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NuSTAR Observation of Energy Release in Eleven Solar Microflares

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 Added by Jessie Duncan
 Publication date 2020
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Solar flares are explosive releases of magnetic energy. Hard X-ray (HXR) flare emission originates from both hot (millions of Kelvin) plasma and nonthermal accelerated particles, giving insight into flare energy release. The Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope ARray (NuSTAR) utilizes direct focusing optics to attain much higher sensitivity in the HXR range than that of previous indirect imagers. This paper presents eleven NuSTAR microflares from two active regions (AR 12671 on 2017 August 21, and AR 12712 on 2018 May 29). The temporal, spatial, and energetic properties of each are discussed in context with previously published HXR brightenings. They are seen to display several large-flare properties, such as impulsive time profiles and earlier peaktimes in higher energy HXRs. For two events where active region background could be removed, microflare emission did not display spatial complexity: differing NuSTAR energy ranges had equivalent emission centroids. Finally, spectral fitting showed a high energy excess over a single thermal model in all events. This excess was consistent with additional higher-temperature plasma volumes in 10/11 microflares, and consistent only with an accelerated particle distribution in the last. Previous NuSTAR studies focused on one or a few microflares at a time, making this the first to collectively examine a sizable number of events. Additionally, this paper introduces an observed variation in the NuSTAR gain unique to the extremely low-livetime (<1%) regime, and establishes a correction method to be used in future NuSTAR solar spectral analysis.

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We present X-ray imaging spectroscopy of one of the weakest active region (AR) microflares ever studied. The microflare occurred at $sim$11:04 UT on 2018 September 9 and we studied it using the Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope ARray (NuSTAR) and the Solar Dynamic Observatorys Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (SDO/AIA). The microflare is observed clearly in 2.5-7 keV with NuSTAR and in Fe XVIII emission derived from the hotter component of the 94 $unicode{x212B}$ SDO/AIA channel. We estimate the event to be three orders of magnitude lower than a GOES A class microflare with an energy of 1.1$times$10$^{26}$ erg. It reaches temperatures of 6.7 MK with an emission measure of 8.0$times$10$^{43}$ cm$^{-3}$. Non-thermal emission is not detected but we instead determine upper limits to such emission. We present the lowest thermal energy estimate for an AR microflare in literature, which is at the lower limits of what is still considered an X-ray microflare.
We study flare processes in the lower solar atmosphere using observational data for a M1-class flare of June 12, 2014, obtained by New Solar Telescope (NST/BBSO) and Helioseismic Magnetic Imager (HMI/SDO). The main goal is to understand triggers and manifestations of the flare energy release in the lower layers of the solar atmosphere (the photosphere and chromosphere) using high-resolution optical observations and magnetic field measurements. We analyze optical images, HMI Dopplergrams and vector magnetograms, and use Non-Linear Force-Free Field (NLFFF) extrapolations for reconstruction of the magnetic topology. The NLFFF modelling reveals interaction of oppositely directed magnetic flux-tubes in the PIL. These two interacting magnetic flux tubes are observed as a compact sheared arcade along the PIL in the high-resolution broad-band continuum images from NST. In the vicinity of the PIL, the NST H alpha observations reveal formation of a thin three-ribbon structure corresponding to the small-scale photospheric magnetic arcade. Presented observational results evidence in favor of location of the primary energy release site in the dense chromosphere where plasma is partially ionized in the region of strong electric currents concentrated near the polarity inversion line. Magnetic reconnection may be triggered by two interacting magnetic flux tubes with forming current sheet elongated along the PIL.
238 - Lyndsay Fletcher 2012
This paper presents an overview of some recent observational and theoretical results on solar flares, with an emphasis on flare impulsive-phase chromospheric properties, including: electron diagnostics, optical and UV emission, and discoveries made by the Hinode mission, especially in the EUV. A brief perspective on future observations and theoretical requirements is also given
In this paper, we discuss the temperature distribution and evolution of a microflare, simultaneously observed by Hinode XRT, EIS, and SDO AIA. We find using EIS lines that during peak emission the distribution is nearly isothermal and peaked around 4.5 MK. This temperature is in good agreement with that obtained from the XRT filter ratio, validating the use of XRT to study these small events, invisible by full-Sun X-ray monitors such as GOES. The increase in the estimated Fe XVIII emission in the AIA 94 {AA} band can mostly be explained with the small temperature increase from the background temperatures. The presence of Fe XVIII emission does not guarantee that temperatures of 7 MK are reached, as is often assumed. We also revisit with new atomic data the temperatures measured by a SoHO SUMER observation of an active region which produced microflares, also finding low temperatures (3 - 4 MK) from an Fe XVIII / Ca XIV ratio.
We study the nature of energy release and transfer for two sub-A class solar microflares observed during the second flight of the Focusing Optics X-ray Solar Imager (FOXSI-2) sounding rocket experiment on 2014 December 11. FOXSI is the first solar-dedicated instrument to utilize focusing optics to image the Sun in the hard X-ray (HXR) regime, sensitive to the energy range 4-20 keV. Through spectral analysis of the two microflares using an optically thin isothermal plasma model, we find evidence for plasma heated to temperatures of ~10 MK and emissions measures down to ~$10^{44}~$cm$^{-3}$. Though nonthermal emission was not detected for the FOXSI-2 microflares, a study of the parameter space for possible hidden nonthermal components shows that there could be enough energy in nonthermal electrons to account for the thermal energy in microflare 1, indicating that this flare is plausibly consistent with the standard thick-target model. With a solar-optimized design and improvements in HXR focusing optics, FOXSI-2 offers approximately five times greater sensitivity at 10 keV than the Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR) for typical microflare observations and allows for the first direct imaging spectroscopy of solar HXRs with an angular resolution at scales relevant for microflares. Harnessing these improved capabilities to study the evolution of small-scale events, we find evidence for spatial and temporal complexity during a sub-A class flare. These studies in combination with contemporanous observations by the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly onboard the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO/AIA) indicate that the evolution of these small microflares is more similar to that of large flares than to the single burst of energy expected for a nanoflare.
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