تطور مستمر في عرض الكون الغاما من قبل مراكز المراقبة الفضائية الذي يعمل على الطاقة العالية (HE) والأرضية التي تعمل على الطاقة العالية الجديدة (VHE). ومع ذلك، لا يزال تقييد الدقة الزاوية يمنع التعرف المباشر على هذه المصادر الناقلة للغاما. والمراقبات الراديوية هي أداة فعالة للبحث عن المصادر المشابهة المحتملة على الطاقة الأقل نظرا لأن نفس السكان من الإلكترونات المتطايرة المسؤولة عن الإشارات الراديوية يمكن أن تنتج تأثيرات HE/VHE عن طريق الإنعكاس العكسي للكومبتون. وتشتت المنطقة الإشعاعية الخطية بالعديد من المصادر الغاما، معظمها لا يتم التعرف عليها. لإيجاد المصادر المشابهة المحتملة للمصادر الغاما التي لم يتم التعرف عليها، قمنا بإجراء مسح عميق لمنطقة الإشعاع الخطية باستخدام مرصد الميتروويف العملاق في 610 ميغاهرتز و 325 ميغاهرتز. وقمنا ببحث مفصل للمصادر المشابهة في دائرة الخطأ من مصادر HE/VHE. ونحن نقدم 36 مصادر راديوية وجدت في دائرة الخطأ من 15 مصدر HE و 11 من VHE. وجدت ثمانية مصادر ذات فلور الطيف الراديوي الشديد الذي يشير على أنها على الأرجح النباتات الضوئية وسيتم اتباعها للبحث عن التواتر. وتشجع هذا العدد الهائل من المرشحين للنباتات الضوئية في دائرة الخطأ من مصادر HE/VHE على النظرة الجديدة إلى الطاقة والكفاءة النباتات الضوئية وغبار النباتات الضوئية في هذا السياق.
The view of the gamma-ray universe is being continuously expanded by space high energy (HE) and ground based very-high energy (VHE) observatories. Yet, the angular resolution limitation still precludes a straightforward identification of these gamma-ray emitting sources. Radio observations are an effective tool for searching their possible counterparts at lower energies because the same population of relativistic electrons responsible for radio emission can also produce HE/VHE emission via inverse-Compton scattering. The Cygnus region is crowded by many gamma-ray sources, most of them remaining unidentified. In order to find possible counterparts to unidentified gamma-ray sources, we carried out a deep survey of the Cygnus region using the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope at 610 MHz and 325 MHz. We did a detailed search for counterparts in the error circle of HE/VHE sources. We report 36 radio sources found in the error ellipse of 15 HE sources, and 11 in those of VHE sources. Eight sources have very steep radio spectral index alpha <-1.5, which are most likely to be pulsars and will be followed up for periodicity search. Such a significant number of pulsar candidates within the error circle of HE/VHE sources prompts fresh look at the energetics and efficacy of pulsars and pulsar wind nebulae in this context.
Observations of pulsars with the Large Area Telescope (LAT) on the Fermi satellite have revolutionized our view of the gamma-ray pulsar population. For the first time, a large number of young gamma-ray pulsars have been discovered in blind searches of the LAT data. More generally, the LAT has discovered many new gamma-ray sources whose properties suggest that they are powered by unknown pulsars. Radio observations of gamma-ray sources have been key to the success of pulsar studies with the LAT. For example, radio observations of LAT-discovered pulsars provide constraints on the relative beaming fractions, which are crucial for pulsar population studies. Also, radio searches of LAT sources with no known counterparts have been very efficient, with the discovery of over forty millisecond pulsars. I review radio follow-up studies of LAT-discovered pulsars and unidentified sources, and discuss some of the implications of the results.
About one third of the gamma-ray sources listed in the second Fermi LAT catalog (2FGL) have no firmly established counterpart at lower energies so being classified as unidentified gamma-ray sources (UGSs). Here we propose a new approach to find candidate counterparts for the UGSs based on the 325 MHz radio survey performed with Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope (WSRT) in the northern hemisphere. First we investigate the low-frequency radio properties of blazars, the largest known population of gamma-ray sources; then we search for sources with similar radio properties combining the information derived from the Westerbork Northern Sky Survey (WENSS) with those of the NRAO VLA Sky survey (NVSS). We present a list of candidate counterparts for 32 UGSs with at least one counterpart in the WENSS. We also performed an extensive research in literature to look for infrared and optical counterparts of the gamma-ray blazar candidates selected with the low-frequency radio observations to confirm their nature. On the basis of our multifrequency research we identify 23 new gamma-ray blazar candidates out of 32 UGSs investigated. Comparison with previous results on the UGSs are also presented. Finally, we speculate on the advantages on the use of the low-frequency radio observations to associate UGSs and to search for gamma-ray pulsar candidates.
We report observations of gamma-ray emissions with energies in the 100 TeV energy region from the Cygnus region in our Galaxy. Two sources are significantly detected in the directions of the Cygnus OB1 and OB2 associations. Based on their positional coincidences, we associate one with a pulsar PSR J2032+4127 and the other mainly with a pulsar wind nebula PWN G75.2+0.1 with the pulsar moving away from its original birthplace situated around the centroid of the observed gamma-ray emission. This work would stimulate further studies of particle acceleration mechanisms at these gamma-ray sources.
The Cygnus arm of our galaxy is a source-rich and complex region hosting multiple gamma-ray source types such as pulsar wind nebulae (PWN), supernova remnants, binary systems, and star clusters. The High Altitude Water Cherenkov (HAWC) observatory has been collecting data continuously since 2015 and has reported five sources within the Cygnus region. Several other instruments have also observed gamma-ray sources in this region. For instance, Fermi-LAT found gamma-ray emission at GeV energies due to a Cocoon of freshly accelerated cosmic rays, which is co-located with a known PWN TeV 2032+4130 seen by several TeV gamma-ray observatories. TeV J2032+4130 is likely powered by the pulsar PSR J2032+4127 based on the multi-wavelength observation and asymmetric morphology reported by VERITAS. The study of HAWC data will provide more information regarding the morphology, emission origin, and the correlation with the GeV emission. This presentation will discuss the analysis of data collected with the HAWC instrument and the Fermi-LAT and the results obtained to provide a deeper understanding of the Cygnus Cocoon across five decades of energy range.
Identification of gamma-ray-emitting Galactic sources is a long-standing problem in astrophysics. One such source, 1AGL J2022+4032, coincident with the interior of the radio shell of the supernova remnant Gamma Cygni (SNR G78.2+2.1) in the Cygnus Region, has recently been identified by Fermi as a gamma-ray pulsar, LAT PSR J2021+4026. We present long-term observations of 1AGL J2022+4032 with the AGILE gamma-ray telescope, measuring its flux and light curve. We compare the light curve of 1AGL J2022+4032 with that of 1AGL J2021+3652 (PSR J2021+3651), showing that the flux variability of 1AGL J2022+4032 appears to be greater than the level predicted from statistical and systematic effects and producing detailed simulations to estimate the probability of the apparent observed variability. We evaluate the possibility that the gamma-ray emission may be due to the superposition of two or more point sources, some of which may be variable, considering a number of possible counterparts. We consider the possibility of a nearby X-ray quiet microquasar contributing to the flux of 1AGL J2022+4032 to be more likely than the hypotheses of a background blazar or intrinsic gamma-ray variabilty of LAT PSR J2021+4026.