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State-of-the-art sensors of force, motion and magnetic fields have reached the sensitivity where the quantum noise of the meter is significant or even dominant. In particular, the sensitivity of the best optomechanical devices has reached the Standard Quantum Limit (SQL), which directly follows from the Heisenberg uncertainty relation and corresponds to balancing the measurement imprecision and the perturbation of the probe by the quantum back action of the meter. The SQL is not truly fundamental and several methods for its overcoming have been proposed and demonstrated. At the same time, two quantum sensitivity constraints which are more fundamental are known. The first limit arises from the finiteness of the probing strength (in the case of optical interferometers - of the circulating optical power) and is known as the Energetic Quantum Limit or, in a more general context, as the Quantum Cram{e}r-Rao Bound (QCRB). The second limit arises from the dissipative dynamics of the probe, which prevents full efficacy of the quantum back action evasion techniques developed for overcoming the SQL. No particular name has been assigned to this limit; we propose the term Dissipative Quantum Limit (DQL) for it. Here we develop a unified theory of these two fundamental limits by deriving the general sensitivity constraint from which they follow as particular cases. Our analysis reveals a phase transition occurring at the boundary between the QCRB-dominated and the DQL regimes, manifested by the discontinuous derivatives of the optimal spectral densities of the meter field quantum noise. This leads to the counter-intuitive (but favorable) finding that quantum-limited sensitivity can be achieved with certain lossy meter systems. Finally, we show that the DQL originates from the non-autocommutativity of the internal thermal noise of the probe and that it can be overcome in non-stationary measurements.
We study the stationary and nonstationary measurement of a classical force driving a mechanical oscillator coupled to an electromagnetic cavity under two-tone driving. For this purpose, we develop a theoretical framework based on the signal-to-noise ratio to quantify the sensitivity of linear spectral measurements. Then, we consider stationary force sensing and study the necessary conditions to minimise the added force noise. We find that imprecision noise and back-action noise can be arbitrarily suppressed by manipulating the amplitudes of the input coherent fields, however, the force noise power spectral density cannot be reduced below the level of thermal fluctuations. Therefore, we consider a nonstationary protocol that involves non-thermal dissipative state preparation followed by a finite time measurement, which allows one to perform measurements with a signal-to-noise much greater than the maximum possible in a stationary measurement scenario. We analyse two different measurement schemes in the nonstationary transient regime, a back-action evading measurement, which implies modifying the drive asymmetry configuration upon arrival of the force, and a nonstationary measurement that leaves the drive asymmetry configuration unchanged. Conditions for optimal force noise sensitivity are determined, and the corresponding force noise power spectral densities are calculated.
Non-Hermitian dynamics has been widely studied to enhance the precision of quantum sensing; and non-reciprocity can be a powerful resource for non-Hermitian quantum sensing, as non-reciprocity allows to arbitrarily exceed the fundamental bound on the measurement rate of any reciprocal sensors. Here we establish fundamental limits on signal-to-noise ratio for reciprocal and non-reciprocal non-Hermitian quantum sensing. In particular, for two-mode linear systems with two coherent drives, an approximately attainable uniform bound on the best possible measurement rate per photon is derived for both reciprocal and non-reciprocal sensors. This bound is only related to the coupling coefficients and, in principle, can be made arbitrarily large. Our results thus demonstrate that a conventional reciprocal sensor with two drives can simulate any non-reciprocal sensor. This work also demonstrates a clear signature on how the excitation signals affect the signal-to-noise ratio in non-Hermitian quantum sensing.
We study the influence of stationary axisymmetric spacetimes on Casimir energy. We consider a massive scalar field and analyze its dependence on the apparatus orientation with respect to the dragging direction associated with such spaces. We show that, for an apparatus orientation not considered before in the literature, the Casimir energy can change its sign, producing a repulsive force. As applications, we analyze two specific metrics: one associated with a linear motion of a cylinder and a circular equatorial motion around a gravitational source described by Kerr geometry.
We describe quantum limits to field sensing that relate noise, geometry and measurement duration to fundamental constants, with no reference to particle number. We cast the Tesche and Clarke (TC) bound on dc-SQUID sensitivity as such a limit, and find analogous limits for volumetric spin-precession magnetometers. We describe how randomly-arrayed spins, coupled to an external magnetic field of interest and to each other by the magnetic dipole-dipole interaction, execute a spin dynamics that depolarizes the spin ensemble even in the absence of coupling to an external reservoir. We show the resulting spin dynamics are scale invariant, with a depolarization rate proportional to spin number density and thus a number-independent quantum limit on the energy resolution per bandwidth $E_R$. Numerically, we find $E_R ge alpha hbar$, $alpha sim 1$, in agreement with the TC limit, for paradigmatic spin-based measurements of static and oscillating magnetic fields.
The Quantum Fourier Transformation ($QFT$) is a key building block for a whole wealth of quantum algorithms. Despite its proven efficiency, only a few proof-of-principle demonstrations have been reported. Here we utilize $QFT$ to enhance the performance of a quantum sensor. We implement the $QFT$ algorithm in a hybrid quantum register consisting of a nitrogen-vacancy (NV) center electron spin and three nuclear spins. The $QFT$ runs on the nuclear spins and serves to process the sensor - NV electron spin signal. We demonstrate $QFT$ for quantum (spins) and classical signals (radio frequency (RF) ) with near Heisenberg limited precision scaling. We further show the application of $QFT$ for demultiplexing the nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) signal of two distinct target nuclear spins. Our results mark the application of a complex quantum algorithm in sensing which is of particular interest for high dynamic range quantum sensing and nanoscale NMR spectroscopy experiments.