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Quantum mechanics of bipartite ribbon graphs: Integrality, Lattices and Kronecker coefficients

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 Added by Sanjaye Ramgoolam
 Publication date 2020
and research's language is English

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We define solvable quantum mechanical systems on a Hilbert space spanned by bipartite ribbon graphs with a fixed number of edges. The Hilbert space is also an associative algebra, where the product is derived from permutation group products. The existence and structure of this Hilbert space algebra has a number of consequences. The algebra product, which can be expressed in terms of integer ribbon graph reconnection coefficients, is used to define solvable Hamiltonians with eigenvalues expressed in terms of normalized characters of symmetric group elements and degeneracies given in terms of Kronecker coefficients, which are tensor product multiplicities of symmetric group representations. The square of the Kronecker coefficient for a triple of Young diagrams is shown to be equal to the dimension of a sub-lattice in the lattice of ribbon graphs. This leads to an answer to the long-standing question of a combinatoric interpretation of the Kronecker coefficients. As an avenue to explore quantum supremacy and its implications for computational complexity theory, we outline experiments to detect non-vanishing Kronecker coefficients for hypothetical quantum realizations/simulations of these quantum systems. The correspondence between ribbon graphs and Belyi maps leads to an interpretation of these quantum mechanical systems in terms of quantum membrane world-volumes interpolating between string geometries.

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The correspondence between unmixed bipartite graphs and sublattices of the oolean lattice is discussed. By using this correspondence, we show the existence of squarefree quadratic initial ideals of toric ideals arising from minimal vertex covers of unmixed bipartite graphs.
These notes are an expanded version of a talk given by the second author. Our main interest is focused on the challenging problem of computing Kronecker coefficients. We decided, at the beginning, to take a very general approach to the problem of studying multiplicity functions, and we survey the various aspects of the theory that comes into play, giving a detailed bibliography to orient the reader. Nonetheless the main general theorems involving multiplicities functions (convexity, quasi-polynomial behavior, Jeffrey-Kirwan residues) are stated without proofs. Then, we present in detail our approach to the computational problem, giving explicit formulae, and outlining an algorithm that calculate many interesting examples, some of which appear in the literature also in connection with Hilbert series.
We introduce a new equivalence relation on decorated ribbon graphs, and show that its equivalence classes directly correspond to virtual links. We demonstrate how this correspondence can be used to convert any invariant of virtual links into an invariant of ribbon graphs, and vice versa.
Some beautiful identities involving hook contents of Young diagrams have been found in the field of quantum information processing, along with a combinatorial proof. We here give a representation theoretic proof of these identities and a number of generalizations. Our proof is based on trace identities for elements belonging to a class of permutation centralizer algebras. These algebras have been found to underlie the combinatorics of composite gauge invariant operators in quantum field theory, with applications in the AdS/CFT correspondence. Based on these algebras, we discuss some analogies between quantum information processing tasks and the combinatorics of composite quantum fields and argue that this can be fruitful interface between quantum information and quantum field theory, with implications for AdS/CFT.
A remarkable result at the intersection of number theory and group theory states that the order of a finite group $G$ (denoted $|G|$) is divisible by the dimension $d_R$ of any irreducible complex representation of $G$. We show that the integer ratios ${ |G|^2 / d_R^2 } $ are combinatorially constructible using finite algorithms which take as input the amplitudes of combinatoric topological strings ($G$-CTST) of finite groups based on 2D Dijkgraaf-Witten topological field theories ($G$-TQFT2). The ratios are also shown to be eigenvalues of handle creation operators in $G$-TQFT2/$G$-CTST. These strings have recently been discussed as toy models of wormholes and baby universes by Marolf and Maxfield, and Gardiner and Megas. Boundary amplitudes of the $G$-TQFT2/$G$-CTST provide algorithms for combinatoric constructions of normalized characters. Stringy S-duality for closed $G$-CTST gives a dual expansion generated by disconnected entangled surfaces. There are universal relations between $G$-TQFT2 amplitudes due to the finiteness of the number $K $ of conjugacy classes. These relations can be labelled by Young diagrams and are captured by null states in an inner product constructed by coupling the $G$-TQFT2 to a universal TQFT2 based on symmetric group algebras. We discuss the scenario of a 3D holographic dual for this coupled theory and the implications of the scenario for the factorization puzzle of 2D/3D holography raised by wormholes in 3D.
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