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Testing a Data-driven Active Region Evolution Model with Boundary Data at Different Heights from a Solar Magnetic Flux Emergence Simulation

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 Added by Chaowei Jiang
 Publication date 2020
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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A data-driven active region evolution (DARE) model has been developed to study the complex structures and dynamics of solar coronal magnetic fields. The model is configured with typical coronal environment of tenuous gas governed by strong magnetic field, and thus its lower boundary is set at the base of the corona, but driven by magnetic fields observed in the photosphere. A previous assessment of the model using data from a flux emergence simulation (FES) showed that the DARE failed to reproduce the coronal magnetic field in the FES, which is attributed to the fact that the photospheric data in the FES has a very strong Lorentz force and therefore spurious flows are generated in the DARE model. Here we further test the DARE by using three sets of data from the FES sliced at incremental heights, which correspond to the photosphere, the chromosphere and the base of the corona. It is found that the key difference in the three sets of data is the extent of the Lorentz force, which makes the data-driven model perform very differently. At the two higher levels above the photosphere, the Lorentz force decreases substantially, and the DARE model attains results in much better agreement with the FES, confirming that the Lorentz force in the boundary data is a key issue affecting the results of the DARE model. However, unlike the FES data, the photospheric field from SDO/HMI observations has recently been found to be very close to force-free. Therefore, we suggest that it is still reasonable to use the photospheric magnetic field as approximation of the field at the coronal base to drive the DARE model.

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For a better understanding of magnetic field in the solar corona and dynamic activities such as flares and coronal mass ejections, it is crucial to measure the time-evolving coronal field and accurately estimate the magnetic energy. Recently, a new modeling technique called the data-driven coronal field model, in which the time evolution of magnetic field is driven by a sequence of photospheric magnetic and velocity field maps, has been developed and revealed the dynamics of flare-productive active regions. Here we report on the first qualitative and quantitative assessment of different data-driven models using a magnetic flux emergence simulation as a ground-truth (GT) data set. We compare the GT field with those reconstructed from the GT photospheric field by four data-driven algorithms. It is found that, at least, the flux rope structure is reproduced in all coronal field models. Quantitatively, however, the results show a certain degree of model dependence. In most cases, the magnetic energies and relative magnetic helicity are comparable to or at most twice of the GT values. The reproduced flux ropes have a sigmoidal shape (consistent with GT) of various sizes, a vertically-standing magnetic torus, or a packed structure. The observed discrepancies can be attributed to the highly non-force-free input photospheric field, from which the coronal field is reconstructed, and to the modeling constraints such as the treatment of background atmosphere, the bottom boundary setting, and the spatial resolution.
94 - Wen He , Chaowei Jiang , Peng Zou 2020
Solar eruptions are the most powerful drivers of space weather. To understand their cause and nature, it is crucial to know how the coronal magnetic field evolves before eruption. Here we study the formation process of a relatively large-scale magnetic flux rope (MFR) in active region NOAA~12371 that erupts with a major flare and coronal mass ejection on 2015 June 21. A data-driven numerical magnetohydrodynamic model is employed to simulate three-dimensional coronal magnetic field evolution of one-day duration before the eruption. Comparison between the observed features and our modeled magnetic field discloses how the pre-eruption MFR forms. Initially, the magnetic field lines were weakly twisted as being simple sheared arcades. Then a long MFR was formed along the polarity inversion line due to the complex photospheric motion, which is mainly shearing rather than twisting. The presence of the MFR is evidenced by a coherent set of magnetic field lines with twist number above unity. Below the MFR a current sheet is shown in the model, suggesting that tether-cutting reconnection plays a key role in the MFR formation. The MFRs flux grows as more and more field lines are twisted due to continuous injection of magnetic helicity by the photospheric motions. Meanwhile, the height of the MFRs axis increases monotonely from its formation. By an analysis of the decay index of its overlying field, we suggest that it is because the MFR runs into the torus instability regime and becomes unstable that finally triggers the eruption.
We analyze data from Hinode spacecraft taken over two 54-minute periods during the emergence of AR 11024. We focus on small-scale portions within the observed solar active region and discover the appearance of very distinctive small-scale and short-lived dark features in Ca II H chromospheric filtergrams and Stokes I images. The features appear in regions with close-to-zero longitudinal magnetic field, and are observed to increase in length before they eventually disappear. Energy release in the low chromospheric line is detected while the dark features are fading. In time series of magnetograms a diverging bipolar configuration is observed accompanying the appearance of the dark features and the brightenings. The observed phenomena are explained as evidencing elementary flux emergence in the solar atmosphere, i.e small-scale arch filament systems rising up from the photosphere to the lower chromosphere with a length scale of a few solar granules. Brightenings are explained as being the signatures of chromospheric heating triggered by reconnection of the rising loops (once they reached chromospheric heights) with pre-existing magnetic fields as well as to reconnection/cancellation events in U-loop segments of emerging serpentine fields. We study the temporal evolution and dynamics of the events and compare them with the emergence of magnetic loops detected in quiet sun regions and serpentine flux emergence signatures in active regions. Incorporating the novel features of granular-scale flux emergence presented in this study we advance the scenario for serpentine flux emergence.
181 - Fang Fang , Yuhong Fan 2015
$delta$-sunspots, with highly complex magnetic structures, are very productive in energetic eruptive events, such as X-class flares and homologous eruptions. We here study the formation of such complex magnetic structures by numerical simulations of magnetic flux emergence from the convection zone into the corona in an active-region-scale domain. In our simulation, two pairs of bipolar sunspots form on the surface, originating from two buoyant segments of a single subsurface twisted flux rope, following the approach of Toriumi et al. (2014). Expansion and rotation of the emerging fields in the two bipoles drive the two opposite polarities into each other with apparent rotating motion, producing a compact $delta$-sunspot with a sharp polarity inversion line. The formation of the $delta$-sunspot in such a realistic-scale domain produces emerging patterns similar to those formed in observations, e.g. the inverted polarity against Hales law, the curvilinear motion of the spot, strong transverse field with highly sheared magnetic and velocity fields at the PIL. Strong current builds up at the PIL, giving rise to reconnection, which produces a complex coronal magnetic connectivity with non-potential fields in the Delta-spot overlaid by more relaxed fields connecting the two polarities at the two ends.
Flux ropes are generally believed to be core structures of solar eruptions that are significant for the space weather, but their formation mechanism remains intensely debated. We report on the formation of a tiny flux rope beneath clusters of active region loops on 2018 August 24. Combining the high-quality multiwavelength observations from multiple instruments, we studied the event in detail in the photosphere, chromosphere, and corona. In the source region, the continual emergence of two positive polarities (P1 and P2) that appeared as two pores (A and B)is unambiguous. Interestingly, P2 and Pore B slowly approached P1 and Pore A, implying a magnetic flux convergence. During the emergence and convergence, P1 and P2 successively interacted with a minor negative polarity (N3) that emerged, which led to a continuous magnetic flux cancellation. As a result, the overlying loops became much sheared and finally evolved into a tiny twisted flux rope that was evidenced by a transient inverse S-shaped sigmoid, the twisted filament threads with blueshift and redshift signatures, and a hot channel. All the results show that the formation of the tiny flux rope in the center of the active region was closely associated with the continuous magnetic flux emergence, convergence, and cancellation in the photosphere. Hence, we suggest that the magnetic flux emergence, convergence, and cancellation are crucial for the formation of the tiny flux rope.
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