy injection and for their light-curves, including closure relations for inverse-Compton afterglows and for the emission from spreading jets interacting with an wind-like ambient medium.
Aims: Drawing an analogy with Active Galactic Nuclei, we investigate the one-zone SSC model of Gamma Ray Bursts afterglows in the presence of electron injection and cooling both by synchrotron and SSC losses. Methods: We solve the spatially averaged kinetic equations which describe the simultaneous evolution of particles and photons, obtaining the multi-wavelength spectrum as a function of time. We back up our numerical calculations with analytical solutions of the equations using various profiles of the magnetic field evolution under certain simplifying assumptions. Results: We apply the model to the afterglow evolution of GRBs in a uniform density environment and examine the impact various parameters have on the multiwavelength spectra. We find that in cases where the electron injection and/or the ambient density is high, the losses are dominated by SSC and the solutions depart significantly from the ones derived in the synchrotron standard cases.
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