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Introspective Learning by Distilling Knowledge from Online Self-explanation

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 Added by Jindong Gu
 Publication date 2020
and research's language is English

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In recent years, many explanation methods have been proposed to explain individual classifications of deep neural networks. However, how to leverage the created explanations to improve the learning process has been less explored. As the privileged information, the explanations of a model can be used to guide the learning process of the model itself. In the community, another intensively investigated privileged information used to guide the training of a model is the knowledge from a powerful teacher model. The goal of this work is to leverage the self-explanation to improve the learning process by borrowing ideas from knowledge distillation. We start by investigating the effective components of the knowledge transferred from the teacher network to the student network. Our investigation reveals that both the responses in non-ground-truth classes and class-similarity information in teachers outputs contribute to the success of the knowledge distillation. Motivated by the conclusion, we propose an implementation of introspective learning by distilling knowledge from online self-explanations. The models trained with the introspective learning procedure outperform the ones trained with the standard learning procedure, as well as the ones trained with different regularization methods. When compared to the models learned from peer networks or teacher networks, our models also show competitive performance and requires neither peers nor teachers.

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Having access to multi-modal cues (e.g. vision and audio) empowers some cognitive tasks to be done faster compared to learning from a single modality. In this work, we propose to transfer knowledge across heterogeneous modalities, even though these data modalities may not be semantically correlated. Rather than directly aligning the representations of different modalities, we compose audio, image, and video representations across modalities to uncover richer multi-modal knowledge. Our main idea is to learn a compositional embedding that closes the cross-modal semantic gap and captures the task-relevant semantics, which facilitates pulling together representations across modalities by compositional contrastive learning. We establish a new, comprehensive multi-modal distillation benchmark on three video datasets: UCF101, ActivityNet, and VGGSound. Moreover, we demonstrate that our model significantly outperforms a variety of existing knowledge distillation methods in transferring audio-visual knowledge to improve video representation learning. Code is released here:
Existing online knowledge distillation approaches either adopt the student with the best performance or construct an ensemble model for better holistic performance. However, the former strategy ignores other students information, while the latter increases the computational complexity. In this paper, we propose a novel method for online knowledge distillation, termed FFSD, which comprises two key components: Feature Fusion and Self-Distillation, towards solving the above problems in a unified framework. Different from previous works, where all students are treated equally, the proposed FFSD splits them into a student leader and a common student set. Then, the feature fusion module converts the concatenation of feature maps from all common students into a fused feature map. The fused representation is used to assist the learning of the student leader. To enable the student leader to absorb more diverse information, we design an enhancement strategy to increase the diversity among students. Besides, a self-distillation module is adopted to convert the feature map of deeper layers into a shallower one. Then, the shallower layers are encouraged to mimic the transformed feature maps of the deeper layers, which helps the students to generalize better. After training, we simply adopt the student leader, which achieves superior performance, over the common students, without increasing the storage or inference cost. Extensive experiments on CIFAR-100 and ImageNet demonstrate the superiority of our FFSD over existing works. The code is available at
Knowledge distillation transfers knowledge from the teacher network to the student one, with the goal of greatly improving the performance of the student network. Previous methods mostly focus on proposing feature transformation and loss functions between the same levels features to improve the effectiveness. We differently study the factor of connection path cross levels between teacher and student networks, and reveal its great importance. For the first time in knowledge distillation, cross-stage connection paths are proposed. Our new review mechanism is effective and structurally simple. Our finally designed nested and compact framework requires negligible computation overhead, and outperforms other methods on a variety of tasks. We apply our method to classification, object detection, and instance segmentation tasks. All of them witness significant student network performance improvement. Code is available at
Attributes of sound inherent to objects can provide valuable cues to learn rich representations for object detection and tracking. Furthermore, the co-occurrence of audiovisual events in videos can be exploited to localize objects over the image field by solely monitoring the sound in the environment. Thus far, this has only been feasible in scenarios where the camera is static and for single object detection. Moreover, the robustness of these methods has been limited as they primarily rely on RGB images which are highly susceptible to illumination and weather changes. In this work, we present the novel self-supervised MM-DistillNet framework consisting of multiple teachers that leverage diverse modalities including RGB, depth and thermal images, to simultaneously exploit complementary cues and distill knowledge into a single audio student network. We propose the new MTA loss function that facilitates the distillation of information from multimodal teachers in a self-supervised manner. Additionally, we propose a novel self-supervised pretext task for the audio student that enables us to not rely on labor-intensive manual annotations. We introduce a large-scale multimodal dataset with over 113,000 time-synchronized frames of RGB, depth, thermal, and audio modalities. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our approach outperforms state-of-the-art methods while being able to detect multiple objects using only sound during inference and even while moving.
Previous Online Knowledge Distillation (OKD) often carries out mutually exchanging probability distributions, but neglects the useful representational knowledge. We therefore propose Multi-view Contrastive Learning (MCL) for OKD to implicitly capture correlations of feature embeddings encoded by multiple peer networks, which provide various views for understanding the input data instances. Benefiting from MCL, we can learn a more discriminative representation space for classification than previous OKD methods. Experimental results on image classification demonstrate that our MCL-OKD outperforms other state-of-the-art OKD methods by large margins without sacrificing additional inference cost. Codes are available at

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