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Reducing ground-based astrometric errors with Gaia and Gaussian processes

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 Added by Austin Fortino
 Publication date 2020
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Stochastic field distortions caused by atmospheric turbulence are a fundamental limitation to the astrometric accuracy of ground-based imaging. This distortion field is measurable at the locations of stars with accurate positions provided by the Gaia DR2 catalog; we develop the use of Gaussian process regression (GPR) to interpolate the distortion field to arbitrary locations in each exposure. We introduce an extension to standard GPR techniques that exploits the knowledge that the 2-dimensional distortion field is curl-free. Applied to several hundred 90-second exposures from the Dark Energy Survey as a testbed, we find that the GPR correction reduces the variance of the turbulent distortions $approx12times$, on average, with better performance in denser regions of the Gaia catalog. The RMS per-coordinate distortion in the $riz$ bands is typically $approx7$ mas before any correction, and $approx2$ mas after application of the GPR model. The GPR astrometric corrections are validated by the observation that their use reduces, from 10 to 5 mas RMS, the residuals to an orbit fit to $riz$-band observations over 5 years of the $r=18.5$ trans-Neptunian object Eris. We also propose a GPR method, not yet implemented, for simultaneously estimating the turbulence fields and the 5-dimensional stellar solutions in a stack of overlapping exposures, which should yield further turbulence reductions in future deep surveys.

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129 - Zinovy Malkin 2021
A comparison was made between $Gaia$ magnitudes and magnitudes obtained from ground-based observations for astrometric radio sources . The comparison showed that these magnitudes often not agree well. There may be several reasons for this disagreement. Nevertheless, such an analysis can serve as an additional filter for verification of the object cross-identification. On the other hand, it can help to detect possible errors in optical magnitudes of astrometric radio sources coming from unreliable or inconsistent data sources.
We study astrometric residuals from a simultaneous fit of Hyper Suprime-Cam images. We aim to characterize these residuals and study the extent to which they are dominated by atmospheric contributions for bright sources. We use Gaussian process interpolation, with a correlation function (kernel), measured from the data, to smooth and correct the observed astrometric residual field. We find that Gaussian process interpolation with a von Karman kernel allows us to reduce the covariances of astrometric residuals for nearby sources by about one order of magnitude, from 30 mas$^2$ to 3 mas$^2$ at angular scales of ~1 arcmin, and to halve the r.m.s. residuals. Those reductions using Gaussian process interpolation are similar to recent result published with the Dark Energy Survey dataset. We are then able to detect the small static astrometric residuals due to the Hyper Suprime-Cam sensors effects. We discuss how the Gaussian process interpolation of astrometric residuals impacts galaxy shape measurements, in particular in the context of cosmic shear analyses at the Rubin Observatory Legacy Survey of Space and Time.
189 - Dr Mario Gai , 2010
A tool for representation of the one-dimensional astrometric signal of Gaia is described and investigated in terms of fit discrepancy and astrometric performance with respect to number of parameters required. The proposed basis function is based on the aberration free response of the ideal telescope and its derivatives, weighted by the source spectral distribution. The influence of relative position of the detector pixel array with respect to the optical image is analysed, as well as the variation induced by the source spectral emission. The number of parameters required for micro-arcsec level consistency of the reconstructed function with the detected signal is found to be 11. Some considerations are devoted to the issue of calibration of the instrument response representation, taking into account the relevant aspects of source spectrum and focal plane sampling. Additional investigations and other applications are also suggested.
We provide a revised assessment of the number of exoplanets that should be discovered by Gaia astrometry, extending previous studies to a broader range of spectral types, distances, and magnitudes. Our assessment is based on a large representative sample of host stars from the TRILEGAL Galaxy population synthesis model, recent estimates of the exoplanet frequency distributions as a function of stellar type, and detailed simulation of the Gaia observations using the updated instrument performance and scanning law. We use two approaches to estimate detectable planetary systems: one based on the S/N of the astrometric signature per field crossing, easily reproducible and allowing comparisons with previous estimates, and a new and more robust metric based on orbit fitting to the simulated satellite data. With some plausible assumptions on planet occurrences, we find that some 21,000 (+/-6000) high-mass (1-15M_J) long-period planets should be discovered out to distances of ~500pc for the nominal 5-yr mission (including at least 1000-1500 around M dwarfs out to 100pc), rising to some 70,000 (+/-20,000) for a 10-yr mission. We indicate some of the expected features of this exoplanet population, amongst them ~25-50 intermediate-period (P~2-3yr) transiting systems.
76 - Ummi Abbas 2019
We employ differential astrometric methods to establish a small field reference frame stable at the micro-arcsecond ($mu$as) level on short timescales using high-cadence simulated observations taken by Gaia in February 2017 of a bright star close to the limb of Jupiter, as part of the relativistic experiment on Jupiters quadrupole. We achieve sub$mu$as-level precision along scan through a suitable transformation of the field angles into a small-field tangent plane and a least-squares fit over several overlapping frames for estimating the plate and geometric calibration parameters with tens of reference stars that lie within $sim$0.5 degs from the target star, assuming perfect knowledge of stellar proper motions and parallaxes. Furthermore, we study the effects of unmodeled astrometric parameters on the residuals and find that proper motions have a stronger effect than unmodeled parallaxes. For e.g., unmodeled Gaia DR2 proper motions introduce extra residuals of $sim$23$mu$as (AL) and 69$mu$as (AC) versus the $sim$5$mu$as (AL) and 17$mu$as (AC) due to unmodeled parallaxes. On the other hand, assuming catalog errors in the proper motions such as those from Gaia DR2 has a minimal impact on the stability introducing sub$mu$as and $mu$as level residuals in the along and across scanning direction, respectively. Finally, the effect of a coarse knowledge in the satellite velocity components (with time dependent errors of 10$mu$as) is capable of enlarging the size of the residuals to roughly 0.2 mas.
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