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The character map in (twisted differential) non-abelian cohomology

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 Added by Urs Schreiber
 Publication date 2020
and research's language is English

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We extend the Chern character on K-theory, in its generalization to the Chern-Dold character on generalized cohomology theories, further to (twisted, differential) non-abelian cohomology theories, where its target is a non-abelian de Rham cohomology of twisted L-infinity algebra valued differential forms. The construction amounts to leveraging the fundamental theorem of dg-algebraic rational homotopy theory to a twisted non-abelian generalization of the de Rham theorem. We show that the non-abelian character reproduces, besides the Chern-Dold character, also the Chern-Weil homomorphism as well as its secondary Cheeger-Simons homomorphism on (differential) non-abelian cohomology in degree 1, represented by principal bundles (with connection); and thus generalizes all these to higher (twisted, differential) non-abelian cohomology, represented by higher bundles/higher gerbes (with higher connections). As a fundamental example, we discuss the twisted non-abelian character map on twistorial Cohomotopy theory over 8-manifolds, which can be viewed as a twisted non-abelian enhancement of topological modular forms (tmf) in degree 4. This turns out to exhibit a list of subtle topological relations that in high energy physics are thought to govern the charge quantization of fluxes in M-theory.

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173 - Ulrich Bunke 2010
The initial motivation of this work was to give a topological interpretation of two-periodic twisted de-Rham cohomology which is generalizable to arbitrary coefficients. To this end we develop a sheaf theory in the context of locally compact topological stacks with emphasis on the construction of the sheaf theory operations in unbounded derived categories, elements of Verdier duality and integration. The main result is the construction of a functorial periodization functor associated to a U(1)-gerbe. As applications we verify the $T$-duality isomorphism in periodic twisted cohomology and in periodic twisted orbispace cohomology.
256 - Hisham Sati , Urs Schreiber 2020
The concept of orbifolds should unify differential geometry with equivariant homotopy theory, so that orbifold cohomology should unify differential cohomology with proper equivariant cohomology theory. Despite the prominent role that orbifolds have come to play in mathematics and mathematical physics, especially in string theory, the formulation of a general theory of orbifolds reflecting this unification has remained an open problem. Here we present a natural theory argued to achieve this. We give both a general abstract axiomatization in higher topos theory, as well as concrete models for ordinary as well as for super-geometric and for higher-geometric orbifolds. Our first main result is a fully faithful embedding of the 2-category of orbifolds into a singular-cohesive infinity-topos whose intrinsic cohomology theory is proper globally equivariant differential generalized cohomology, subsuming traditional orbifold cohomology, Chen-Ruan cohomology, and orbifold K-theory. Our second main result is a general construction of orbifold etale cohomology which we show to naturally unify (i) tangentially twisted cohomology of smooth but curved spaces with (ii) RO-graded proper equivariant cohomology of flat but singular spaces. As a fundamental example we present J-twisted orbifold Cohomotopy theories with coefficients in shapes of generalized Tate spheres. According to Hypothesis H this includes the proper orbifold cohomology theory that controls non-perturbative string theory.
We investigate topological T-duality in the framework of non-abelian gerbes and higher gauge groups. We show that this framework admits the gluing of locally defined T-duals, in situations where no globally defined (geometric) T-duals exists. The gluing results into new, higher-geometrical objects that can be used to study non-geometric T-duals, alternatively to other approaches like non-commutative geometry.
287 - Gregory Ginot , Ping Xu 2010
In this paper we study the cohomology of (strict) Lie 2-groups. We obtain an explicit Bott-Shulman type map in the case of a Lie 2-group corresponding to the crossed module $Ato 1$. The cohomology of the Lie 2-groups corresponding to the universal crossed modules $Gto Aut(G)$ and $Gto Aut^+(G)$ is the abutment of a spectral sequence involving the cohomology of $GL(n,Z)$ and $SL(n,Z)$. When the dimension of the center of $G$ is less than 3, we compute explicitly these cohomology groups. We also compute the cohomology of the Lie 2-group corresponding to a crossed module $Gto H$ whose kernel is compact and cokernel is connected, simply connected and compact and apply the result to the string 2-group.
We introduce a general theory of parametrized objects in the setting of infinity categories. Although spaces and spectra parametrized over spaces are the most familiar examples, we establish our theory in the generality of objects of a presentable infinity category parametrized over objects of an infinity topos. We obtain a coherent functor formalism describing the relationship of the various adjoint functors associated to base-change and symmetric monoidal structures. Our main applications are to the study of generalized Thom spectra. We obtain fiberwise constructions of twisted Umkehr maps for twisted generalized cohomology theories using a geometric fiberwise construction of Atiyah duality. In order to characterize the algebraic structures on generalized Thom spectra and twisted (co)homology, we characterize the generalized Thom spectrum as a categorification of the well-known adjunction between units and group rings.
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