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Magnetic anisotropy and exchange paths for octa- and tetrahedrally coordinated Mn$^{2+}$ ions in the honeycomb multiferroic Mn$_2$Mo$_3$O$_8$

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 Added by D\\'avid Szaller
 Publication date 2020
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We investigated the static and dynamic magnetic properties of the polar ferrimagnet Mn$_2$Mo$_3$O$_8$ in three magnetically ordered phases via magnetization, magnetic torque, and THz absorption spectroscopy measurements. The observed magnetic field dependence of the spin-wave resonances, including Brillouin zone-center and zone-boundary excitations, magnetization, and torque, are well described by an extended two-sublattice antiferromagnetic classical mean-field model. In this orbitally quenched system, the competing weak easy-plane and easy-axis single-ion anisotropies of the two crystallographic sites are determined from the model and assigned to the tetra- and octahedral sites, respectively, by ab initio calculations.

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199 - H. Wadati , K. Kato , Y. Wakisaka 2011
We investigated the electronic structure of layered Mn oxide Bi3Mn4O12(NO3) with a Mn honeycomb lattice by x-ray absorption spectroscopy. The valence of Mn was determined to be 4+ with a small charge-transfer energy. We estimated the values of superexchange interactions up to the fourth nearest neighbors (J1, J2, J3, and J4) by unrestricted Hartree-Fock calculations and a perturbation method. We found that the absolute values of J1 through J4 are similar with positive (antiferromagnetic) J1 and J4, and negative (ferromagnetic) J2 and J3, due to Mn-O-O-Mn pathways activated by the smallness of charge-transfer energy. The negative J3 provides magnetic frustration in the honeycomb lattice to prevent long-range ordering.
Theoretical studies have predicted the existence of topological magnons in honeycomb compounds with zig-zag antiferromagnetic (AFM) order. Here we report the discovery of zig-zag AFM order in the layered and non-centrosymmetric honeycomb nickelate Ni$_2$Mo$_3$O$_8$ through a combination of magnetization, specific heat, x-ray and neutron diffraction and electron paramagnetic resonance measurements. It is the first example of such order in an integer-spin non-centrosymmetric structure ($P$$_6$3$mc$). Further, each of the two distinct sites of the bipartite honeycomb lattice has a unique crystal field environment, octahedral and tetrahedral Ni$^{2+}$ respectively, enabling independent substitution on each sublattice. Replacement of Ni by Mg on the octahedral site suppresses the long range magnetic order and results in a weakly ferromagnetic state. Conversely, substitution of Fe for Ni enhances the AFM ordering temperature. Thus Ni$_2$Mo$_3$O$_8$ provides a platform on which to explore the rich physics of $S = 1$ on the honeycomb in the presence of competing magnetic interactions with a non-centrosymmetric, formally piezeo-polar, crystal structure.
Magnetic susceptibility and the magnetization process have been measured in green polycrystal. In this compound, the magnetic manganese ion exists as Mn$^{5+}$ in a tetrahedral environment, and thus the magnetic interaction can be described by an S=1 Heisenberg model. The ground state was found to be a spin singlet with an excitation gap $Delta/k_{rm B}=11.2$ K. Magnetization plateaus were observed at zero and at half of the saturation magnetization. These results indicate that the present system can be represented by a coupled antiferromagnetic dimer model.
We report on optical excitations in the magnetically ordered phases of multiferroic Fe$_{1.86}$Zn$_{0.14}$Mo$_3$O$_8$ in the frequency range from 10-130 cm$^{-1}$ (0.3-3.9 THz). In the collinear easy-axis antiferromagnetic phase below $T_N=50$~K eleven optically active modes have been observed in finite magnetic fields, assuming that the lowest-lying mode is doubly degenerate. The large number of modes reflects either a more complex magnetic structure than in pure Fe$_{2}$Mo$_3$O$_8$ or that spin stretching modes become active in addition to the usual spin precessional modes. Their magnetic field dependence, for fields applied along the easy axis, reflects the irreversible magnetic-field driven phase transition from the antiferromagnetic ground state to a ferrimagnetic state, while the number of modes remains unchanged in the covered frequency region. We determined selection rules for some of the AFM modes by investigating all polarization configurations and identified magnetic- and electric-dipole active modes as well. In addition to these sharp resonances, a broad electric-dipole active excitation band, which is not influenced by the external magnetic field, occurs below $T_N$ with an onset at 12 cm$^{-1}$. We are able to model this absorption band as a vibronic excitation related to the lowest-lying Fe$^{2+}$ electronic states in tetrahedral environment.
We report the magnetic diffraction pattern and spin wave excitations in (CD$_3$)$_2$ND$_2$[Mn(DCO$_2$)$_3$] measured using elastic and inelastic neutron scattering. The magnetic structure is shown to be a G-type antiferromagnet with moments pointing along the $b$ axis. By comparison with simulations based on linear spin wave theory, we have developed a model for the magnetic interactions in this multiferroic metal-organic framework material. The interactions form a three-dimensional network with antiferromagnetic nearest-neighbour interactions along three directions of $J_1=-0.103(8)$~meV, $J_2=-0.032(8)$~meV and $J_3=-0.035(8)$~meV.
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