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Retrodiction beyond the Heisenberg uncertainty relation

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 Added by Han Bao
 Publication date 2020
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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In quantum mechanics, the Heisenberg uncertainty relation presents an ultimate limit to the precision by which one can predict the outcome of position and momentum measurements on a particle. Heisenberg explicitly stated this relation for the prediction of hypothetical future measurements, and it does not describe the situation where knowledge is available about the system both earlier and later than the time of the measurement. We study what happens under such circumstances with an atomic ensemble containing $10^{11}$ $^{87}text{Rb}$ atoms, initiated nearly in the ground state in presence of a magnetic field. The collective spin observables of the atoms are then well described by canonical position and momentum observables, $hat{x}_A$ and $hat{p}_A$ that satisfy $[hat{x}_A,hat{p}_A]=ihbar$. Quantum non-demolition measurements of $hat{p}_A$ before and of $hat{x}_A$ after time $t$ allow precise estimates of both observables at time $t$. The capability of assigning precise values to multiple observables and to observe their variation during physical processes may have implications in quantum state estimation and sensing.

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148 - Klaus Bering 2014
We prove a double-inequality for the product of uncertainties for position and momentum of bound states for 1D quantum mechanical systems in the semiclassical limit.
Reports on experiments recently performed in Vienna [Erhard et al, Nature Phys. 8, 185 (2012)] and Toronto [Rozema et al, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 100404 (2012)] include claims of a violation of Heisenbergs error-disturbance relation. In contrast, we have presented and proven a Heisenberg-type relation for joint measurements of position and momentum [Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 160405 (2013)]. To resolve the apparent conflict, we formulate here a new general trade-off relation for errors in qubit measurements, using the same concepts as we did in the position-momentum case. We show that the combined errors in an approximate joint measurement of a pair of +/-1 valued observables A,B are tightly bounded from below by a quantity that measures the degree of incompatibility of A and B. The claim of a violation of Heisenberg is shown to fail as it is based on unsuitable measures of error and disturbance. Finally we show how the experiments mentioned may directly be used to test our error inequality.
Quantum uncertainty relations are formulated in terms of relative entropy between distributions of measurement outcomes and suitable reference distributions with maximum entropy. This type of entropic uncertainty relation can be applied directly to observables with either discrete or continuous spectra. We find that a sum of relative entropies is bounded from above in a nontrivial way, which we illustrate with some examples.
We study two operational approaches to quantifying incompatibility that depart significantly from the well known entropic uncertainty relation (EUR) formalism. Both approaches result in incompatibility measures that yield non-zero values even when the pair of incompatible observables commute over a subspace, unlike EURs which give a zero lower bound in such cases. Here, we explicitly show how these measures go beyond EURs in quantifying incompatibility: For any set of quantum observables, we show that both incompatibility measures are bounded from below by the corresponding EURs for the Tsallis ($T_{2}$) entropy. We explicitly evaluate the incompatibility of a pair of qubit observables in both operational scenarios. We also obtain an efficiently computable lower bound for the mutually incompatibility of a general set of observables.
A Heisenberg uncertainty relation is derived for spatially-gated electric and magnetic field fluctuations. The uncertainty increases for small gating sizes which implies that in confined spaces the quantum nature of the electromagnetic field must be taken into account. Optimizing the state of light to minimize the electric at the expense of the magnetic field, and vice versa should be possible. Spatial confinements and quantum fields may alternatively be realized without gating by interaction of the field with a nanostructure. Possible applications include nonlinear spectroscopy of nanostructures and optical cavities and chiral signals.
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