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RR Lyrae stars as seen by the Kepler space telescope

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 Added by Emese Plachy
 Publication date 2020
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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The unprecedented photometric precision along with the quasi-continuous sampling provided by the Kepler space telescope revealed new and unpredicted phenomena that reformed and invigorated RR Lyrae star research. The discovery of period doubling and the wealth of low-amplitude modes enlightened the complexity of the pulsation behavior and guided us towards nonlinear and nonradial studies. Searching and providing theoretical explanation for these newly found phenomena became a central question, as well as understanding their connection to the oldest enigma of RR Lyrae stars, the Blazhko effect. We attempt to summarize the highest impact RR Lyrae results based on or inspired by the data of the Kepler space telescope both from the nominal and the K2 missions. Besides the three most intriguing topics, the period doubling, the low-amplitude modes, and the Blazhko effect, we also discuss the challenges of Kepler photometry that played a crucial role in the results. The secrets of these amazing variables, uncovered by Kepler, keep the theoretical, ground-based and space-based research inspired in the post-Kepler era, since light variation of RR Lyrae stars is still not completely understood.

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RR Lyrae stars for a long time had the reputation of being rather simple pulsators, but the advent of high-precision space photometry has meanwhile changed this picture dramatically. This article summarizes the results obtained for two remarkable Blazhko RR Lyrae stars and discusses how our view of RR Lyrae stars has changed since the availability of ultra-precise satellite photometry as it is obtained by CoRoT and Kepler. Both stars, CoRoT 105288363 and V445 Lyrae, show a multitude of phenomena that were impossible to observe from the ground, either because of the small amplitude of the effect, or because uninterrupted long-term monitoring was required for a detection. Not only was it found that strong and irregular cycle-to-cycle changes of the Blazhko effect can occur, and that seemingly chaotic phenomena need to be accounted for when modeling the Blazhko effect, but also a rich spectrum of low-amplitude frequencies was detected in addition to the fundamental radial pusation in RRab stars. The so-called period doubling phenomenon, higher radial overtones and possibly also non-radial modes make RR Lyrae stars more multifaceted than previously thought. This article presents the various aspects of irregularity of the Blazhko effect, questioning its long-standing definition as a periodic modulation, and also discusses the low-amplitude pulsation signatures that had been hidden in the noise of observations for centuries.
157 - J.M. Nemec 2011
This paper summarizes the main results of our recent study of the non-Blazhko RR Lyrae stars observed with the Kepler space telescope. These stars offer the opportunity for studying the stability of the pulsations of RR Lyrae stars and for providing a reference against which the Blazhko RR Lyrae stars can be compared. Of particular interest is the stability of the low-dispersion (sigma < 1mmag) light curves constructed from ~18,000 long-cadence (30-min) and (for FN Lyr and AW Dra) the ~150,000 short-cadence (1-min) photometric data points. Fourier-based [Fe/H] values and other physical characteristics are also derived. When the observed periods are compared with periods computed with the Warsaw non-linear convective pulsation code better agreement is achieved assuming pulsational L and M values rather than the (higher) evolutionary L and M values.
The Kepler space telescope has revolutionised our knowledge about exoplanets and stars and is continuing to do so in the K2 mission. The exquisite photometric precision, together with the long, uninterrupted observations opened up a new way to investigate the structure and evolution of stars. Asteroseismology, the study of stellar oscillations, allowed us to investigate solar-like stars and to peer into the insides of red giants and massive stars. But many discoveries have been made about classical variable stars too, ranging from pulsators like Cepheids and RR Lyraes to eclipsing binary stars and cataclysmic variables, and even supernovae. In this review, which is far from an exhaustive summary of all results obtained with Kepler, we collected some of the most interesting discoveries, and ponder on the role for amateur observers in this golden era of stellar astrophysics.
153 - J.M.Nemec , R.Smolec , J.M.Benko 2011
Nineteen of the ~40 RR Lyr stars in the Kepler field have been identified as candidate non-Blazhko (or unmodulated) stars. In this paper we present the results of Fourier decomposition of the time-series photometry of these stars acquired during the first 417 days of operation (Q0-Q5) of the Kepler telescope. Fourier parameters based on ~18400 long-cadence observations per star (and ~150000 short-cadence observations for FN Lyr and for AW Dra) are derived. None of the stars shows the recently discovered `period-doubling effect seen in Blazhko variables; however, KIC 7021124 has been found to pulsate simultaneously in the fundamental and second overtone modes with a period ratio P2/P0 ~ 0.59305 and is similar to the double-mode star V350 Lyr. Period change rates are derived from O-C diagrams spanning, in some cases, over 100 years; these are compared with high-precision periods derived from the Kepler data alone. Extant Fourier correlations by Kovacs, Jurcsik et al. (with minor transformations from the V to the Kp passband) have been used to derive underlying physical characteristics for all the stars. This procedure seems to be validated through comparisons of the Kepler variables with galactic and LMC RR Lyr stars. The most metal-poor star in the sample is NR Lyr, with [Fe/H]=-2.3 dex; and the four most metal-rich stars have [Fe/H] ranging from -0.6 to +0.1 dex. Pulsational luminosities and masses are found to be systematically smaller than L and mass values derived from stellar evolution models, and are favoured over the evolutionary values when periods are computed with the Warsaw linear hydrodynamics code. Finally, the Fourier parameters are compared with theoretical values derived using the Warsaw non-linear convective pulsation code.
201 - R. Szabo , Z. Kollath , L. Molnar 2011
The origin of the conspicuous amplitude and phase modulation of the RR Lyrae pulsation - known as the Blazhko effect - is still a mystery after more than 100 years of its discovery. With the help of the Kepler space telescope we have revealed a new and unexpected phenomenon: period doubling in RR Lyr - the eponym and prototype of its class - as well as in other Kepler Blazhko RR Lyrae stars. We have found that period doubling is directly connected to the Blazhko modulation. Furthermore, with hydrodynamic model calculations we have succeeded in reproducing the period doubling and proved that the root cause of this effect is a high order resonance (9:2) between the fundamental mode and the 9th radial overtone, which is a strange mode. We discuss the implications of these recent findings on our understanding of the century-old Blazhko problem.
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